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[1.14] Help setting up forge development environment


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What...? I don't know where you got these instructions from, but they are wrong.

  1. Clone the repo.
  2. Open build.gradle in IntelliJ (i.e. import the gradle project).
  3. Run the setup gradle task.
  4. Refresh the gradle project in IntelliJ.




I followed these steps, which I found elsewhere on this forum. I am able to make changes, run forge client, and see those changes. I am using IntelliJ IDEA Community 2019.2.4


However, I'm not able to "test with existing mods" as described in the docs for 1.13.x (which I think are the latest docs at the time of this writing).


The general idea from the docs and linked video is:

1. import another mod as a module in the project settings

2. add forge main as a module dependency in the new module

3. add the output path of the new module as a "JAR or Directory" runtime dependency in forge main


I have tried adding a mod of my own that works, as well as the example mod that comes with the forge mdk. In either case, forge client runs, the minecraft client starts. When I click the mods button from the minecraft title screen, I see only "Minecraft" and "Forge" in the list of mods. (which is troubling because I think I also expect FML).


There is an error in the output of running forge client: `Incompatible Java and native library versions detected.` That seems pretty significant, but I'm not sure 


Here is the output of running forge client:


9:21:24 p.m.: Executing task 'forge_client'...

> Task :forge:compileFmllauncherJava UP-TO-DATE
> Task :forge:processFmllauncherResources UP-TO-DATE
> Task :forge:fmllauncherClasses UP-TO-DATE
> Task :forge:compileJava UP-TO-DATE
> Task :forge:processResources UP-TO-DATE
> Task :forge:classes UP-TO-DATE
> Task :forge:downloadMCMeta UP-TO-DATE
> Task :forge:downloadAssets
> Task :forge:extractNatives UP-TO-DATE
> Task :forge:prepareRuns
> Task :forge:compileUserdevJava UP-TO-DATE
> Task :forge:processUserdevResources UP-TO-DATE
> Task :forge:userdevClasses UP-TO-DATE
> Task :forge:prepareForge_client

> Task :forge:forge_client
[21:21:28] [main/INFO]: ModLauncher running: args [--gameDir, ., --launchTarget, fmldevclient, --fml.mcpVersion, 20190829.143755, --fml.mcVersion, 1.14.4, --fml.forgeGroup, net.minecraftforge, --fml.forgeVersion, 28.1.90, --version, MOD_DEV, --assetIndex, 1.14, --assetsDir, /Users/zeigfreid/.gradle/caches/forge_gradle/assets, --username, Dev, --accessToken, ❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄, --userProperties, {}]
[21:21:28] [main/INFO]: ModLauncher 4.1.0+62+5bfa59b starting: java version 1.8.0_131 by Oracle Corporation
[21:21:29] [main/INFO]: Added Lets Encrypt root certificates as additional trust
[21:21:29] [main/WARN]: Failed to find exploded resource mods.toml in directory 
[21:21:29] [main/INFO]: Launching target 'fmldevclient' with arguments [--version, MOD_DEV, --gameDir, ., --assetsDir, /Users/zeigfreid/.gradle/caches/forge_gradle/assets, --assetIndex, 1.14, --username, Dev, --accessToken, ❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄, --userProperties, {}]
[21:21:30] [Client thread/INFO]: Setting user: Dev
[21:21:34] [Client thread/INFO]: LWJGL Version: 3.2.1 build 12
[21:21:34] [Client thread/INFO]: [org.lwjgl.system.Library:checkHash:467]: [LWJGL] [ERROR] Incompatible Java and native library versions detected.
Possible reasons:
	a) -Djava.library.path is set to a folder containing shared libraries of an older LWJGL version.
	b) The classpath contains jar files of an older LWJGL version.
Possible solutions:
	a) Make sure to not set -Djava.library.path (it is not needed for developing with LWJGL 3) or make
	   sure the folder it points to contains the shared libraries of the correct LWJGL version.
	b) Check the classpath and make sure to only have jar files of the same LWJGL version in it.
[21:21:34] [Client thread/INFO]: [org.lwjgl.system.Library:checkHash:467]: [LWJGL] [ERROR] Incompatible Java and native library versions detected.
Possible reasons:
	a) -Djava.library.path is set to a folder containing shared libraries of an older LWJGL version.
	b) The classpath contains jar files of an older LWJGL version.
Possible solutions:
	a) Make sure to not set -Djava.library.path (it is not needed for developing with LWJGL 3) or make
	   sure the folder it points to contains the shared libraries of the correct LWJGL version.
	b) Check the classpath and make sure to only have jar files of the same LWJGL version in it.
[21:21:34] [Client thread/INFO]: [org.lwjgl.system.Library:checkHash:467]: [LWJGL] [ERROR] Incompatible Java and native library versions detected.
Possible reasons:
	a) -Djava.library.path is set to a folder containing shared libraries of an older LWJGL version.
	b) The classpath contains jar files of an older LWJGL version.
Possible solutions:
	a) Make sure to not set -Djava.library.path (it is not needed for developing with LWJGL 3) or make
	   sure the folder it points to contains the shared libraries of the correct LWJGL version.
	b) Check the classpath and make sure to only have jar files of the same LWJGL version in it.
[21:21:35] [Client thread/INFO]: [org.lwjgl.system.Library:checkHash:467]: [LWJGL] [ERROR] Incompatible Java and native library versions detected.
Possible reasons:
	a) -Djava.library.path is set to a folder containing shared libraries of an older LWJGL version.
	b) The classpath contains jar files of an older LWJGL version.
Possible solutions:
	a) Make sure to not set -Djava.library.path (it is not needed for developing with LWJGL 3) or make
	   sure the folder it points to contains the shared libraries of the correct LWJGL version.
	b) Check the classpath and make sure to only have jar files of the same LWJGL version in it.
[21:21:35] [modloading-worker-1/INFO]: Forge mod loading, version 28.1.90, for MC 1.14.4 with MCP 20190829.143755
[21:21:35] [modloading-worker-1/INFO]: MinecraftForge v28.1.90 Initialized
[21:21:42] [Forge Version Check/INFO]: [forge] Starting version check at https://files.minecraftforge.net/maven/net/minecraftforge/forge/promotions_slim.json
[21:21:42] [Forge Version Check/INFO]: [forge] Found status: AHEAD Current: 28.1.90 Target: null
[21:21:45] [Client thread/INFO]: OpenAL initialized.
[21:21:45] [Client thread/INFO]: Sound engine started
[21:21:45] [Client thread/INFO]: Created: 512x512 textures-atlas
[21:21:46] [Client thread/INFO]: Created: 256x256 textures/particle-atlas
[21:21:46] [Client thread/INFO]: Created: 256x256 textures/painting-atlas
[21:21:46] [Client thread/INFO]: Created: 128x128 textures/mob_effect-atlas
[21:21:47] [Realms Notification Availability checker #1/INFO]: Could not authorize you against Realms server: Invalid session id
[21:21:52] [Thread-1/FATAL]: Forge config just got changed on the file system!
[21:22:18] [Client thread/INFO]: Stopping!
9:22:18 p.m.: Task execution finished 'forge_client'.


I noticed that in the dependencies list for forge main there are two entries for LWJGL:


Gradle: org.lwjgl:lwjgl:3.2.1

Gradle: org.lwjgl:lwjgl:3.2.2


I'm not sure how to follow the suggested actions a) and b) in the above output.


I'd really appreciate some guidance! I am adding events to hook into grass spreading, and the change itself is really straightforward. I feel like I could have a PR up soon, but I am not interested in pushing untested code.



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