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Hello there!

In my new Mod i tried to create an custom craftingtable(in my case the welding table) with own recipes. I used a outdated tutorial(because i cant find a new one :/) and ran into some errors.

In the new versions of Minecraft is no 'CraftingManager.getInstance' and i can't figure out how to do the RecipeHandler. I already created the GUI but don't know if it works.

package boyx.rsreboot.handler.recipe;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import boyx.rsreboot.RSReboot;
import boyx.rsreboot.gui.WeldingAddedRecipes;
import boyx.rsreboot.gui.WeldingAdjustedRecipes;
import net.minecraft.item.Item;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.item.crafting.CraftingManager;
import net.minecraft.item.crafting.IRecipe;
import net.minecraft.item.crafting.Ingredient;
import net.minecraft.item.crafting.ShapedRecipes;
import net.minecraft.item.crafting.ShapelessRecipes;
import net.minecraft.util.NonNullList;
import net.minecraftforge.common.crafting.CraftingHelper.ShapedPrimer;
import net.minecraftforge.oredict.ShapedOreRecipe;
import net.minecraftforge.oredict.ShapelessOreRecipe;

public class WeldingRecipeHandler {
    public Item theItem = null;

    public WeldingAdjustedRecipes weldingAdjustedRecipes = new WeldingAdjustedRecipes();
    public WeldingRecipeHandler()
    public ItemStack[] getDeconstructResults(ItemStack parItemStack)
        // DEBUG
        System.out.println("Looking for deconstructing a recipe for "
              + parItemStack.getUnlocalizedName());
        // Allow recipes for some vanilla items that normally don't have recipes
        theItem = parItemStack.getItem();
        if (WeldingAddedRecipes.shouldAddRecipe(theItem))
            return WeldingAddedRecipes.getCraftingGrid(theItem);

        // check all recipes for recipe for Itemstack
        List<?> listAllRecipes = CraftingManager.getInstance().getRecipeList();
        for(int i = 0;i<listAllRecipes.size();i++)
            IRecipe recipe = (IRecipe) listAllRecipes.get(i);
            if(recipe != null)
                ItemStack recipeKeyItemStack = recipe.getRecipeOutput();
                    if (recipeKeyItemStack.getUnlocalizedName().equals(
                        return getCraftingGrid(recipe);
        return null;
    public ItemStack[] getCraftingGrid(IRecipe parRecipe)
        // Initialize the result array
        ItemStack[] resultItemStackArray = new ItemStack[9];
        for(int j = 0;j<resultItemStackArray.length;j++)
            resultItemStackArray[j] = null;
        if (parRecipe instanceof ShapedRecipes)
            // DEBUG
            System.out.println("getCraftingGrid for shaped recipe");
            ShapedRecipes shaped = (ShapedRecipes)parRecipe;
            for(int j = 0;j<shaped.recipeItems.length;j++)
                resultItemStackArray[j] = shaped.recipeItems[j];
        if (parRecipe instanceof ShapelessRecipes)
            // DEBUG
            System.out.println("getCraftingGrid for shapeless recipe");
            ShapelessRecipes shapeless = (ShapelessRecipes)parRecipe;
            for(int j = 0;j<shapeless.recipeItems.size();j++)
                resultItemStackArray[j] = (ItemStack) shapeless.recipeItems.get(j);
        if (parRecipe instanceof ShapedOreRecipe)
            // DEBUG
            System.out.println("getCraftingGrid for shaped ore recipe");
            ShapedOreRecipe shaped = (ShapedOreRecipe)parRecipe;
            for(int j = 0;j<shaped.getInput().length;j++)
                if(shaped.getInput()[j] instanceof ItemStack)
                    resultItemStackArray[j] = (ItemStack) shaped.getInput()[j];
                else if(shaped.getInput()[j] instanceof List)
                    Object o = ((List) shaped.getInput()[j]).get(0);
                    if(o instanceof ItemStack)
                        resultItemStackArray[j] = (ItemStack)o;
        if (parRecipe instanceof ShapelessOreRecipe)
            ArrayList shapelessArray = ((ShapelessOreRecipe)parRecipe).getInput();
            // DEBUG
                  "getCraftingGrid for shapeless ore recipe with input array size = "
                  + shapelessArray.size());
            for(int j = 0; j<shapelessArray.size(); j++)
                if(shapelessArray.get(j) instanceof ItemStack)
                    resultItemStackArray[j] = (ItemStack) shapelessArray.get(j);
                else if(shapelessArray.get(j) instanceof List)
                    Object o = ((List)shapelessArray.get(j)).get(0);
                    if(o instanceof ItemStack)
                        resultItemStackArray[j] = (ItemStack)o;
                        // DEBUG
                        System.out.println("But list element is not an ItemStack");

        if (RSReboot.allowPartialDeconstructing)
        return weldingAdjustedRecipes.adjustOutputQuantities(resultItemStackArray, 
            return resultItemStackArray;

Do you guys got any answers or better got a up to date tutorial on how to do own custom crafting tables?

Edited by boyx_

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