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Minecraft Forge Server MacOS Problem


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I am trying to create a modded Minecraft Forge server so I could play with my friends. I watched every video on how to make a modded Minecraft server using Forge on a Mac and they do not seem to have any problems at all, but unfortunately the terminal can not run the forge jar and is giving me error messages which will be provided below. The reason why I prefer using the terminal instead of the provided Minecraft server jar provided by the official Minecraft website is because the SpongeForge mod disables the GUI as far as I know. But anyways, here are the information:

I am currently using a 2018 Macbook Pro 15.


  • CPU

    • 2.2 GHz Intel Core i7

  • RAM

    • 16GB 2400mHz DDR4

  • GPU

    • Radeon Pro 555X 4GB
    • Intel UHD Graphics 630 1536 MB


I also installed the recommended Java version - Java 8 Update 221.


Here's what's inside my start.command

cd "$(dirname "$0")"
exec java -Xms1G -Xmx1G -jar forge-1.12.2- nogui


and Here's the log on my terminal when i try to run the start.command:

Last login: Thu Jul 18 00:22:03 on ttys000
Keiths-MacBook-Pro:~ keithphilippe$ /Users/keithphilippe/Desktop/Modded/Server/start.command ; exit;
A problem occurred running the Server launcher.java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
	at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
	at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62)
	at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
	at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:567)
	at net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.ServerLaunchWrapper.run(ServerLaunchWrapper.java:70)
	at net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.ServerLaunchWrapper.main(ServerLaunchWrapper.java:34)
Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: class jdk.internal.loader.ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader cannot be cast to class java.net.URLClassLoader (jdk.internal.loader.ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader and java.net.URLClassLoader are in module java.base of loader 'bootstrap')
	at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.<init>(Launch.java:34)
	at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main(Launch.java:28)
	... 6 more
Saving session...
...copying shared history...
...saving history...truncating history files...

[Process completed]



I hope someone can help me fix this problem. Thanks in advance.

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2 hours ago, uiytt said:

okay so can you show us what you have in your server folder ?

This is irrelevant.


You need to use Java 8 to launch any pre-1.13 Forge version.

This is my Forum Signature, I am currently attempting to transform it into a small guide for fixing easier issues using spoiler blocks to keep things tidy.


As the most common issue I feel I should put this outside the main bulk:

The only official source for Forge is https://files.minecraftforge.net, and the only site I trust for getting mods is CurseForge.

If you use any site other than these, please take a look at the StopModReposts project and install their browser extension, I would also advise running a virus scan.


For players asking for assistance with Forge please expand the spoiler below and read the appropriate section(s) in its/their entirety.


Logs (Most issues require logs to diagnose):


Please post logs using one of the following sites (Thank you Lumber Wizard for the list):

https://gist.github.com/100MB Requires member (Free)

https://pastebin.com/: 512KB as guest, 10MB as Pro ($$$)

https://hastebin.com/: 400KB

Do NOT use sites like Mediafire, Dropbox, OneDrive, Google Drive, or a site that has a countdown before offering downloads.


What to provide:

...for Crashes and Runtime issues:

Minecraft 1.14.4 and newer:

Post debug.log

Older versions:

Please update...


...for Installer Issues:

Post your installer log, found in the same place you ran the installer

This log will be called either installer.log or named the same as the installer but with .log on the end

Note for Windows users:

Windows hides file extensions by default so the installer may appear without the .jar extension then when the .log is added the log will appear with the .jar extension


Where to get it:

Mojang Launcher: When using the Mojang launcher debug.log is found in .minecraft\logs.


Curse/Overwolf: If you are using the Curse Launcher, their configurations break Forge's log settings, fortunately there is an easier workaround than I originally thought, this works even with Curse's installation of the Minecraft launcher as long as it is not launched THROUGH Twitch:

  1. Make sure you have the correct version of Forge installed (some packs are heavily dependent on one specific build of Forge)
  2. Make a launcher profile targeting this version of Forge.
  3. Set the launcher profile's GameDir property to the pack's instance folder (not the instances folder, the folder that has the pack's name on it).
  4. Now launch the pack through that profile and follow the "Mojang Launcher" instructions above.






or alternately, 


Fallback ("No logs are generated"):

If you don't see logs generated in the usual place, provide the launcher_log.txt from .minecraft


Server Not Starting:


If your server does not start or a command window appears and immediately goes away, run the jar manually and provide the output.


