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[1.14.4] onBlockActivated not firing when sneaking + set to allow in event


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Hey all,

Got a bit of a stumper.  I have a custom block that's supposed to run an interaction when clicked with a certain item.  That's fine and great, I got that part working.  However, because I'm using the onBlockActivated method, it doesn't fire when shift clicking  (which I want it to do because I want it to activate a different function when shift clicked with that item).  I looked it up and saw that this is an intended function, and that I need to override the PlayerInteractEvent.RightClickBlock event to make it allow the click.  Which I did.  Except no matter what I try, I can't get it to actually register the onBlockActivated event.  It works as intended with a normal click.  It's just shift clicking that's not working.  My code is as follows:

public static void playerRightClickBlock(PlayerInteractEvent.RightClickBlock event) {
       	if (event.getWorld().getBlockState(event.getPos()).getBlock() instanceof WCFoodBowlBlock)
       		if (WCFoodBowlTileEntity.isValidFood(event.getItemStack()))
       			System.out.println("Right Clicked on food bowl with valid item");

That print statement does fire.  So the event is getting caught and running properly, and none of those if statements are throwing it off.  I can only assume I either got the wrong event somehow, am using the wrong function to make the onBlockActivated method fire even while sneaking, or Forge itself has a bug.  I'm using the latest stable version so if so, it must be something pretty recent...

Thank you for your time, and have a great day!

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Bump.  Issue still persists, not sure what's causing it.  Also worth noting, I'm checking if the function is running via a print statement in onBlockActivated within my block.  The ones here in the event run, but the one in that function does not.  Since there's no if statements or anything to interfere with onBlockActivated, I assume this issue has to be with the event either not being sent properly, or with me needing to use a different method or something.  Does PlayerInteractEvent.RightClickBlock actually call onBlockActivated?  Or do I have the wrong event/method?

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In this case, you can forget about Block#onBlockActivated and implement the entire behavior in the RightClickBlock event subscriber.

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