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I was trying to make a super slime block that is more bouncy than the vanilla one.

When I place it adjacent to another block. The block side becomes invisible so that I can look through it.

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This is my custom slime block. It still has the vanilla texture though.

Here is my super_slime_block.json models file:

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I set the renderlingtype to translucent:

public LearnForge() {
        // Register the setup method for modloading

        // Register ourselves for server and other game events we are interested in

    private void setup(final FMLCommonSetupEvent event) {
        // some preinit code


    private void clientSetup(final FMLClientSetupEvent event) {
        RenderTypeLookup.setRenderLayer(ModBlocks.SUPER_SLIME_BLOCK, RenderType.getTranslucent());
	@Mod.EventBusSubscriber(bus = Mod.EventBusSubscriber.Bus.MOD)
    public static class RegistryEvents {
        public static void onBlocksRegistry(final RegistryEvent.Register<Block> event) {
            event.getRegistry().register(new Block1());
            event.getRegistry().register(new SuperSlimeBlock());

        public static void onItemsRegistry(final RegistryEvent.Register<Item> event) {
            event.getRegistry().register(new BlockItem(ModBlocks.BLOCK_1, new Item.Properties()).setRegistryName("block1"));
            event.getRegistry().register(new BlockItem(ModBlocks.SUPER_SLIME_BLOCK, new Item.Properties()).setRegistryName("super_slime_block"));

You can ask for more details if you need them.

I am very new to modding so bear with me.

Posted (edited)

My Block class now looks like this:

public class SuperSlimeBlock extends BreakableBlock {
    public SuperSlimeBlock() {
        super(Block.Properties.create(Material.CLAY, MaterialColor.GRASS).

    public boolean isSlimeBlock(BlockState state) {

        return true;

    public boolean isStickyBlock(BlockState state) {
        return true;

    public void onFallenUpon(World p_180658_1_, BlockPos p_180658_2_, Entity p_180658_3_, float p_180658_4_) {
        if (p_180658_3_.isSuppressingBounce()) {
            super.onFallenUpon(p_180658_1_, p_180658_2_, p_180658_3_, p_180658_4_);
        } else {
            p_180658_3_.onLivingFall(p_180658_4_, 0.0F);


    public void onLanded(IBlockReader p_176216_1_, Entity p_176216_2_) {
        if (p_176216_2_.isSuppressingBounce()) {
            super.onLanded(p_176216_1_, p_176216_2_);
        } else {


    private void func_226946_a_(Entity entity) {
        Vec3d lvt_2_1_ = entity.getMotion();
        if (lvt_2_1_.y < 0.0D) {
            double lvt_3_1_ = entity instanceof LivingEntity ? 1D : 0.8D;
            entity.setMotion(lvt_2_1_.x, -lvt_2_1_.y * lvt_3_1_, lvt_2_1_.z);


    public void onEntityWalk(World p_176199_1_, BlockPos p_176199_2_, Entity p_176199_3_) {
        double lvt_4_1_ = Math.abs(p_176199_3_.getMotion().y);
        if (lvt_4_1_ < 0.1D && !p_176199_3_.isSteppingCarefully()) {
            double lvt_6_1_ = 0.4D + lvt_4_1_ * 0.2D;
            p_176199_3_.setMotion(p_176199_3_.getMotion().mul(lvt_6_1_, 1.0D, lvt_6_1_));

        super.onEntityWalk(p_176199_1_, p_176199_2_, p_176199_3_);

Now it works. But this confuses me because I copied the exact properties of the vanilla slime block into my block class and it didnt have the notSolid(). Why doesnt the vanilla block need the notSolid()?



I still had old files from Forge 1.14. So I copied the properties there.

Apparently "notSolid" its something new that came with 1.15

Edited by earomc
question answered myself

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