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I encountered the exception ticking world crash on Forge 2836. I read previously that 2836 fixed this issue. This crash has happened every time I run the server, usually within a few minutes of it starting. Attached are the crash log and debug logs. I also attached a PDF of an Excel spreadsheet of all mods along with their versions. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help fix this problem. All of my mods, with the exception of a profiler, are from Curse.


I cannot attach the logs to PasteBin or this site because they are too big. I hosted them elsewhere.


Thank you in advance.


Crash log: https://www.untolddestiny.com/downloads/crashes/crash-2019-06-29_05.20.03-server.txt

Debug log (quite large): https://www.untolddestiny.com/downloads/crashes/debug.log

Mod list (PDF): https://www.untolddestiny.com/downloads/crashes/FullModList.pdf


Posted (edited)

Thanks for the replies! I'm a bit confused, though... is it a mod issue or a Forge issue? There are two separate mods that my server uses to water crops so I could ask the developers of those mods to look at this issue. If it is a Forge issue should I just wait for it to be fixed in the next version?


I don't want to trouble the wrong developers with this bug. Would it be helpful if I posted my crash log on this open issue? https://github.com/SpongePowered/SpongeForge/issues/2831  They asked for it to be replicated without SpongeForge, which I believe my crash logs indicate.

Edited by UntoldForce
open issue

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