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[1.15.2] Force drawing local player entity

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My mod adds cameras which are viewed by setting the renderViewEntity to a dummy entity sitting in the camera. This works perfectly apart from the fact that the local player is not rendered.

In other threads in this forum where people had the exact same problem, I found the hint to try using RenderWorldLastEvent to draw the local player anyway. This works for the most part but it has several issues:

  • The player is not visible when looking through half transparent blocks like stained glass
  • The shadow overlaps the feet instead of being obscured by the feet
  • The shadow is visible through everything
  • The item in hand is visible through everything


This is the code I tried:

    public static void onRenderWorldLast(final RenderWorldLastEvent event)
        //FIXME: player isn't rendered through half transparent objects, shadow draws over feet and through objects, item in hand draws through objects

        Entity viewEntity = mc().getRenderViewEntity();
        if (viewEntity instanceof ICameraEntity && mc().player != null)
            float partialTicks = event.getPartialTicks();

            Vec3d camera = Minecraft.getInstance().gameRenderer.getActiveRenderInfo().getProjectedView();
            double x = MathHelper.lerp(partialTicks, mc().player.lastTickPosX, mc().player.getPosX()) - camera.x;
            double y = MathHelper.lerp(partialTicks, mc().player.lastTickPosY, mc().player.getPosY()) - camera.y;
            double z = MathHelper.lerp(partialTicks, mc().player.lastTickPosZ, mc().player.getPosZ()) - camera.z;

            float rotationYaw = MathHelper.lerp(partialTicks, mc().player.prevRotationYaw, mc().player.rotationYaw);

            MatrixStack matrix = event.getMatrixStack();
            IRenderTypeBuffer buffer = mc().getRenderTypeBuffers().getBufferSource();

            int packedLight = mc().getRenderManager().getPackedLight(mc().player, partialTicks);

            mc().getRenderManager().renderEntityStatic(mc().player, x, y, z, rotationYaw, partialTicks, matrix, buffer, packedLight);


I have also tried adding different combinations of RenderSystem calls (alpha test, blending, depth test) before rendering the entity but nothing seems to help.


I also looked into overriding the PlayerRenderer but shouldEntityRender() can't overrule the other checks done to decide if the entity should be rendered.


Is there any better way to do this, am I just doing it wrong or is this simply not doable without hooking the check if an entity should be rendered?


I looked a little more through the vanilla code and as far as I can see, there is no way to make this work without modifying MC base code.

Does anyone have another idea how to do this?


For reference, this screenshot pretty much sums up the problems:


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