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I am a little confused when I need to use the same message on both sides.


When I want to execute client side code like Minecraft.getInstance(), I can use this:

DistExecutor.runWhenOn(Dist.CLIENT, () -> () -> {
                    // this is client side
                    PlayerEntity playerEntity = Minecraft.getInstance().player;
                    Entity entity = playerEntity.world.getEntityByID(entityId);
  					....  // the rest of code here


but this is generating an error when I try to start the server.... the error occurs while registering network messages because there is Minecraft.getInstance in message body...



I don't know when to use this:


because I'm afraid of the code inside it only runs if the server is physical, I mean, the code inside this will not run when minecraft is running in single player mode.


Another approach that I used (but again I am not sure what I am doing), was this:

            if (ctx.get().getDirection().getReceptionSide().isServer()) {
                ent = ctx.get().getSender().world.getEntityByID(playerID);
                if (ent instanceof PlayerEntity) {
                  // server side code here....
            } else if (ctx.get().getDirection().getReceptionSide().isClient()) {
                XPTransferScreen.open(playerID, playerName);


Note that I am not using Client methods here directly, but I put the client part inside the XPTransferScreen.open method:

    public static void open(int playerIDToTransfer, String playerName) {
        Minecraft.getInstance().displayGuiScreen(new XPTransferScreen(playerIDToTransfer, playerName));


This way the code runs without problems on single player and dedicated server.



So my question is:

Which method should i use?  (DistExecutor or getReceptionSide) ?


If your answer is DistExecutor, I have another question:  How can I run it server side and single player, Dist.DEDICATED_SERVER will run like server side if I run the single player game?



†GnR† Slash


Edited by GnRSlashSP

†GnR† Slash

can one man truly make a difference?


Diesieben, thanks for the explanation. It's really complicated, but now I have a chance to write code the right way.

So I changed the code from:

PlayerEntity playerEntity = Minecraft.getInstance().player


ClientPlayerEntity playerEntity = Minecraft.getInstance().player;

and it works!


But I still don't know why this do not work (even if I put all inside DistExecutor):

if (ctx.get().getDirection().getReceptionSide().isClient()) { 
    Minecraft.getInstance().displayGuiScreen(new XPTransferScreen(playerIDToTransfer, playerName));


and this works:

if (ctx.get().getDirection().getReceptionSide().isClient()) {
    XPTransferScreen.open(playerID, playerName);


this is inside XPTransfer class, that extends Screen:

public static void open(int playerIDToTransfer, String playerName) {
    Minecraft.getInstance().displayGuiScreen(new XPTransferScreen(playerIDToTransfer, playerName));


I just want to open a simple Screen, without container, just buttons, textfields


†GnR† Slash

can one man truly make a difference?

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