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I want to do a verification check on my two custom providers before I go and write a tutorial on their implementation.


The first one is an advancements provider that takes in a FinishedAdvancement (basically an advancement still as a builder and its location. It's almost exactly similar to the Minecraft implementation.

public abstract class AdvancementsProvider implements IDataProvider {
	private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger();
	private static final Gson GSON = (new GsonBuilder()).setPrettyPrinting().create();
	private final DataGenerator generator;

	public AdvancementsProvider(DataGenerator generatorIn) {
		this.generator = generatorIn;

	public void act(DirectoryCache cache) throws IOException {
		Path path = this.generator.getOutputFolder();
		Set<ResourceLocation> set = Sets.newHashSet();
		Consumer<FinishedAdvancement> consumer = (advancementIn) -> {
			if (!set.add(advancementIn.getId())) {
				throw new IllegalStateException("Duplicate advancement " + advancementIn.getId());
			} else {
				Path path1 = getPath(path, advancementIn);

				try {
					IDataProvider.save(GSON, cache, advancementIn.serialize(), path1);
				} catch (IOException ioexception) {
					LOGGER.error("Couldn't save advancement {}", path1, ioexception);


		for(Consumer<Consumer<FinishedAdvancement>> consumer1 : this.getAdvancements()) {

	public abstract List<Consumer<Consumer<FinishedAdvancement>>> getAdvancements();

	private static Path getPath(Path pathIn, FinishedAdvancement advancementIn) {
		return pathIn.resolve("data/" + advancementIn.getId().getNamespace() + "/advancements/" + advancementIn.getId().getPath() + ".json");

	public String getName() {
		return "Advancements";
public class FinishedAdvancement {

	private final ResourceLocation id;
	private final Advancement.Builder builder;
	private FinishedAdvancement(ResourceLocation idIn, Advancement.Builder builderIn) {
		this.id = idIn;
		this.builder = builderIn;

	public JsonObject serialize() {
		return this.builder.serialize();
	public ResourceLocation getId() {
		return id;
	public static class Builder {
		private Advancement.Builder builder;
		private Builder() {}
		public static FinishedAdvancement.Builder builder() {
			return new FinishedAdvancement.Builder();
		public FinishedAdvancement.Builder advancement(Advancement.Builder builderIn) {
			this.builder = builderIn;
			return this;
		public FinishedAdvancement build(Consumer<FinishedAdvancement> consumer, ResourceLocation id) {
			FinishedAdvancement advancement = new FinishedAdvancement(id, builder);
			return advancement;


The second one is a basic provider for a sounds.json file. The only parameter it doesn't take into account is its type since that is automatically set for its usage.

public abstract class SoundsProvider implements IDataProvider {

	private static final Gson GSON = (new GsonBuilder()).setPrettyPrinting().disableHtmlEscaping().create();
	private final DataGenerator gen;
	private final String modid;

	public SoundsProvider(DataGenerator gen, String modid) {
		this.gen = gen;
		this.modid = modid;

	protected abstract void addSounds(Consumer<SoundBuilder> consumer);
	public void act(DirectoryCache cache) throws IOException {
		JsonObject object = new JsonObject();
		addSounds(builder -> builder.serialize(object));
		IDataProvider.save(GSON, cache, object, this.gen.getOutputFolder().resolve("assets/" + modid + "/sounds.json"));

	public String getName() {
		return "Sounds";

public class SoundBuilder {

	private ResourceLocation name;
	private boolean replace;
	private String subtitleTranslationKey;
	private final List<SoundExtension> sounds = new ArrayList<>();
	private SoundBuilder(ResourceLocation location) {
		this.name = location;
	public static SoundBuilder builder(SoundEvent sound) {
		return builder(sound.getRegistryName());
	public static SoundBuilder builder(Supplier<? extends SoundEvent> soundSupplier) {
		return builder(soundSupplier.get());
	public static SoundBuilder builder(ResourceLocation location) {
		return new SoundBuilder(location);

	public SoundBuilder replace() {
		this.replace = true;
		return this;
	public SoundBuilder subtitle() {
		return subtitle("subtitle." + name.getNamespace() + "." + name.getPath());
	public SoundBuilder subtitle(String translationKey) {
		this.subtitleTranslationKey = translationKey;
		return this;
	private SoundBuilder defaultSound() {
		return sound(this.name);
	public SoundBuilder sound(ResourceLocation name) {
		this.sounds.add(new SoundExtension(name));
		return this;
	public SoundBuilder sound(SoundExtension soundIn) {
		return this;
	public void build(Consumer<SoundBuilder> consumer) {
	private void validate() {
		if(this.sounds.isEmpty()) {
	public void serialize(JsonObject parentObject) {
		JsonObject object = new JsonObject();
		object.addProperty("replace", this.replace);
		if(subtitleTranslationKey != null) {
			object.addProperty("subtitle", this.subtitleTranslationKey);
		JsonArray array = new JsonArray();
		this.sounds.forEach(sound -> array.add(sound.serialize()));
		object.add("sounds", array);
		parentObject.add(this.name.getPath(), object);
	public static class SoundExtension {
		private final String name;
		private float volume = 1.0f, pitch = 1.0f;
		private int weight = 1, attenuation_distance = 16;
		private boolean stream, preload;
		private SoundExtension(ResourceLocation name) {
			this.name = name.toString().replaceAll("[.]", "/");
		public static SoundExtension builder(ResourceLocation name) {
			return new SoundExtension(name);
		public SoundExtension volume(float volumeIn) {
			this.volume = volumeIn;
			return this;
		public SoundExtension pitch(float pitchIn) {
			this.pitch = pitchIn;
			return this;
		public SoundExtension weight(int weightIn) {
			this.weight = weightIn;
			return this;
		public SoundExtension stream() {
			this.stream = true;
			return this;
		public SoundExtension attenuationDistance(int attenuationDistanceIn) {
			this.attenuation_distance = attenuationDistanceIn;
			return this;
		public SoundExtension preload() {
			this.preload = true;
			return this;
		private void validate() {
			if(this.volume != MathHelper.clamp(this.volume, 0, 1.0)) {
				throw new IllegalArgumentException("Sound " + name + " has a volume not between 0 and 1.");
			} else if(this.pitch != MathHelper.clamp(this.pitch, 0, 2.0)) {
				throw new IllegalArgumentException("Sound " + name + " has a pitch not between 0 and 2.");
			} else if(this.weight <= 0) {
				throw new IllegalArgumentException("Sound " + name + " has a negative or zero weight.");
			} else if(this.attenuation_distance <= 0) {
				throw new IllegalArgumentException("Sound " + name + " has a negative or zero attenuation distance.");
		private JsonObject serialize() {
			JsonObject object = new JsonObject();
			object.addProperty("name", this.name);
			object.addProperty("volume", this.volume);
			object.addProperty("pitch", this.pitch);
			object.addProperty("weight", this.weight);
			object.addProperty("weight", this.weight);
			object.addProperty("stream", this.stream);
			object.addProperty("attenuation_distance", this.attenuation_distance);
			object.addProperty("preload", this.preload);
			return object;


Please let me know if there is anything I can do to improve the quality of this code.

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