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hello ,
i made a new tnt called godtnt, i manage to change the radius of the new tnt ,but not the damage it do (like destroying obsidian block)
i copyed BlockTNT EntitiyTNT and Explosaion to the mod ,and called them godTNT, EnitityTNTPrimedGod,GodExplosion( i changed inside them 2 everytime i saw the vanila name of the class , to the modded name )

GodExplosion had alot of errors so i had to extend it to Explosion ,example: world class useing Explosion objects and not GodExplosion


i saw in Explosion the function doExplosionA (),if i did understand ,its making an array of the blocks that going to get destoryed ,and its the only function useing the getExplosionResistance,
i tryed to change the getresistance to 0 , so no matter what block it will always be destoyed , but in the game nothing seems to change,its seems its not even useing GodExplosion class and insted its useing explosion class(even with @override)

is there a simple way to do it(without coping world class ,and the entire game lol and start changing each class )


Edited by macshower

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