frakier Posted August 31, 2020 Posted August 31, 2020 (edited) Trying to understand so consider all this one huge question. Be sure and dumb it down, no or little code, just the why, the theory on use. I can find code, I see what they do... but what is best practice? Why use in attributes over datamanger or vice versa. One of the reason I ask is I have seen in other mods where one coder will use the attributes for something and then another the datamanager for what seems to be the same thing. The Entity Attribute System Seems that attributes have a range so if you are modifying them through magic or by the nature of a special variant you can have a min/max to check them against. You can share the attribute value and modifiers with the client, with setShouldWatch(true) Good article on attributes... the how but not which and why EntityDataManager ==Data specific to the entity. -Manged with (writeAdditional readAdditional) -Has to be synched to the client with custom code [one way?]. -Share the additional data, that you specify, between client and server (IPacket, writeSpawnData readSpawnData) -Has to be symetrical, whatever you share you have to read. writing two items and then reading one will cause problems? Attributes (ranged min, max, default) ARMOR_TOUGHNESS ATTACK_DAMAGE ATTACK_KNOCKBACK ATTACK_SPEED ENTITY_GRAVITY FLYING_SPEED FOLLOW_RANGE KNOCKBACK_RESISTANCE LUCK MOVEMENT_SPEED NAMETAG_DISTANCE SPAWN_REINFORCEMENTS_CHANCE SWIM_SPEED MAX_HEALTH AttributeModifier (spometing like if baby add BABY_SPEED_BOOST to MOVEMENT_SPEED?) BABY_SPEED_BOOST SLOW_FALLING SPRINTING_SPEED_BOOST Data (any information specific to the enitity?) (only some information will need to be syched to the client usually information of a viual nature or used in rendering) AI_FLAGS ARROW_COUNT_IN_ENTITY ATTACHED_BLOCK_POS ATTACHED_FACE ATTACKING BABY BED_POSITION BEGGING BOOST_TIME BOOST_TIME BREEDING_ITEMS BREEDING_TIME CAN_MIMIC CARRIED_BLOCK CAT_TYPE CLIMBING COLLAR_COLOR COLOR CONVERTING DATA_CHARGING_STATE DATA_HEALTH_ID DROWNING DYE_COLOR FOX_FLAGS FOX_TYPE FROM_BUCKET GOING_HOME GOT_FISH HANGING HAS_EGG HEALTH HIDDEN_GENE HIDE_PARTICLES HOME_POS IGNITED IS_CHILD IS_DIGGING IS_DRINKING IS_STANDING IS_TRUSTING ITEM_SELECTION LIVING_FLAGS MAIN_GENE MOISTNESS MOOSHROOM_TYPE MOVING ON_FIRE OWNER_UNIQUE_ID PANDA_FLAGS PEEK_TICK PHASE PLAYER_CREATED POTION_EFFECTS POWERD PUFF_STATE PUMPKIN_EQUIPPED RABBIT_TYPE SADDLED SCREAMING SIZE SLIME_SIZE SPELL STATE TAMED TARGET_ENTITY TEMPTATION_ITEMS TRAVEL_POS TRAVELLING TREASURE_POS TRUSTED_UUID_MAIN TRUSTED_UUID_SECONDARY VARIANT VARIANT VEX_FLAGS VILLAGER_DATA VILLAGER_TYPE SADDLED Edited August 31, 2020 by frakier Quote
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