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Posted (edited)

Hi there,


I am currently trying to make a cooldown bar decrement gradually over a set time, however am unable to do so as that would require me to decrement each tick by a double, which ingameGUI.blit does not support.

Is there anyway around this? My problem is this:


182 needs to gradually go down to 0 over X amount of ticks, by even decrements. However, each decrement must be an int.


Is there anyway to allow this to happen? Currently X = 80, which means if it decrements evenly each tick it must be a float, 2,275, which blit does not support.

I have tried Math.round() and Math.ceil(), however that messes up the timing of my cooldown


Here's my code:

	public static void playerTick(TickEvent.PlayerTickEvent event) {
		if (event.phase == TickEvent.Phase.END) {
			Minecraft mc = Minecraft.getInstance();
			PlayerEntity player = event.player;
			if (player == mc.player) {
				if (player.world.isRemote) {
                  //DodgeGui.dlen is the length of the dodge bar
					// Handle GUI. every tick, it needs to go down by cooldownLength/182
					if (DodgeGui.dlen > 0) {
				        DodgeGui.dlen = (int) (DodgeGui.dlen-Math.ceil(182/80));
					if (cooldown == cooldownLength) {
						Minecraft.getInstance().player.playSound(SoundEvents.ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP, 1f, 1);
						DodgeGui.dlen = 0; //Ensure it's hidden


Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Edited by ultra_reemun
Fixed code
16 minutes ago, diesieben07 said:

Keep the value as a float and only round before drawing?

Thank you for your reply. :)

I've tried rounding it when I draw it however I am running into the same issue, the cooldown ends before the GUI shows it does.


An unideal fix I have found for this is to base my timer off of the length of the cooldown bar.

I'm worried however that this will lead to unpredictable values aswell as my time not being entirely accurate.

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