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invisible entity


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i am experiencing only one of my three entities being invisible.

i used tabula (1.12) to make the model and export the texture map. the problem was that depending on where i click on the model, the texture map will change. 

now i have made two separate textures for this and neither of them work. orginally it was spawning as a white block because i hadn't registered it properly. but now its clear with the name over top and a shadow under it.

is this something in my code or something to do with the textures.


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17 minutes ago, diesieben07 said:
  • Do not use @OnlyIn.
  • Entities.Crack_Head - where are these initialized?
  • Asset paths must be all lowercase.

so i should remove @OnlyIn from my code in all respects?


i thought they were initialized in the main




edit: removing @OnlyIn worked. i also moved the registry [CentaurRenderRegistry.registryEntityRenders();] from client to common


thanks so much

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