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Information for mod Minecraft Forge 1.12.2

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Hi to every one. I'm using Minecraft Forge 1.12.2 and I need to know if a mod exist. The thing that I love more in Minecraft is to build houses (from the <<old types>> to modern ones, that is the reason why I downloaded the furniture mod. But even so I'm not satisfied.

So I want to know one thing: there is a mod that let the player to change the faces of decoration blocks (or some of them, for example the planks; something like this: the face that goes to exterior with the texture of the bricks block and the face on opposite side to be wool block texture - I'm saying this like an example).

I saw there is the mod Little Tiles that let you to do the thing that I want but I have a little problem, if I try to use this mod (even with the only mod that needs to work) the game crashes, more details: the game start, I open a world, so when it finish to load the terrain I select a block and put it down, than I go to select the tool to remove even a little cube from the block and the game crashes when a moment after I try to use that tool.

So if someone know a mod that do the thing i said before (for example adding a new version of crafting table).

Like I said before, I'm using the version Forge 1.12.2; because the launcher I'm using, I don't know why, but it do not loads a version more recent of the Forge.

I hope that someone will be able to help me and that I didn't write this request in the wrong place of this site (and that i didn't many writing mistakes, if someone finds out some errors let me know,  so I can learn from them).

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