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Making Dual-Welding


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[solved] I would like to make duel welding for MC 1.5.2, but I would like to know if it possible with Forge or would I have to replace core files? Any help would be greatly appreciated. If you would like you name in the credits of the final product, please specify what you would like it to be.

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Through I am not THAT experienced with forge yet, I can tell you this is possible, and this has been alredy made by one of coders.

Chceck out ,,Mine & Blade: BATTLEGEAR" - sadly this is version for 1.2.5 but...

...well - the author is working on OPEN-SOURCE continuation of it called Mine & Blade: Battlegear 2 - Knight's Armour.

Since this is an open source [WIP] there a lot of modders that are adding some custom stuff in it.

Here's the Github: https://github.com/amedw/Battlegear2

Note: This is Github of 1.5.2 - which doesnt contain dual-wielding code (which was in 1.2.5). Go talk to nerd-boy if you want some help with this, because he's not planning to make D-W till MC 1.6 ;p

1.7.10 is no longer supported by forge, you are on your own.

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