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I already make the WorldProvider, and Chunk Provider for a dimension. So i made a portal (like the end portal) but when i´m going in it, it tooks me to my dimension and generate a netherportal, where i stand so that i get teleported to the nether!


HELP please!! :-[


First, don't be so impatient.


You're saying, that You can go to Your dimension, but to return to overworld You have to step into the Nether first, and then go to nether portal once again to get back to overworld?


You probably forgot to generate a valid portal on the other side, or are providing nether id instead of overworld id in Your dimension in portal block code.


Well, If You have problems with it, please post relevant code. And please post it using \[code\] tags.


Again: post Your code. Don't worry, nobody will steal it. (At least I won't)


Precisely, post code responsible for building the portal on the other side and code handling Entities entering Your portal. Then I'll be able to tell You, where Your bug is.


Because from what You've told so far I'm pretty sure You have to fix something in mentioned parts of code, but I suppose You don't know how to do that. Post the code, then You'll get help.

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