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I have a tile entity that looks for json crafting recipes like the furnace does, but it won't work. The function in my tile entity

IRecipe irecipe = this.world.getRecipeManager().getRecipe(new RecipeWrapper(this.inv, 0, 0), this.world, SoulMagic.SOUL_INFUSING_TYPE);

is returning null no matter what the items in the inventory are. I found the method in TileEntityFurnace.java, and I am using an item capability. (I need the RecipeWrapper to "wrap" it from capabilities to IInventory).



public void tick() {
	if(!this.world.isRemote) {
		if(!this.inv.getStackInSlot(9).isEmpty() && this.inv.getStackInSlot(9).getCapability(SoulManager.SOUL_CAPABILITY).isPresent()) {
			if(!this.inv.getStackInSlot(8).isEmpty()) {
				IRecipe irecipe = this.world.getRecipeManager().getRecipe(new RecipeWrapper(this.inv, 0, 0), this.world, SoulMagic.SOUL_INFUSING_TYPE);



I have all the conditionals met and it spams "null" in my terminal.

SoulMagic: (My main mod java class)


public static final IRecipeSerializer<SoulInfuserRecipe> SOUL_INFUSING = RecipeSerializers.register(new SoulInfuserRecipe.Serializer());
public static final RecipeType<SoulInfuserRecipe> SOUL_INFUSING_TYPE = RecipeType.get(new ResourceLocation(Reference.MOD_ID, "soul_infusing"), SoulInfuserRecipe.class);


I don't know where else to put it, I couldn't find an event for it easily.

SoulInfuserRecipe and SoulInfuserRecipe.Serializer:


public class SoulInfuserRecipe implements IRecipe {

	private ResourceLocation id;
	private NonNullList<Ingredient> inputs;
	private Spell spell;
	public SoulInfuserRecipe(ResourceLocation id, NonNullList<Ingredient> inputs, Spell spell) {
		this.id = id;
		this.inputs = inputs;
		this.spell = spell;
	public boolean matches(IInventory inv, World worldIn) {
      //It's just true atm to see if there's anyway to make it work somewhat, but it still doesn't with true
		return true;

	public ItemStack getCraftingResult(IInventory inv) {
      //Making it return something random just to see if does do something
		return new ItemStack(Items.ACACIA_BOAT);

	public boolean canFit(int width, int height) {
		return true;

	public ItemStack getRecipeOutput() {
       //Making it return something random just to see if does do something
		return new ItemStack(Items.ACACIA_BOAT);
	public NonNullList<Ingredient> getIngredients() {
		return this.inputs;
	public boolean isDynamic() {
		return true;

	public ResourceLocation getId() {
		return this.id;

	public IRecipeSerializer<?> getSerializer() {
		return SoulMagic.SOUL_INFUSING;
	public static class Serializer implements IRecipeSerializer<SoulInfuserRecipe> {

		private static final ResourceLocation NAME = new ResourceLocation(Reference.MOD_ID, "soul_infusing");
          //After debugging I know this method works for a fact
		public SoulInfuserRecipe read(ResourceLocation recipeId, JsonObject json) {
			String spellS = JsonUtils.getString(json, "spell");
			IForgeRegistry<Spell> registry = GameRegistry.findRegistry(Spell.class);
			Spell s = registry.getValue(new ResourceLocation(spellS));
			NonNullList<Ingredient> inputs = readIngredients(JsonUtils.getJsonArray(json, "ingredients"));
			return new SoulInfuserRecipe(recipeId, inputs, s);
		private static NonNullList<Ingredient> readIngredients(JsonArray array) {
			NonNullList<Ingredient> nonnulllist = NonNullList.create();

			for(int i = 0; i < array.size(); ++i) {
				Ingredient ingredient = Ingredient.fromJson(array.get(i));
				if (!ingredient.hasNoMatchingItems()) {
			return nonnulllist;

      //I don't know when this gets called
		public SoulInfuserRecipe read(ResourceLocation recipeId, PacketBuffer buffer) {
			int i = buffer.readVarInt();
			NonNullList<Ingredient> inputs = NonNullList.withSize(i, Ingredient.EMPTY);
			for(int j = 0; j < inputs.size(); j++) {
				inputs.set(j, Ingredient.fromBuffer(buffer));

			IForgeRegistry<Spell> registry = GameRegistry.findRegistry(Spell.class);
			Spell s = registry.getValue(buffer.readResourceLocation());
			return new SoulInfuserRecipe(recipeId, inputs, s);

      //Same here
		public void write(PacketBuffer buffer, SoulInfuserRecipe recipe) {
			for(Ingredient i : recipe.getIngredients()) {

		public ResourceLocation getName() {
			return NAME;


As stated, the json is being imported correctly.



  "type": "soulmagic:soul_infusing",
  "spell": "soulmagic:flaming_touch",
  "ingredients": [
      "item": "minecraft:magma_block"
      "item": "minecraft:stone"
      "item": "minecraft:flint_and_steel"
      "item": "minecraft:stone"
      "item": "minecraft:magma_block"
      "item": "minecraft:stone"
      "item": "minecraft:flint_and_steel"
      "item": "minecraft:stone"


What the tileentity does is it adds something (a "spell") to another item's capability in the tileentity. That's why there's going to be no real "output". the "output" is the spell that the tileentity will add if there is a "recipe". I want json support with my mod. I don't know if my logic here is good or not.

I have forge 1.13.2-25.0.215. I don't have github quite yet.


Edit: I have tried to make the recipe wrapper an instance variable only created once, but that still doesn't work.

Edited by RainbowLuigi281

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