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Hi all!


When I register an entity


EntityRegistry.registerModEntity(MyAnimal.class, "OneAnimal", myAnimalID, this, trackingRange, trackingUpdateFrequency, true);


What are those two "tracking" arguments about? I thought it would be the rate at which the method EntityAnymal.onLivingUpdate would be invoked but that's not it. That method gets invoked even more often than 20 times per second (maybe it's a client/server thing and the method gets invoked once for the server and again for the client, I don't know)


I thought that if I set trackingUpdateFrequency to like 20 MyAnimal would only get it's onLivindUpdate method invoked once a second. Which is not the case.


So, what are those tracking related arguments, what's entity tracking anyway, and is it possible to make MyAnimal.onLivingUpdate to get invoked less frequently? thanks all.

WIP mods: easyautomation, easyenergy, easyelectronics, easymoney, easytrasportation, easysecurity, easymultiverse, easyfactions, easymagick, easyalchemy, easyseasons

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