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Ok, so I'm at the stage of mod testing when I have to try running it in the launcher (and later on a dedicated server) to ensure compatability.

Everything works apart from my custom glyph system, which can't find the files (FileNotFoundException).


In my IDE, I use a formatted version of "../src/main/resources/assets/magiksmostevile/" to escape the running directory, then plunge into the mod resources to find the file on the path (appended to the end of that).

I should have realised this wouldn't work from the launcher.


It tries to access:

"C:\User\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\..\src\main\resources\assets\magiksmostevile\textures\items\general\vampire_bat_tooth.png" does not exist (as is clarifed by a logging line)

...which would work in the IDE. It escapes the run directory and tries to enter non-existant resources.


What would work for accessing theses images both in the IDE and in the launcher?


I tried plain old "src/main", but found that I had to escape "run" (changed to "../src/main")

Edited by GenElectrovise

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My own mod, Magiks Most Evile: GitHub (https://github.com/GenElectrovise/MagiksMostEvile) Wiki (https://magiksmostevile.fandom.com/wiki/Magiks_Most_Evile_Wiki)

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Ahh yes, ResourceLocations work well.


For anyone else:
Use ResourceLocation#getInputStream() to get an input stream, then you can use ImageIO.read(inputStream) to get a BufferedImage.

The code is in the ritual.glyph.Glyph#generateImageProperties method in my github in my signature.

How to ask a good coding question: https://stackoverflow.com/help/how-to-ask

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My own mod, Magiks Most Evile: GitHub (https://github.com/GenElectrovise/MagiksMostEvile) Wiki (https://magiksmostevile.fandom.com/wiki/Magiks_Most_Evile_Wiki)

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