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Problem registering Custom TNT Entity (invalid constructor reference)


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I have problems registering my custom TNT Entity using deferredRegisters.
Basically I have an ambiguity problem (as far as I was able to research). Sadly I haven't really been able to come up with a solution to my problem.
I would really appreciate some help, as I have tried a lot of stuff.
For example: I tried deleting the second constructor, but then I can't really spawn the custom-primed-TNT when I light my CustomTNT block.

Here is the code:
Custom TNT Entity:

public class InfusedTNTEntity extends TNTEntity {

    public InfusedTNTEntity(EntityType<? extends InfusedTNTEntity> type, World worldIn) {
        super(type, worldIn);

    public InfusedTNTEntity(World worldIn, double x, double y, double z, @Nullable LivingEntity igniter) {
        super(worldIn, x, y, z, igniter);



public class ModEntities {
    public static final RegistryObject<EntityType<InfusedTNTEntity>> PRIMED_INFUSED_TNT = register("primed_infused_tnt", () -> EntityType.Builder.create(InfusedTNTEntity::new, EntityClassification.MISC).size(0.5F, 0.9F).build(null));

    static void register() {}

    private static <T extends EntityType<?>> RegistryObject<T> register(String name, Supplier<T> entity){
        return Registration.ENTITY_TYPES.register(name,  entity);


Edit: I just realized i didn't actually directly specify the problem..
Basically the error message is:

error: incompatible types: cannot infer type-variable(s) T
    public static final RegistryObject<EntityType<InfusedTNTEntity>> PRIMED_INFUSED_TNT = register("primed_infused_tnt", () -> EntityType.Builder.create(InfusedTNTEntity::new, EntityClassification.MISC).size(0.5F, 0.9F).build(null));
    (argument mismatch; invalid constructor reference
      incompatible types: EntityType<Entity> cannot be converted to EntityType<? extends InfusedTNTEntity>)
  where T is a type-variable:
    T extends Entity declared in method <T>create(IFactory<T>,EntityClassification)


Edited by Swordsaint
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