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I am making a client-side mod, that can rotate users head ( principe like aimbot, but I am creating a map ).


I use onPlayerTick to set rotation and pitch, but it's looks awfull, because it "has only 20 fps"


What's a faster way to make something?


(Minecraft 1.15.2)


I am calculating the angle ( trigonometrically ) using coordinates of an entity. By the way, is it possible to do something like

"palyer.lookAtEntity(entity)"? That would be faster and less performance-heavy than using square root as I do


Okaay, it looks better, but still not smooth enough, looks like it's around 25 updates per second, though my FPS-Meter shows I have 60/70 FPS


I used

public void onPlayerTick(TickEvent.RenderTickEvent event) {

    if (event.phase == TickEvent.Phase.START) {

I guess, either "onPlayerTick" is wrong... 😕

public void onPlayerTick(TickEvent.RenderTickEvent event) {
    if (event.phase == TickEvent.Phase.START) {
        if (Minecraft.getInstance().player == null) return;
        PlayerEntity player = Minecraft.getInstance().player;
        execute ( player );
public void execute() {
    //set rotation of player

Can't post more because I'm on phone right now.

public void aim (TickEvent.RenderTickEvent event) {
	if (event.phase == TickEvent.Phase.START) {
		if ( Minecraft.getInstance().player == null ) return;
		PlayerEntity entity = (PlayerEntity) Minecraft.getInstance().player;
		IWorld world = (IWorld) entity.world;
		boolean aiming = PlaceModVariables.WorldVariables.get(world).aiming;
		if ( aiming ) {
			double d = PlaceModVariables.WorldVariables.get(world).aim_distance;
				List<Entity> _entfound = world
								new AxisAlignedBB((entity.getPosX()) - (d / 2d), (entity.getPosY()) - (d / 2d), (entity.getPosZ()) - (d / 2d),
										(entity.getPosX()) + (d / 2d), (entity.getPosY()) + (d / 2d), (entity.getPosZ()) + (d / 2d)),
						.stream().sorted(new Object() {
							Comparator<Entity> compareDistOf(double _x, double _y, double _z) {
								return Comparator.comparing((Function<Entity, Double>) (_entcnd -> _entcnd.getDistanceSq(_x, _y, _z)));
						}.compareDistOf((entity.getPosX()), (entity.getPosY()), (entity.getPosZ()))).collect(Collectors.toList());
				for (Entity entityiterator : _entfound) {
					if ((entityiterator != entity) && (entityiterator.getDisplayName().getString().equals( PlaceModVariables.WorldVariables.get(world).aim ) ) ) {
						double dX = (double) ((entity.getPosX()) - (entityiterator.getPosX()));
						double dY = (double) ((entity.getPosY() + entity.getHeight()) - (entityiterator.getPosY() + ((entityiterator.getHeight()) / 2 )));
						double dZ = (double) ((entity.getPosZ()) - (entityiterator.getPosZ()));
						float yaw = (float) (Math.toDegrees((Math.atan2(dZ, dX))) + 90);
						float pitch = (float) ( 263 - (Math.toDegrees((Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(dZ * dZ + dX * dX), dY) + Math.PI ))));
						entity.rotationYaw = yaw;
						entity.rotationPitch = pitch;

This code was partially generated by MCreator ( it's a Scratch-like programm to make mods for minecraft )


Thank you for your advice, but after going through it, did not have any idea, how to use it ( as mentioned earlier, I was never programming before and was always using MCreator )

   private void cursorPosCallback(long handle, double xpos, double ypos) {
      if (handle == Minecraft.getInstance().getMainWindow().getHandle()) {
         if (this.ignoreFirstMove) {
            this.mouseX = xpos;
            this.mouseY = ypos;
            this.ignoreFirstMove = false;

         IGuiEventListener iguieventlistener = this.minecraft.currentScreen;
         if (iguieventlistener != null && this.minecraft.loadingGui == null) {
            double d0 = xpos * (double)this.minecraft.getMainWindow().getScaledWidth() / (double)this.minecraft.getMainWindow().getWidth();
            double d1 = ypos * (double)this.minecraft.getMainWindow().getScaledHeight() / (double)this.minecraft.getMainWindow().getHeight();
            Screen.wrapScreenError(() -> {
               iguieventlistener.mouseMoved(d0, d1);
            }, "mouseMoved event handler", iguieventlistener.getClass().getCanonicalName());
            if (this.activeButton != -1 && this.eventTime > 0.0D) {
               double d2 = (xpos - this.mouseX) * (double)this.minecraft.getMainWindow().getScaledWidth() / (double)this.minecraft.getMainWindow().getWidth();
               double d3 = (ypos - this.mouseY) * (double)this.minecraft.getMainWindow().getScaledHeight() / (double)this.minecraft.getMainWindow().getHeight();
               Screen.wrapScreenError(() -> {
                  if (net.minecraftforge.client.ForgeHooksClient.onGuiMouseDragPre(this.minecraft.currentScreen, d0, d1, this.activeButton, d2, d3)) return;
                  if (iguieventlistener.mouseDragged(d0, d1, this.activeButton, d2, d3)) return;
                  net.minecraftforge.client.ForgeHooksClient.onGuiMouseDragPost(this.minecraft.currentScreen, d0, d1, this.activeButton, d2, d3);
               }, "mouseDragged event handler", iguieventlistener.getClass().getCanonicalName());

         if (this.isMouseGrabbed() && this.minecraft.isGameFocused()) {
            this.xVelocity += xpos - this.mouseX;
            this.yVelocity += ypos - this.mouseY;

         this.mouseX = xpos;
         this.mouseY = ypos;

   public void updatePlayerLook() {
      double d0 = NativeUtil.getTime();
      double d1 = d0 - this.lastLookTime;
      this.lastLookTime = d0;
      if (this.isMouseGrabbed() && this.minecraft.isGameFocused()) {
         double d4 = this.minecraft.gameSettings.mouseSensitivity * (double)0.6F + (double)0.2F;
         double d5 = d4 * d4 * d4 * 8.0D;
         double d2;
         double d3;
         if (this.minecraft.gameSettings.smoothCamera) {
            double d6 = this.xSmoother.smooth(this.xVelocity * d5, d1 * d5);
            double d7 = this.ySmoother.smooth(this.yVelocity * d5, d1 * d5);
            d2 = d6;
            d3 = d7;
         } else {
            d2 = this.xVelocity * d5;
            d3 = this.yVelocity * d5;

         this.xVelocity = 0.0D;
         this.yVelocity = 0.0D;
         int i = 1;
         if (this.minecraft.gameSettings.invertMouse) {
            i = -1;

         this.minecraft.getTutorial().onMouseMove(d2, d3);
         if (this.minecraft.player != null) {
            this.minecraft.player.rotateTowards(d2, d3 * (double)i);

      } else {
         this.xVelocity = 0.0D;
         this.yVelocity = 0.0D;

Only things to use in my opinion are "this.minecraft.getProfiler().startSection("mouse");" and "IGuiEventListener iguieventlistener = this.minecraft.currentScreen;", but I have no idea, how to use them as trigger for my function... 😵

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