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1.12.2 OnItemRightClick


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I notice that OnItemRightClick() in the item init was not being called every tick. But I want it to be called every single tick so it can be detected when players hold their mouse in right-click position. How do I solve this?

Another question, in the entity class is setSize(0.0625F, 0.0625F) the minimum collisionbox size it can reach?

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1 hour ago, diesieben07 said:

If you want a continuous right-click action you have to:

  • Override getMaxItemUseDuration in your Item class to specify the maximum amount of ticks the right-click can be performed.
  • Call EntityPlayer#setActiveHand in onItemRightClick.
  • Item#onUsingTick will be called every tick while right-click is being held.
  • Item#canContinueUsing will be queried to determine if the action should stop.
  • Item#onItemUseFinish will be called once the action finishes (i.e. it was used for getMaxItemUseDuration ticks).
  • Item#onPlayerStoppedUsing will be called if the action is aborted by the player (stopped holding right-click before getMaxItemUseDuration was reached).

Thank you! I will have a look at them:)

Edited by poopoodice
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1 hour ago, diesieben07 said:

If you want a continuous right-click action you have to:

  • Override getMaxItemUseDuration in your Item class to specify the maximum amount of ticks the right-click can be performed.
  • Call EntityPlayer#setActiveHand in onItemRightClick.
  • Item#onUsingTick will be called every tick while right-click is being held.
  • Item#canContinueUsing will be queried to determine if the action should stop.
  • Item#onItemUseFinish will be called once the action finishes (i.e. it was used for getMaxItemUseDuration ticks).
  • Item#onPlayerStoppedUsing will be called if the action is aborted by the player (stopped holding right-click before getMaxItemUseDuration was reached).

How do you call Item#canContinueUsing?

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16 minutes ago, diesieben07 said:

By default the action is aborted if the player changes the item (e.g. using scrollwheel). You can override this behavior by overriding this method.

Show what you tried and how it didn't work.

Nvm, thats not that important anymore. Another question, is there any way to prevent the player from getting slowed during using the item?

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28 minutes ago, diesieben07 said:

I can't even find where it does that in the code, sorry.

That's totally fine, I found nothing in the item class as well. Just one last question, is damaging an entity twice or more in a tick possible in minecraft? Or it only count as once?

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The damage receive cooldown between every single attack is half a second unless the amount of damage dealt in the duration is larger than the damage dealt before in that half of the second, the entity will take the damage from the source that dealt the most damage, and ignore other damages.

(From Minecraft Wiki)

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