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[Solved] Having trouble setting up Forge Development Workspace in IDEA 2019


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I'm trying to set up the forge development workspace to help me figure out some of the new code in Minecraft 1.14.4+ (the proliferation of lambdas is doing my head in!) and I'm having trouble setting it up.


The docs page seems to be a fair bit out of date https://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/forgedev/

and I haven't managed to figure out what's changed.  I've

but it hasn't generated the tasks I expected.  The docs page says to find the task "forgegradle and right click the “Create Forge [setup]” option" but this doesn't exist.   I haven't been able to figure out which one I should be running, trial and error has just gotten me a horrible mess so far.


Any advice?








Edited by TheGreyGhost
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