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Errors in currently selected datapacks prevented the world from loading. You can either try to load it with only the vanilla data pack ("safe mode") or go back to the title screen to manually fix it


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After creating a world, leaving and entering so that the error occurred, I could create a new world without problems, something that cannot be done until restarting minecraft and I could not repeat it
When that world was created I came out, entered the world and it gave me the error

Edited by LancerTG
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After looking more closely at the log, there are a bunch of OptiFine errors. Try removing OptiFine from the mods folder and then running the game instance.


If you are going to install OptiFine, I would suggest not installing a preview version. Try it with OptiFine HD U G6  

There is also a mod called OptiForge which was made to fix the incompatibilities between Forge and OptiFine. If you decide to install it install OptiForge-MC1.16.5-0.5.0 for 1.16.5, or the previous version for 1.16.4 make sure you install OptiForge's dependency MixinBootstrap-1.0.5.jar

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On 1/30/2021 at 4:37 AM, diesieben07 said:

Neither OptiForge nor MixinBootstrap should be used, ever.

The only reason I recommended this is because Forge has issues with OptiFine and OptiForge fixes those issues. Most modpacks run like trash without OptiFine, so that is why I said that. It was just a recommendation from my modding experiences with Minecraft.


21 hours ago, LancerTG said:

Optiforge didn't fix the problem, any idea what mod might be causing this?

Try removing OptiFine (and OptiForge and MixinBootstrap if those are in the mods folder)

If you are still having issues, please post an updated log.

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  • 1 year later...
On 5/27/2022 at 8:26 AM, fluxflux99 said:

im having the same problem so anybody have any idea to fix it?



On 1/31/2021 at 1:07 PM, diesieben07 said:

Both Optifine and Optiforge (the latter especially) are known for flat out breaking things.

I'm having the same issue here too right now for a while now actually where I have already deleted OptiFine and everything else with it as well as all my resource packs because the Minecraft log was saying that every single resource pack was incompatible(even ones that came with the Minecraft mod pack "Better Minecraft" 1.18.2)

At first, I couldn't even open up Minecraft cuz it would crash every single time with an absolutely nothing in the logs telling me what the issue was. By then, I've updated all of the mods individually (including all the mods I've added myself) but still having issues. I then just tried out deleting OptiFine and I managed to finally run the game for first time within the past several months(due to many other bugs and issues, even other mod packs that I created myself with only like 12 mods in it but no clear way of solving the issue[and yes I've done numerous clean installs of java too, even using curseforge to use premade packs]).

After finally being able to launch Minecraft, I then have to delete every single resource pack (like I said before) because the logs were telling me that they're all invalid (including ones that came with the modpack, or a folder that would automatically be installed called "graphics").

After deleting all my resource packs, now I'm having this pop up anytime I'm trying to start up world and I have no idea where to go from here


Sorry if when I'm writing is a bit too much, just giving as much info as I can, if it helps of course.




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