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Custom Items - ItemSpear?


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I want to create a spear for my mod, Mo Tools, and I was wondering how to create an ItemSpear.class to save myself the time of declaring all the properties individually in my IitemWoodenSpear.class, ItemStoneSpear.class etc..


Can anyone give me a hand?


~ Hydro

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I want to create a spear for my mod, Mo Tools, and I was wondering how to create an ItemSpear.class to save myself the time of declaring all the properties individually in my IitemWoodenSpear.class, ItemStoneSpear.class etc..


Can anyone give me a hand?


~ Hydro

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Each item type can get it's own instance you could do something like

public class Spear extends Item{
public final int damage;
public Spear(int id, int dmg){
damage = dmg

and then set the values on init

Item spearWood = new ItemSpear(woodSpearID, 2);
Item spearDiamond = new ItemSpear(diamSpearID, ;


I think its my java of the variables.

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Each item type can get it's own instance you could do something like

public class Spear extends Item{
public final int damage;
public Spear(int id, int dmg){
damage = dmg

and then set the values on init

Item spearWood = new ItemSpear(woodSpearID, 2);
Item spearDiamond = new ItemSpear(diamSpearID, ;


I think its my java of the variables.

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public class ItemSpear extends Item{
public final int damage;
public ItemSpear(int id, int dmg){
damage = dmg


is my ItemSpear.class, yes?

I'm probably going to sound like a complete idiot here but; How, then, do I add textures to the individual spears?

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public class ItemSpear extends Item{
public final int damage;
public ItemSpear(int id, int dmg){
damage = dmg


is my ItemSpear.class, yes?

I'm probably going to sound like a complete idiot here but; How, then, do I add textures to the individual spears?

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well you will need to set the unlocalized name per item, and you can use that to access the file, if the file is directly related to the unlocalized name, otherwise you could create an if statement or add it to your constructor(not recommended due to side differences)


so something like

//pseudo code
public void registerIcon(IconRegister i){
//if using unlocalized
i.registerIcon("yourmod:" + getUnlocalizedName());
//item id switch
i.registerIcon("yourmod:wooden spear";
i.registerIcon("yourmod:diamond spear";



I think its my java of the variables.

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well you will need to set the unlocalized name per item, and you can use that to access the file, if the file is directly related to the unlocalized name, otherwise you could create an if statement or add it to your constructor(not recommended due to side differences)


so something like

//pseudo code
public void registerIcon(IconRegister i){
//if using unlocalized
i.registerIcon("yourmod:" + getUnlocalizedName());
//item id switch
i.registerIcon("yourmod:wooden spear";
i.registerIcon("yourmod:diamond spear";



I think its my java of the variables.

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