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[1.12.2] The method setUnlocalizedName(String) is undefined for the type ItemBase

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Greetings Modding Veterans,

I just began to learn the ancient craft of Minecraft Modding but stumbled across an Error I found no entries in the scrolls of the internet to. As in the title already mentioned the Error is at the method 


in the same location I also have 


but both without complications. 

Unfortunately the Eclipse quick fix doesn't suggest anything here, so I'm a bit in a fix here...


May some competent hero save my lost soul in this case and tell me, what my mistake here is? 


Don't use ItemBase, there is already an ItemBase, it's called Item.

In fact if you are watching some youtube tutorial I will have to stop you right there since they are all extremely terrible. You are honestly better off learning on your own compared to using them.

As for the issue - you are likely using the newer mappings where the method got renamed to setTranslationKey or something along those lines.

1 minute ago, V0idWa1k3r said:

In fact if you are watching some youtube tutorial I will have to stop you right there since they are all extremely terrible

Well, that has to be my mistake.


1 minute ago, V0idWa1k3r said:

You are honestly better off learning on your own compared to using them.

Can you give me tips on how to do that?

1 hour ago, V0idWa1k3r said:

Well, there are forge's docs which are not a tutorial but are still useful to read when you are having issues



In addition there are some modding examples here and there, like @Cadiboo's example mod


Also feel free to ask here of course if you are having an issue you can't resolve or something.

Ok, I looked at them. But where exactly should I start to learn? It's just too much information at once. 


Also: should I open up a new thread for this?


Start by making a simple mod following the examples and understanding them - they are documented after all(so don't just blindly copy code, actually try to understand what it does), then build upon it, gradually adding more complex features.

That's how I would do that anyway.


1.13.2 tutorials: https://cadiboo.github.io/tutorials/1.13.2/forge/

6 hours ago, LaRoso said:

My Problem is: even the ExampleMod is too complex O.o 

If you have specific questions feel free to ask them here

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/28/2019 at 4:54 AM, Cadiboo said:

If you have specific questions feel free to ask them here

Am I also allowed to ask them here: 

? :D 

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