Reporting Illegal/Inappropriate Adfocus Ads:


Get a screenshot of the URL bar or copy/paste the whole URL into a thread on the General Discussion board with a description of the Ad.

Lex will need the Ad ID contained in that URL to report it to Adfocus' support team.


Posting your mod as a GitHub Repo:


When you have an issue with your mod the most helpful thing you can do when asking for help is to provide your code to those helping you. The most convenient way to do this is via GitHub or another source control hub.

When setting up a GitHub Repo it might seem easy to just upload everything, however this method has the potential for mistakes that could lead to trouble later on, it is recommended to use a Git client or to get comfortable with the Git command line. The following instructions will use the Git Command Line and as such they assume you already have it installed and that you have created a repository.


  1. Open a command prompt (CMD, Powershell, Terminal, etc).
  2. Navigate to the folder you extracted Forge’s MDK to (the one that had all the licenses in).
  3. Run the following commands:
    1. git init
    2. git remote add origin [Your Repository's URL]
      • In the case of GitHub it should look like: https://GitHub.com/[Your Username]/[Repo Name].git
    3. git fetch
    4. git checkout --track origin/master
    5. git stage *
    6. git commit -m "[Your commit message]"
    7. git push
  4. Navigate to GitHub and you should now see most of the files.
    • note that it is intentional that some are not synced with GitHub and this is done with the (hidden) .gitignore file that Forge’s MDK has provided (hence the strictness on which folder git init is run from)
  5. Now you can share your GitHub link with those who you are asking for help.

[Workaround line, please ignore]


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6 minutes ago, diesieben07 said:

The log shows you are using Java 9 or above.

I do not currently have my laptop with me right now, but yesterday I just checked the Java version on my Mac via the System Preferences and it said that I was using Java 8u221. But if the log said that I am still using Java 9, I'll try to uninstall that version once I can have access to my laptop ASAP and send another update from you guys.

Hopefully this will fix the problem.

Edited by R3VOLVR
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4 hours ago, R3VOLVR said:

I do not currently have my laptop with me right now, but yesterday I just checked the Java version on my Mac via the System Preferences and it said that I was using Java 8u221. But if the log said that I am still using Java 9, I'll try to uninstall that version once I can have access to my laptop ASAP and send another update from you guys.

Hopefully this will fix the problem.

Unfortunately, I do not know how to uninstall Java 9 at the moment, but here's a screenshot of my current version of Java:


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8 minutes ago, diesieben07 said:

What matters is that java on the command line is somehow bound to Java 9 (or above).

You can specify the full path to the java executable instead to force Java 8.

So I reinstalled Java 8 again and the problem still persists. Is there a way you can help me do what's needed to be done? Do I need to change what's written in the start.command?

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  • 1 month later...
  • 10 months later...

Had the same problem. Running macOS Catalina 10.15.6. Installed Java 8 from Oracle's website, as suggested in this post. However, it's true that even after installing java 8, the "java" command still links to the built-in installed java.


This can be checked by typing 

java -version

Which outputs java version "14.0.2" 2020-07-14


You can also see where the binary is by typing 

whereis java

Result: /usr/bin/java


After a bit of searching, the Java 8 binary, on the Mac, when installed from Oracle, is at:

/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin/Contents/Home/bin/java


This is the correct binary, as shown by checking the version:

"/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin/Contents/Home/bin/./java" -version

Result: java version "1.8.0_261"


Here is my working startup script:

cd "$(dirname "$0")"
"/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin/Contents/Home/bin/./java" -Xms4G -Xmx4G -jar forge-1.12.2-

Note that you need to either quote the path or escape the space.


Hope it helps


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1.12 is no longer supported on this forum.

Please update to a modern version of Minecraft to receive support.

This is my Forum Signature, I am currently attempting to transform it into a small guide for fixing easier issues using spoiler blocks to keep things tidy.


As the most common issue I feel I should put this outside the main bulk:

The only official source for Forge is https://files.minecraftforge.net, and the only site I trust for getting mods is CurseForge.

If you use any site other than these, please take a look at the StopModReposts project and install their browser extension, I would also advise running a virus scan.


For players asking for assistance with Forge please expand the spoiler below and read the appropriate section(s) in its/their entirety.


Logs (Most issues require logs to diagnose):


Please post logs using one of the following sites (Thank you Lumber Wizard for the list):

https://gist.github.com/100MB Requires member (Free)

https://pastebin.com/: 512KB as guest, 10MB as Pro ($$$)

https://hastebin.com/: 400KB

Do NOT use sites like Mediafire, Dropbox, OneDrive, Google Drive, or a site that has a countdown before offering downloads.


