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Minecraft Forge Ram Usage


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Hey so I have 32GB of DDR4 3200mhz ram and I have around 30 mods going. I have seen people say they can run this many fine and only use like 2gb of ram meanwhile when I am doing this it is saying its using 29GB of ram which is kinda insane. I upgraded from 16 to 32 because of this and was wondering if this is normal or if there is a way I can fix this. The longer I run the server the more ram it seems to use. Could someone please explain if this is normal? When I had 16 I would eventually run out and things began to break. Im hoping there is a way to solve this.

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1 minute ago, MistaOmega said:

Wait, have you applied 29GB of RAM to your Java Virtual Machine args, or is it saying that it's running 29GB of RAM while the JVM args are normal


Can I get a screenshot of your JVM arguments and task manager when this occurs?




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Holy hell... yeah double check those arguments for Java, they should be nowhere near using that much, unless you've explicitly allowed it to, also change up that mod config, try running forge with no mods, and slowly add them in, might be a problematic mod, idk

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Just now, MistaOmega said:

Holy hell... yeah double check those arguments for Java, they should be nowhere near using that much, unless you've explicitly allowed it to, also change up that mod config, try running forge with no mods, and slowly add them in, might be a problematic mod, idk

Yea ill take a look at a few things.. Im wondering if Mc just automatically set the amount of allowed ram usage to max or something. 

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Yeah, look at the Xmx argument on the Minecraft Launcher, for example, 3GB of RAM would be -Xmx3072m, this is the maximum amount of memory the JVM is allocated to its memory pool, Xms is the initial, and I usually have it at 256m, this will increase as more memory is required. the idea is, Xmx defines the limit, so it *shouldn't* go above that...

Edited by MistaOmega
Gramatical funs yes yes
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2 minutes ago, MistaOmega said:

Yeah ,look at the Xmx argument on the Minecraft Launcher, for example, 3GB of RAM would be -Xmx3072m, this is the maximum amount of memory the JVM is allocated to it's memory pool, Xms is the initial, and I usually have it at 256m, this will increase as more memory is required. the idea is, Xmx defines the limit, so it *shouldn't* go above that



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so that's just showing me an example, not the actual one, but yeah, that value of around 16000 on Task Manager is fair if you're giving it 14GB of RAM, they usually have some overhead anyway, try dropping it to like 4 or 5, it will use like (6 maybe 7) on Task Manager, but should still run smooth

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2 minutes ago, MistaOmega said:

so that's just showing me an example, not the actual one, but yeah, that value of around 16000 on Task Manager is fair if you're giving it 14GB of RAM, they usually have some overhead anyway, try dropping it to like 4 or 5, it will use like (6 maybe 7) on Task Manager, but should still run smooth

Alrighty then thanks. Yea I got it to like 30% usage that wouldnt be bad but once it gets above 80 is when it gets a bit out of hand lol. hopefully this stays good for awhile. 

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1 minute ago, Trittnut said:

Alrighty then thanks. Yea I got it to like 30% usage that wouldnt be bad but once it gets above 80 is when it gets a bit out of hand lol. hopefully this stays good for awhile. 

Glad I could be of at least a bit of assistance, once again if it keeps being problematic, chuck some mods out, and keep testing, see if it's one specific mod that is slamming your memory use


Have fun ❤️


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