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[1.14.4] How to store simple information to each save?

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Posted (edited)

I have some information, just strings and ints, that I need to store to the world save. I looked into WorldSavedData, but I'm not sure whether or not this is what I am supposed to use? I am also very confused about WorldSavedData and how to use it. I'd just like to know what the best way to store this data would be and how I go about do so (beginner here). Thanks!

Edited by TeryWells

I was speaking to some people on a discord server who suggested storing a separate file in the world folder. I'd probably do json. In 1.12 there's DimensionManager#getCurrentSaveRootDirectory, is there an equivalent of this in 1.14?


Well I'll only actually set these on world creation and this way the user can go in and customize the values if they so please. But I'll take your word that that is not a good idea haha. I've been playing around with WorldCapabilityData and I'm just thoroughly confused at this point. Like I said I'm very much beginner, I imagine everything I'm doing is incorrect but here's whats going on:

public class ModData extends WorldCapabilityData {

    private final String key = Epicity.modid;
    public CompoundNBT data;

    public ModData(String name) { super(name); }

    public CompoundNBT get() {
        data.putInt("color", (int) Math.floor(Math.random() * 16777215));
        return data;

    public void read(CompoundNBT compound) {
        this.data = compound.getCompound(key);

    public CompoundNBT write(CompoundNBT compound) {
        compound.put(key, data);
        return compound;

and then 

public static ModData mapData;
private void clientRegistries(final FMLClientSetupEvent event) {
    Minecraft.getInstance().getBlockColors().register((state, worldIn, pos, tintIndex) -> mapData.get().getInt("color"), ModBlocks.blockity);
    Minecraft.getInstance().getItemColors().register((stack, tintIndex) -> mapData.get().getInt("color"), ModItems.blockity);

I don't even know if its actually saving because I get NullPointerException when I load up a world and look at the block.

Posted (edited)

Okay I have switched it over to WorldSavedData and removed using nbt. I tried using the WorldEvent.Load event to get the world, but I'm not sure to go from here.


Most people previously seem to do things with MapStorage however that doesn't exist in 1.14 apparently.



Edited by TeryWells

Took me a little while to better understand capabilities but I think I'm understanding them better now. I've written up the basics, however it doesn't seem to actually be working when I try to get and set the color integer.



public void onBlockPlacedBy(World worldIn, BlockPos pos, BlockState state, @Nullable LivingEntity placer, ItemStack stack) {
        if (!worldIn.isRemote()) {
            IModData x = ModDataUtil.getModData(worldIn);
            if (x.getColor() == 0) {
                x.setColor((int) Math.ceil(Math.random() * 16777));

            placer.sendMessage(new StringTextComponent("Color: " + x.getColor()));


public final class ModDataUtil {
    public static IModData getModData(ICapabilityProvider world) {
        return world.getCapability(ModDataCapability.INSTANCE)




public class ModDataCapability implements IModData, ICapabilitySerializable<CompoundNBT> {
    public static Capability<IModData> INSTANCE;
    public static ResourceLocation NAME = new ResourceLocation(Epicity.modid, "mod_data");

    private final LazyOptional<IModData> holder = LazyOptional.of(() -> this);

    private int color;

    public int getColor() {
        return this.color;

    public void setColor(int color) {
        this.color = color;

    public <T> LazyOptional<T> getCapability(@Nonnull Capability<T> cap, @Nullable Direction side) {
        return INSTANCE.orEmpty(cap, holder);

    public CompoundNBT serializeNBT() {
        CompoundNBT nbt = new CompoundNBT();
        nbt.putInt("color", this.color);
        return nbt;

    public void deserializeNBT(CompoundNBT nbt) {
        this.color = nbt.getInt("color");

    public static boolean canAttachTo(ICapabilityProvider obj) {
        try {
            if (obj.getCapability(INSTANCE).isPresent()) {
                return false;
        } catch (NullPointerException ex) {
            // Forge seems to be screwing up somewhere?
            Epicity.logger.error("Failed to get capabilities from {}", obj);
            return false;
        return obj instanceof World;

    public static void register() {
        CapabilityManager.INSTANCE.register(IModData.class, new Storage(), ModDataCapability::new);

    private static class Storage implements Capability.IStorage<IModData> {

        public INBT writeNBT(Capability<IModData> capability, IModData instance, Direction side) {
            if (instance instanceof ModDataCapability) {
                return ((ModDataCapability) instance).serializeNBT();
            return new CompoundNBT();

        public void readNBT(Capability<IModData> capability, IModData instance, Direction side, INBT nbt) {
            if (instance instanceof ModDataCapability) {
                ((ModDataCapability) instance).deserializeNBT((CompoundNBT) nbt);

I largely used this to write my own capability

if I removed .orElseGet(ModDataCapability::new),


gives the error Incompatible types. Required IModData but 'getCapability' was inferred to LazyOptional<T>: Not instances of type variables T exist so LazyOptional<T> conforms to IModData

Posted (edited)

Okay so I have a function to set the color to a random number if the color is equal to 0, and then get the color and print it. This is in blockity#onBlockPlacedBy. Now in the game it will print it out, but even after placing the block, which should mean color is no longer equal to 0, it still continues to randomize the value of color even though it is no longer equal to 1. 

    public void onBlockPlacedBy(World worldIn, BlockPos pos, BlockState state, @Nullable LivingEntity placer, ItemStack stack) {
        if (!worldIn.isRemote()) {
            IModData x = ModDataUtil.getModData(worldIn);
            if (x.getColor() == 0) {
                x.setColor((int) Math.ceil(Math.random() * 16777));
            placer.sendMessage(new StringTextComponent("Color: " + x.getColor()));

Here is the getModData function:

public static IModData getModData(ICapabilityProvider world) {
        return world.getCapability(ModDataCapability.INSTANCE)

I think the above is the issue but I don't know what I'm doing wrong here?

Edited by TeryWells

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