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AnytimeMC Looking for awesome Staff Members!

We are looking for Helpers, Moderators, Admins and Builders!

We are looking for skilled Staff Members that are 16+ This age requirement isn’t set in stone. Depending if your mature we can hire you if you are younger than 16

Server Description:

We are a multiserver network containing gamemodes such as survival, prison, and skyblock. We provide feature full game modes and a seamless and stress free play experience.

Builders: We are looking for skilled builders with some experiences, an portfolio would be nice!

Helpers: We are also looking for Helpers, helper is a staff rank that can play the game as a normal player, they will just moderate the server.

Moderators: We are also looking for Moderators, Moderator is a staff rank that can play the game as a normal player, they will just moderate the server. But a Moderator will be doing more of the hard moderation jobs, like scamming, hacking and also need to know basic configs.

Admins: we are also looking for Admins that are mature and know all about plugins and configs. They would have to be able to brainstorm ideas for the server and be able to communicate to other staff members and higher staff management.

Furthermore, we require that all staff have the ability to talk over discord voice channel.

If this sounds interesting to you Join our discord and see the #staff-process channel! Make sure you read all the requirements there aswell!


You can also use this link to apply: bit.ly/2FOxpwy

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