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[1.14.4] Intercept key press and/or stop event propagation/default action


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I'm trying to bind key combinations (like CTRL+1) to specific things in my mod, however I can't seem to figure out how to prevent the default action (for example, if you press CTRL+1 it will switch the player's held item to the first hotbar item, just as it would if you pressed '1' by itself). My first thought was to listen to the raw KeyInputEvents on the event bus, however those events aren't Cancelable, so I can't prevent them from propagating after I've performed my action. I'm assuming I'll have to create a KeyBinding object and register it, however I still need to prevent the key's default assigned action from executing in the case where a modifier (like CTRL) is also pressed. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Edited by __pulse
clarifying statement
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