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So basically, I'm a newbie at coding and recently started to learn about Java. Mostly because I've been in love with the game for 2 years and I just kinda found modding and coding interesting.

So, I'm basically running into texture problems atm, and the weird thing is: It indicates that there isn't files where it is, there is the errors I've been getting towards this. java.lang.RuntimeException: Encountered an exception when loading model definition of model cg:blockstates/choco.json

java.io.FileNotFoundException: cg:blockstates/choco.json

(At first, I only put the JSON file into textures/items. But when this error appeared, I made another file called "blockstates" with models and textures and put the same JSON there. (Ps. It didn't work.))

All the files exist, I'll upload any parts of the code or the files if needed. I'm just a newbie and any support will be appreciated! 



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