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1.16.4 Can I get assistance on how to set up a workspace? (solved)

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6 hours ago, ChampionAsh5357 said:

So, a question for you. First, what's your experience level in Java and using Eclipse as an IDE?


As for the second part, extract a clean version of the MDK to a location and open up a clean workspace in Eclipse. Do not run any commands. Note, you have to point to a different directory for the workspace when they ask.

I begin with the clean eclipse workspace that's default and import it every time, that way it opens up that project.

I coded a bunch back in 2016, but to answer your question then I know some about Java and I've coded with forge using the Eclipse IDE.

11 hours ago, Guru said:

I begin with the clean eclipse workspace that's default and import it every time, that way it opens up that project.

I assume you import as an existing gradle project to the directory where you extracted. If so, then find the 'Gradle Tasks' bar, click the dropdown arrow next to the project you are in, go within 'fg_runs', and then double click on 'genEclipseRuns'. This should generate the runs properly for use without the command prompt. After that succeeds (which you should be able to tell within 'Gradle Executions' as there will be no red exclamation marks showing), you can then 'runClient' within the run configurations. If you haven't changed anything and gradle does fizz out on you, you will be able to open an instance with three mods installed: Minecraft, Forge, and Example Mod.

2 hours ago, Guru said:

How do you make example mod add a block?

Based on what you answered, that tells me everything works fine. From there, I will direct you to the forge docs on registries as that gives a general idea on how to construct a registry object using one of the two methods mentioned. If you have any issues with that, then create a different thread with that question. This thread is now resolved based on the mentioned topic.

Posted (edited)

This is fine as long as you code using the internet.


If you do not have the internet and you are not able to connect to eclipse with the internet then you can not use gradlew build to build your mod.


Therefor my workspace isn't set up properly if it requires someone else's input in order for it to work that way.


If you do not use an IDE then there is no way to run the build command and produce a mod after setting up forge, as forge requires you to import the files from the MDK into the IDE to read them.


Minecraft Forge does not do this for versions 1.11.2 and you can code anything offline as long as you have opened similar code previously and it has that stored previous state having ran gradlew build with the internet one time.


Then you can code and work on your mod offline.

Edited by Guru

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