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  3. Haha unfortunately im stuck with 1.12 modding for personal reasons. It feels painful I think the markDirty and notifyBlockUpdate are equivalent to blockEntityChanged(), which I've already overridden. Right now, my guess is that I have to set up a network system with packets and handlers which I have little knowledge of. Anyways, thanks for the answer!
  4. here is the log from the server https://github.com/Equiimox/ftb-serg-help/blob/main/latest.log
  5. So I tried to remove every client sided mod, but i still come up with the internal execption error, I'm trying to launch a server with this mod list : https://pastebin.com/T5nuZPyJ Still same errors, Am I still missing some client sided mods?
  6. weirdly as it looks today works as it must be i could think anything else than some kind of problem whit mi intelligi work environment
  7. Brooo you are in 1.12 why do you made mods on 1.12 in 2024 anyway i have similar issue in 1.20.4 in mi case to fix i have to make the BlockEntity to manually call on blockEntityChanged() to inform the world the block entity has change and need to be saved // ########## ########## ########## ########## @Override protected void saveAdditional( CompoundTag nbt ){ //System.out.println("\n##saveAdditional(), " + this.getBlockPos() ); nbt.put("inventory", itemhandler.serializeNBT() ); nbt.putInt("progress", this.progress ); super.saveAdditional( nbt ); //System.out.println(NbtUtils.prettyPrint(nbt)); this.getLevel().blockEntityChanged(this.getBlockPos()); //<---------- } but this is in 1.20.4 may theres something equivalent in 1.12
  8. Looks like an issue with minecraft_earth_mod
  9. I have downloaded mod earth mob mod and it didnt work Then i removed the mod from server and client and it still crashes saying Its missing mod Server log........ Here https://mclo.gs/Ns7fTjq
  10. Felt like I should mention that the item textures (the "in hand" model) is being layered just like leather armor already.
  11. I'm trying to create a very simple tile entity that has a INT NBT data for testing. Saving and loading this TE works fine on single player and NBT is properly showing up. However, whenever I try to do the same in a dedicated server, the NBT data always resets whenever the chunks are unloaded(moving far away or leaving the game while server is running) I have getUpdatePacket, onDataPacket, handleUpdateTag, getUpdateTag overridden, and markDirty, notifyBlockUpdate is called. I've searched everywhere but couldn't find a solution please help me. Tile Entity Block
  12. Hello everyone, I made a custom 1.20.1 minecraft modpack to play with my friends, The modpack works without any problems in single player, so I uploaded it to my server, but when I try to log in, I can't join and it gives me "Internal Execption : io.netty.handlerDecoderExecption" errors, I tried to remove some Client sided mods to the modpack but I still can't join the server, Here is the modlist : https://pastebin.com/8A3VHV8s When i load the server i get a lot of "[Server thread/ERROR] [ne.mi.fm.lo.RuntimeDistCleaner/DISTXFORM]: Attempted to load class net/minecraft/client/renderer/RenderType for invalid dist DEDICATED_SERVER" and "[Server thread/ERROR] [ne.mi.fm.lo.RuntimeDistCleaner/DISTXFORM]: Attempted to load class net/minecraft/client/multiplayer/ClientLevel for invalid dist DEDICATED_SERVER" i cant even do a Pastebin of the console.log file cause it's too big.. Here is every log i can find on my server : https://github.com/Equiimox/ftb-serg-help/tree/main Can somebody help me find what I did wrong?, maybe I missed some client side mods... Thank you
  13. Всем привет! Сижу, настраиваю Gradle в intelliJ IDEA. Мне нужно написать в теминале своего проекта (1.16.5-mdk) команду - `./gradlew.bat setupDevWorkspace` чтобы загрузить важные компаненты, но вместо этого выдаёт такую ошибку → Пожалуйста, кто умеет с этим работать, помогите решить данную проблему.
  14. If you are using Nvidia, make sure Java is running in High-Performance mode https://windowsreport.com/minecraft-not-using-gpu/
  15. it worked thank you, i just had to delete java 22 through apps & features
  16. I use the GeForce Experience app to update all my drivers but ive never had this issue with their updates before, what site would you recommend by chance?
  17. https://paste.ee/p/zE7mr When I removed both, the exit code changed to -1.
  18. Remove both - if this works, add these one by one to find the one, causing this issue
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