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about custom colors


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It is posible to create new color instances in order to dye armor?


So im looking for creating new dyes (harder to achieve) which cannot be emulated by mixing vanilla dyes. Like exclusive ones. And give some effects for the armor.


This is the concept:


- u get a drop from a mob or elsewhere

- that item is a dye, that can dye armor (and whool?)

- that color applies a color code which isn't found here https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/File:DyeGraph2.png

- that dyed leather armor has several effects which apply when the wearer gets attacked (by checking if dyed color matches)


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31 minutes ago, ciroreed said:

I ask here expecting to receive some advice, like the name of the interfaces involved on this process. Thanks.

Well the question you asked was can you add new colors of dye. The answer to that question is yes, you can if you wanted to. You would just need to rework the entire color system since it was only made to handle the 16 colors.


There was no interfaces to mention or classes to reference, anything you reference will most likely need to be redone and rehandled from scratch.


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