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Hi, after some testing, i found out that when Quark world type 'Realistic' is enabled, forge doesn't register The Undergarden dimension. After talking with mod autors, I submited the bug in Quark git, The Undergarden dc, and now here con Forge. Undergarden's autor thinks it's a forge thing, a bug between modded world types and modded dimensions. Thanks!


debug.log - pastebin.com

Note that pastebin won't let me post the entire log, so i choose the last lines. If needed i could upload the entire thing.


I did test this thing really well, isolating every aspect of both mods, until finding the feature wich causes the bug.


Posted (edited)

Just tested again, only 3 mods on server. Quark, autoreglib, and The Undergarden. It is still the same error. Here is the new log.



Again, if the entire log is needed, let me now an i will upload it somehow!

Thanks for the fast response!

Edited by Stygan

Yes, the error is that, when Quark's 'realistic' level_type is enabled, forge won't register The Undergarden dimension. I know the log doesn't tell much, but at least i tried to show the /forge dimensions command, which returns NO undergarden dimension, when it should.


Thanks and sorry if i didn't express mysefl good enough.

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