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Dark Theme adjustment


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The dark theme is a bit... off-kilter.


This is just an infodump in a reliable location while i try to figure my way around the Web repo and actually effect these changes myself.


If you go to somebody's profile and switch to dark theme:



The text becomes unbearably low contrast.

The dark text is color #555 and the background is #3C3F41, meaning a contrast of 1.4:1.

The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.0) level AA requires a 4.5:1 color contrast between text and background for normal text, and you can certainly see why.


A 4.5:1 color rating means the text must be at least #999999, but #BBBBBB is far better on my eyes, and maintains a decent color contrast from the headers and infos ("8 minutes ago").



It's 5:21am as i write this, and i need sleep, but i didn't want to forget this and i didn't trust Notepad to keep it safe >.>

Will update as i meander the https://github.com/MinecraftForge/Web/tree/master/sass repo

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