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Server Not Using Allocated RAM


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I started running a MC Eternal Lite server for me and some friends but for some reason with 10GB of RAM allocated it is only using 1, and some people have told me that it will only use what it needs but if its telling me that the server is overloaded it should probably be using more than 1GB. I've attached a picture of the console with the RAM usage graph


Thanks in advance.


server lag.PNG

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1 minute ago, diesieben07 said:

What version of Minecraft are you running and how exactly are you starting the server?

It's version 1.12.2 (pack version 1.3.7) and i'm running it through my LaunchServer.bat file that contains this:

java -Xms10144M -Xmx10144M -jar forge-1.12.2- -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemory

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