What to provide:

...for Crashes and Runtime issues:

Minecraft 1.14.4 and newer:

Post debug.log

Older versions:

Please update...


...for Installer Issues:

Post your installer log, found in the same place you ran the installer

This log will be called either installer.log or named the same as the installer but with .log on the end

Note for Windows users:

Windows hides file extensions by default so the installer may appear without the .jar extension then when the .log is added the log will appear with the .jar extension


Where to get it:

Mojang Launcher: When using the Mojang launcher debug.log is found in .minecraft\logs.


Curse/Overwolf: If you are using the Curse Launcher, their configurations break Forge's log settings, fortunately there is an easier workaround than I originally thought, this works even with Curse's installation of the Minecraft launcher as long as it is not launched THROUGH Twitch:

  1. Make sure you have the correct version of Forge installed (some packs are heavily dependent on one specific build of Forge)
  2. Make a launcher profile targeting this version of Forge.
  3. Set the launcher profile's GameDir property to the pack's instance folder (not the instances folder, the folder that has the pack's name on it).
  4. Now launch the pack through that profile and follow the "Mojang Launcher" instructions above.






or alternately, 


Fallback ("No logs are generated"):

If you don't see logs generated in the usual place, provide the launcher_log.txt from .minecraft


Server Not Starting:


If your server does not start or a command window appears and immediately goes away, run the jar manually and provide the output.


Reporting Illegal/Inappropriate Adfocus Ads:


Get a screenshot of the URL bar or copy/paste the whole URL into a thread on the General Discussion board with a description of the Ad.

Lex will need the Ad ID contained in that URL to report it to Adfocus' support team.


Posting your mod as a GitHub Repo:


When you have an issue with your mod the most helpful thing you can do when asking for help is to provide your code to those helping you. The most convenient way to do this is via GitHub or another source control hub.

When setting up a GitHub Repo it might seem easy to just upload everything, however this method has the potential for mistakes that could lead to trouble later on, it is recommended to use a Git client or to get comfortable with the Git command line. The following instructions will use the Git Command Line and as such they assume you already have it installed and that you have created a repository.


  1. Open a command prompt (CMD, Powershell, Terminal, etc).
  2. Navigate to the folder you extracted Forge’s MDK to (the one that had all the licenses in).
  3. Run the following commands:
    1. git init
    2. git remote add origin [Your Repository's URL]
      • In the case of GitHub it should look like: https://GitHub.com/[Your Username]/[Repo Name].git
    3. git fetch
    4. git checkout --track origin/master
    5. git stage *
    6. git commit -m "[Your commit message]"
    7. git push
  4. Navigate to GitHub and you should now see most of the files.
    • note that it is intentional that some are not synced with GitHub and this is done with the (hidden) .gitignore file that Forge’s MDK has provided (hence the strictness on which folder git init is run from)
  5. Now you can share your GitHub link with those who you are asking for help.

[Workaround line, please ignore]


