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Entity Switching Between Walking and Flying [1.14.4]

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Hi, I have been trying to implement a way in which my entity would be able to switch wandering states randomly, switch between walking and flying after a random tick time.

I've tried to find a solution for some time but nothing works. Please give sugestions and ideas, anything helps. 

Some of the solutions I tried:

  • When the entity changes the boolean that dictates if it is flying, to true, this.moveVertical would increment by 2 and while it is with boolean flying == true it would increment by a random number between 0 and 2 every tick(the results were really strange, having the entity jump randomly even when it wasn't  supposed to be "flying");
  • Have two static final goals(walk = WaterAvoidingRandomWalkingGoal() and fly = WaterAvoidingRandomFlyingGoal()) that are added and removed from the goalSelector depending on the flying boolean value when it changes(this didn't even allow the entities to be spawned):
    • //...
      if(this.isFlying) {
        this.goalSelector.addGoal(2, fly);
      } else {
        this.goalSelector.addGoal(2, walk);

(Sorry for the bad english, I'm not a native english speaker)

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