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Posted (edited)


I am trying to write a small coremod for my 1.12.2 private server to disable the "Moved wrongly" and maybe the "Moved too quickly" checks in NetHandlerPlayServer, as it is very buggy with Psi's Blink-spell, just teleports you back constantly.


First of all, I know this is a security risk because of hacking, but as I said, it's a private server so I don't care about that.

Second, I sadly don't have much experience in modding Minecraft and especially not in bytecode and that sort of stuff in Java.


So I got most of the code from this post and just tried to update it for 1.12.2.

But according to the printlns I added in analyzeClass the methods I need to patch (processVehicleMove and processPlayer) aren't even scanned through.

So I don't know if I'm doing the scanning wrong or if there is something else.

Everything else seems to work, the mod is loaded and is shown in the Mods-section as expected, so the error must be in this class.


Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks : )


package rsge.mods.blinkfixer.asm;

import org.objectweb.asm.ClassReader;
import org.objectweb.asm.ClassWriter;
import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes;
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.AbstractInsnNode;
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.ClassNode;
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.InsnList;
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.JumpInsnNode;
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.LabelNode;
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.LdcInsnNode;
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.MethodNode;

import net.minecraft.launchwrapper.IClassTransformer;

 * Removes the "Moved Wrongly" checks from {@link net.minecraft.network.NetHandlerPlayServer}
 * @author Rsge
public class NetHandlerPlayServerTransformer implements IClassTransformer
	private static enum MovedWronglyState

	 * Before: LDC2_W 0.0625 DCMPL IFLE <label> (code to execute if the value was greater) After: LDC2_W 0.0625 DCMPL IFLE <label> GOTO <same label> (code that
	 * no longer ever gets executed) I leave the IFLE in just so the DCMPL result gets popped off the stack
	private boolean disableMovedWrongly(MethodNode node)
		MovedWronglyState state = MovedWronglyState.FIND_LDC;
		InsnList insnList = node.instructions;
		AbstractInsnNode insn = insnList.getFirst();
		AbstractInsnNode patchTarget = null;
		LabelNode gotoLabel = null;

		while (insn != null && state != MovedWronglyState.DONE)
			switch (state)
			case FIND_LDC:
				if (insn.getOpcode() == Opcodes.LDC)
					Object value = ((LdcInsnNode) insn).cst;
					// 0.0625 is 1/16, which can be perfectly represented by a float (power of two denominator)
					if (value instanceof Double && ((Double) value).doubleValue() == 0.0625)
						state = MovedWronglyState.FIND_DCMPL;


			case FIND_DCMPL:
				if (insn.getOpcode() == Opcodes.DCMPL)
					state = MovedWronglyState.FIND_IFLE;
					state = MovedWronglyState.FIND_LDC;

			case FIND_IFLE:
				if (insn.getOpcode() == Opcodes.IFLE)
					state = MovedWronglyState.DONE;
					gotoLabel = ((JumpInsnNode) insn).label;
					patchTarget = insn;
					state = MovedWronglyState.FIND_LDC;
			case DONE:
			insn = insn.getNext();

		if (state == MovedWronglyState.DONE)
			applyGotoPatch(insnList, gotoLabel, patchTarget);
			return true;
			return false;


	/* ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— */

	private static enum MovedTooQuicklyState

	 * Before: LDC2_W 100.0 DCMPL IFLE <label> (code to execute if the value was greater) After: LDC2_W 100.0 DCMPL IFLE <label> GOTO <same label> (code that no
	 * longer ever gets executed) As above, I leave the IFLE in so the DCMPL result gets popped off the stack
	private boolean disableMovedTooQuickly(MethodNode node)
		MovedTooQuicklyState state = MovedTooQuicklyState.FIND_LDC;
		InsnList insnList = node.instructions;
		AbstractInsnNode insn = insnList.getFirst();
		AbstractInsnNode patchTarget = null;
		LabelNode gotoLabel = null;