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~[AdditionalStructures-1.20.x-(v.4.2.2).jar%23401!/:4.2.2] {re:classloading} at xxrexraptorxx.additionalstructures.utils.Events.SupporterRewards(Events.java:86) ~[AdditionalStructures-1.20.x-(v.4.2.2).jar%23401!/:4.2.2] {re:classloading} at xxrexraptorxx.additionalstructures.utils.__Events_SupporterRewards_PlayerLoggedInEvent.invoke(.dynamic) ~[AdditionalStructures-1.20.x-(v.4.2.2).jar%23401!/:4.2.2] {re:classloading,pl:eventbus:B} at net.minecraftforge.eventbus.ASMEventHandler.invoke(ASMEventHandler.java:73) ~[eventbus-6.0.5.jar%2352!/:?] {} at net.minecraftforge.eventbus.EventBus.post(EventBus.java:315) ~[eventbus-6.0.5.jar%2352!/:?] {} at net.minecraftforge.eventbus.EventBus.post(EventBus.java:296) ~[eventbus-6.0.5.jar%2352!/:?] {} at net.minecraftforge.event.ForgeEventFactory.firePlayerLoggedIn(ForgeEventFactory.java:875) ~[forge-1.20.1-47.3.0-universal.jar%23694!/:?] {re:mixin,re:classloading,pl:mixin:A} at net.minecraft.server.players.PlayerList.m_11261_(PlayerList.java:261) ~[server-1.20.1-20230612.114412-srg.jar%23689!/:?] {re:mixin,pl:accesstransformer:B,re:classloading,pl:accesstransformer:B,pl:mixin:A} at net.minecraft.server.network.ServerLoginPacketListenerImpl.m_143699_(ServerLoginPacketListenerImpl.java:139) ~[server-1.20.1-20230612.114412-srg.jar%23689!/:?] {re:mixin,pl:accesstransformer:B,re:classloading,pl:accesstransformer:B,pl:mixin:APP:krypton.mixins.json:shared.network.pipeline.encryption.ServerLoginNetworkHandlerMixin,pl:mixin:APP:connectivity.mixins.json:ServerLoginNetHandlerMixin,pl:mixin:A} at net.minecraft.server.network.ServerLoginPacketListenerImpl.m_10055_(ServerLoginPacketListenerImpl.java:126) ~[server-1.20.1-20230612.114412-srg.jar%23689!/:?] {re:mixin,pl:accesstransformer:B,re:classloading,pl:accesstransformer:B,pl:mixin:APP:krypton.mixins.json:shared.network.pipeline.encryption.ServerLoginNetworkHandlerMixin,pl:mixin:APP:connectivity.mixins.json:ServerLoginNetHandlerMixin,pl:mixin:A} at net.minecraft.server.network.ServerLoginPacketListenerImpl.m_9933_(ServerLoginPacketListenerImpl.java:70) ~[server-1.20.1-20230612.114412-srg.jar%23689!/:?] {re:mixin,pl:accesstransformer:B,re:classloading,pl:accesstransformer:B,pl:mixin:APP:krypton.mixins.json:shared.network.pipeline.encryption.ServerLoginNetworkHandlerMixin,pl:mixin:APP:connectivity.mixins.json:ServerLoginNetHandlerMixin,pl:mixin:A} at net.minecraft.network.Connection.m_129483_(Connection.java:263) ~[server-1.20.1-20230612.114412-srg.jar%23689!/:?] {re:mixin,re:classloading,pl:mixin:APP:connectivity.mixins.json:AdvancedPacketErrorLogging,pl:mixin:APP:krypton.mixins.json:shared.network.flushconsolidation.ClientConnectionMixin,pl:mixin:APP:krypton.mixins.json:shared.network.pipeline.compression.ClientConnectionMixin,pl:mixin:APP:krypton.mixins.json:shared.network.pipeline.encryption.ClientConnectionMixin,pl:mixin:APP:connectivity.mixins.json:ConnectionErrorMixin,pl:mixin:APP:connectivity.mixins.json:NetworkManagerMixin,pl:mixin:A} at net.minecraft.server.network.ServerConnectionListener.m_9721_(ServerConnectionListener.java:142) ~[server-1.20.1-20230612.114412-srg.jar%23689!/:?] {re:mixin,re:classloading} at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.m_5703_(MinecraftServer.java:907) ~[server-1.20.1-20230612.114412-srg.jar%23689!/:?] {re:mixin,pl:accesstransformer:B,re:computing_frames,pl:accesstransformer:B,re:classloading,pl:accesstransformer:B,pl:mixin:APP:modernfix-common.mixins.json:core.MinecraftServerMixin,pl:mixin:APP:modernfix-common.mixins.json:perf.dedicated_reload_executor.MinecraftServerMixin,pl:mixin:APP:balm.mixins.json:MinecraftServerMixin,pl:mixin:APP:neruina.mixins.json:MinecraftServerMixin,pl:mixin:A} at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.m_5703_(DedicatedServer.java:283) ~[server-1.20.1-20230612.114412-srg.jar%23689!/:?] {re:mixin,pl:accesstransformer:B,re:computing_frames,pl:accesstransformer:B,re:classloading,pl:accesstransformer:B,pl:mixin:APP:lithostitched.mixins.json:server.DedicatedServerMixin,pl:mixin:APP:mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json:server.MixinDedicatedServer,pl:mixin:APP:tombstone.mixins.json:DedicatedServerMixin,pl:mixin:A} at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.m_5705_(MinecraftServer.java:814) ~[server-1.20.1-20230612.114412-srg.jar%23689!