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The FireBlock in Forge ist different in function to the Fire Block in Vanilla.

Details: In Vanilla wenn a Block Catch Fire the Fire will replaced only an Air Blocks on Top of burning Material.
In forge (forge-1.14.4-28.0.100)  the Fire will replace the burning Material.
In this Case Catching fire will not work correctly for  Burning Blocks ( In my Case on Oil).

Some Program Details:

In Function:  public void tick ...

TryCatchFire will be called:

this.tryCatchFire(worldIn, pos.east(), 300 + k, random, i, Direction.WEST);
            this.tryCatchFire(worldIn, pos.west(), 300 + k, random, i, Direction.EAST);
            this.tryCatchFire(worldIn, pos.down(), 250 + k, random, i, Direction.UP);
            this.tryCatchFire(worldIn, pos.up(), 250 + k, random, i, Direction.DOWN);
            this.tryCatchFire(worldIn, pos.north(), 300 + k, random, i, Direction.SOUTH);
            this.tryCatchFire(worldIn, pos.south(), 300 + k, random, i, Direction.NORTH);

In TryCatchFire Fire the Int i will be Filled with Flamability of this Block  and then te block will replaced with the fire Block;

   private void tryCatchFire(World worldIn, BlockPos pos, int chance, Random random, int age, Direction face) {
      int i = worldIn.getBlockState(pos).getFlammability(worldIn, pos, face);
      if (random.nextInt(chance) < i) {
         BlockState blockstate = worldIn.getBlockState(pos);
         if (random.nextInt(age + 10) < 5 && !worldIn.isRainingAt(pos)) {
            int j = Math.min(age + random.nextInt(5) / 4, 15);
            worldIn.setBlockState(pos, this.getStateForPlacement(worldIn, pos).with(AGE, Integer.valueOf(j)), 3);
         } else {
            worldIn.removeBlock(pos, false);

In get Flamability, the Direction is ignored:


See IForgeBlockStatre 

    default int getFlammability(IBlockReader world, BlockPos pos, Direction face)
        return getBlockState().getBlock().getFlammability(getBlockState(), world, pos, face);

And IForgeBlock

    default int getFlammability(BlockState state, IBlockReader world, BlockPos pos, Direction face)
        return ((FireBlock)Blocks.FIRE).func_220274_q(state);



To Correct Problem it rmay be nessesary to insert 2 Changes:

in In TryCatchFire it might be helpfully to Check the Block for Place a Fire must be an Air Block:


   private void tryCatchFire(World worldIn, BlockPos pos, int chance, Random random, int age, Direction face) {
     if (! worldIn.getBlockState(pos).isAir() return;
    int i = worldIn.getBlockState(pos).getFlammability(worldIn, pos, face);


in IForgeBlock Direction may be used: I Downt know if this function will be called elsewhere. So it might be nessesary to allow use direction null


    default int getFlammability(BlockState state, IBlockReader world, BlockPos pos, Direction face)

         if (face == null)
              return ((FireBlock)Blocks.FIRE).func_220274_q(state);

         Blockstate,blockstate = world.getBlockState(pos.offset(face));

         return ((FireBlock)Blocks.FIRE).func_220274_q(blockstate);




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