		while (insn != null && state != MovedTooQuicklyState.DONE)
			switch (state)
			case FIND_LDC:
				if (insn.getOpcode() == Opcodes.LDC)
					Object value = ((LdcInsnNode) insn).cst;
					if (value instanceof Double && ((Double) value).doubleValue() == 100.0)
						state = MovedTooQuicklyState.FIND_DCMPL;

			case FIND_DCMPL:
				if (insn.getOpcode() == Opcodes.DCMPL)
					state = MovedTooQuicklyState.FIND_IFLE;
					state = MovedTooQuicklyState.FIND_LDC;

			case FIND_IFLE:
				if (insn.getOpcode() == Opcodes.IFLE)
					state = MovedTooQuicklyState.DONE;
					gotoLabel = ((JumpInsnNode) insn).label;
					patchTarget = insn;
					state = MovedTooQuicklyState.FIND_LDC;
			case DONE:

			insn = insn.getNext();

		if (state == MovedTooQuicklyState.DONE)
			applyGotoPatch(insnList, gotoLabel, patchTarget);
			return true;
			return false;


	/* ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— */

	private void applyGotoPatch(InsnList instr, LabelNode lbl, AbstractInsnNode trg)
		instr.insert(trg, generatePatch(lbl));

	private InsnList generatePatch(LabelNode lbl)
		InsnList list = new InsnList();
		list.add(new JumpInsnNode(Opcodes.GOTO, lbl));
		return list;

	/* ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— */

	private boolean analyzeClass(ClassNode node)
		boolean successVehicleMove = false;
		boolean successProcessPlayer = false;

		for (MethodNode method : node.methods)
			System.out.println("Method: " + method.name);
			// Method processVehicleMove
			if (method.name.equals("a") && method.desc.equals("(Lll;)V"))
				successVehicleMove = disableMovedTooQuickly(method) && disableMovedWrongly(method);
			// Method processPlayer
			if (method.name.equals("a") && method.desc.equals("(Llk;)V"))
				successProcessPlayer = disableMovedTooQuickly(method) && disableMovedWrongly(method);
		if (!(successVehicleMove && successProcessPlayer))
			System.out.println("Unabled to find method to patch");
		return successVehicleMove && successProcessPlayer;

	public byte[] transform(String name, String transname, byte[] bytes)
		if (transname.contains("net.minecraft.network"))
			System.out.println(name + "; " + transname);
		if (transname.contains("net.minecraft.network.NetHandlerPlayServer"))
			System.out.println("Class to transform: " + transname);
			ClassReader reader = new ClassReader(bytes);
			ClassNode node = new ClassNode();
			reader.accept(node, 0);

			if (analyzeClass(node))
				ClassWriter writer = new ClassWriter(ClassWriter.COMPUTE_MAXS | ClassWriter.COMPUTE_FRAMES);
				bytes = writer.toByteArray();
				System.out.println("Failed to patch methods");
		return bytes;


Edited by Rsge

Thats not going to work, thats extremely old code targeted at a very old version. If you don't already know how to write a coremod, don't. You need to have extensive knowledge of ASM, IJVM code and how the JVM works to write a coremod.


9 hours ago, Rsge said:

as it is very buggy with Psi's Blink-spell

Tell the author to fix this issue then.

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Posted (edited)
6 hours ago, Cadiboo said:

thats extremely old code targeted at a very old version.

That's why I'm trying to update it so it does work.


6 hours ago, Cadiboo said:

Tell the author to fix this issue then. 

I don't think Vazkii will disable these checks as they have their security reasons.

Also, it seems to be different on different servers/modpacks, as another 1.12.2-modpack I played didn't have this issue - at least not as bad as in the other pack.

So I don't think this is necessarily a bug in Psi itself... - I'll report it regardless, if he still does 1.12.2-fixes...

Edited by Rsge

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