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When porting my crossbow mod to SMP, I've been relatively successful except for one problem. The problem is shown in the video below, but I'll explain it anyway. Seems to be a problem with RotationYaw, although I have tried sending my own packets from the server to update it client-side with no success.





Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time.


Are you ussing default arrows?

Default arrows dont have many ticks.

Make custom arrows and put higher tick rate than default arrows.


Well in the video I have the EntityTracker set to update it every 0.05s. I've also tried lower, higher, same as the default arrow, etc with no success.


The vanilla EntityArrow Tracker Entry:

this.trackEntity(par1Entity, 64, 20, false);


Mine (currently):

MinecraftForge.registerEntity(net.minecraft.src.EntityWoodBolt.class, this, 0, 64, 5, true);


Yeah, but for an arrow it does not matter much as long as it 'looks' decent, the server will handle where it actually hits and such.  Just use interpolation to try to be as accurate as possible while lacking priority data.

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