/:?] {re:mixin,pl:accesstransformer:B,re:computing_frames,pl:accesstransformer:B,re:classloading,pl:accesstransformer:B,pl:mixin:APP:modernfix-common.mixins.json:core.MinecraftServerMixin,pl:mixin:APP:modernfix-common.mixins.json:perf.dedicated_reload_executor.MinecraftServerMixin,pl:mixin:APP:balm.mixins.json:MinecraftServerMixin,pl:mixin:APP:neruina.mixins.json:MinecraftServerMixin,pl:mixin:A} at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.m_130011_(MinecraftServer.java:661) ~[server-1.20.1-20230612.114412-srg.jar%23689!/:?] {re:mixin,pl:accesstransformer:B,re:computing_frames,pl:accesstransformer:B,re:classloading,pl:accesstransformer:B,pl:mixin:APP:modernfix-common.mixins.json:core.MinecraftServerMixin,pl:mixin:APP:modernfix-common.mixins.json:perf.dedicated_reload_executor.MinecraftServerMixin,pl:mixin:APP:balm.mixins.json:MinecraftServerMixin,pl:mixin:APP:neruina.mixins.json:MinecraftServerMixin,pl:mixin:A} at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.m_206580_(MinecraftServer.java:251) ~[server-1.20.1-20230612.114412-srg.jar%23689!/:?] {re:mixin,pl:accesstransformer:B,re:computing_frames,pl:accesstransformer:B,re:classloading,pl:accesstransformer:B,pl:mixin:APP:modernfix-common.mixins.json:core.MinecraftServerMixin,pl:mixin:APP:modernfix-common.mixins.json:perf.dedicated_reload_executor.MinecraftServerMixin,pl:mixin:APP:balm.mixins.json:MinecraftServerMixin,pl:mixin:APP:neruina.mixins.json:MinecraftServerMixin,pl:mixin:A} at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1589) ~[?:?] {re:mixin} Caused by: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError: Exception java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError [in thread " Iron Furnaces Update Checker"] at javax.crypto.Cipher.getInstance(Cipher.java:548) ~[?:?] {re:mixin} at sun.security.ssl.SSLCipher.isTransformationAvailable(SSLCipher.java:523) ~[?:?] {} at sun.security.ssl.SSLCipher.<init>(SSLCipher.java:512) ~[?:?] {} at sun.security.ssl.SSLCipher.<clinit>(SSLCipher.java:93) ~[?:?] {} at sun.security.ssl.CipherSuite.<clinit>(CipherSuite.java:65) ~[?:?] {} at sun.security.ssl.SSLContextImpl.getApplicableSupportedCipherSuites(SSLContextImpl.java:343) ~[?:?] {} at sun.security.ssl.SSLContextImpl$AbstractTLSContext.<clinit>(SSLContextImpl.java:556) ~[?:?] {} at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method) ~[?:?] {re:mixin} at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:390) ~[?:?] {re:mixin} at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:381) ~[?:?] {re:mixin} at java.security.Provider$Service.getImplClass(Provider.java:1967) ~[?:?] {} at java.security.Provider$Service.getDefaultConstructor(Provider.java:1998) ~[?:?] {} at java.security.Provider$Service.newInstanceOf(Provider.java:1912) ~[?:?] {} at java.security.Provider$Service.newInstanceUtil(Provider.java:1920) ~[?:?] {} at java.security.Provider$Service.newInstance(Provider.java:1895) ~[?:?] {} at sun.security.jca.GetInstance.getInstance(GetInstance.java:236) ~[?:?] {} at sun.security.jca.GetInstance.getInstance(GetInstance.java:164) ~[?:?] {} at javax.net.ssl.SSLContext.getInstance(SSLContext.java:185) ~[?:?] {} at javax.net.ssl.SSLContext.getDefault(SSLContext.java:110) ~[?:?] {} at javax.net.ssl.SSLSocketFactory.getDefault(SSLSocketFactory.java:83) ~[?:?] {} at javax.net.ssl.HttpsURLConnection.getDefaultSSLSocketFactory(HttpsURLConnection.java:336) ~[?:?] {} at javax.net.ssl.HttpsURLConnection.<init>(HttpsURLConnection.java:292) ~[?:?] {} at sun.net.www.protocol.https.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.&lt;init&gt;(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:81) ~[?:?] {} at sun.net.www.protocol.https.Handler.openConnection(Handler.java:62) ~[?:?] {} at sun.net.www.protocol.https.Handler.openConnection(Handler.java:57) ~[?:?] {} at java.net.URL.openConnection(URL.java:1095) ~[?:?] {re:mixin} at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1162) ~[?:?] {re:mixin} at ironfurnaces.update.ThreadUpdateChecker.run(ThreadUpdateChecker.java:30) ~[ironfurnaces-1.20.1-4.1.6.jar%23534!/:4.1.6] {re:classloading}
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