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[1.15.2] Opening Container without TileEntity [Solved]

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Posted (edited)


i'm trying to create a new crafting table but i always get the same error while trying to open the container:

[m[33m[20:11:54] [Render thread/WARN] [minecraft/ClientPlayNetHandler]: Unknown custom packet identifier: professionsmod:main

My Crafting Table Block Code:

public class SmithCraftingTableBlock extends Block{

	public SmithCraftingTableBlock(Properties properties) {
	public ActionResultType onBlockActivated(BlockState state, World worldIn, BlockPos pos, PlayerEntity player, Hand handIn, BlockRayTraceResult hit) {
		ActionResultType type[] = { ActionResultType.PASS };
		if (worldIn.isRemote) {
			player.getCapability(CapabilityProfession.PROFESSION, null).ifPresent(iProfession -> {
				if(iProfession.getProfession() == profession.SMITH) {
					type[0] = ActionResultType.SUCCESS;
			return type[0];
		} else {
			player.getCapability(CapabilityProfession.PROFESSION, null).ifPresent(iProfession -> {
				if(iProfession.getProfession() == profession.SMITH) {
    				type[0] = ActionResultType.SUCCESS;
                	NetworkHooks.openGui((ServerPlayerEntity) player, new SmithContainerProvider(pos));
			return type[0];



public class SmithContainerProvider implements INamedContainerProvider{
	//private BlockPos pos;
	private static final ITextComponent name = new TranslationTextComponent("container.smithcrafting");
	//public SmithContainerProvider(BlockPos pos) {
	//	this.pos = pos;
	public Container createMenu(int windowId, PlayerInventory playerInventory, PlayerEntity p_createMenu_3_) {
		return new SmithCraftingContainer(windowId, playerInventory/*, new PacketBuffer(Unpooled.buffer(8, 8)).writeBlockPos(pos)*/);

	public ITextComponent getDisplayName() {
		return name;



I believe the problem is caused by NetworkHooks.openGui because i'm probably not sending the PacketBuffer the right way. I tried it in many different ways and i suspect that the error was sent from handleCustomPayload in ClientPlayNetHandler, however, i can't figure out a possible solution. If i do this with TileEntity, then there is no such problem. Everything else works fine.

Your help would be greatly appreciated.


PS: This is my first time ever using a forum. Some parts of the code are really ugly in my opinion but i'm only a beginner. Atleast i understand most Java and OOP concepts.


Edited by Thorius
Posted (edited)

I was aware that my array solution is not the best, thanks for the tip.


The error only shows up if i call NetworkHooks.openGui.

Edited by Thorius
Posted (edited)

Weridly after changing some things the problem is gone. Right now after joining a world i get this error message only once. Does SimpleImpl have something to do with it? If so, then i think i can manage it by myself by researching and looking up other codes.


If you still want to see the code:


I could only copy the files manually, so only the code and resources were uploaded.

Also it's a big mess and needs a serious cleanup. Right now i'm experimenting with many features and it cannot be said that i mastered practices for code readability or defensive programming.


Anyway, thanks for the help.


Edited by Thorius

After playing around with my code i noticed that i left out a ctx.enqueueWork() in my Packet, which caused the error after joining a world and probably also the error in the crafting table. Though i'm sure i tested them sepparately.

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