Yes, it probably sounds accusatory (sorry) but was meant more as "tough love". Teaching you to learn things yourself. I'm only suggesting this because I feel you're ready for pushing to the next level of self-sufficiency.
There are two types of problems -- common ones in an area of general modding interest, and esoteric ones that are mostly personal interest. There are also two types of people asking questions -- those who are weak in programming and those that are strong. You have an esoteric interest and are a strong programmer so proper help is to teach the skills to debug. If you were asking a common question and were weak programmer I'd spoon feed you the answer...
No core mod is required. So I think you misunderstood my suggestion. Even though you don't suspect your own code, it is still most likely that the problem originates there (or in the way that it hooks into the vanilla code). There are certainly possible bugs in vanilla code (found one yesterday), but even then your code must have exposed it.
So start with instrumenting your own code. By the way, this is a good habit to get into anyway -- a proper code validation needs to confirm every code path. With your own classes confirm that they are (a) being called as expected (b) not taking excessive time in their own right.
If it is an actual memory leak, your IDE has ability to monitor that. Depending on your development environment google some instructions on debugging Java memory leaks. For example, Eclipse has the Memory Analyzer Tool.
Lastly, if you really need to modify the vanilla classes you just copy them and add your stuff -- replacing chunk providers is a standard modding activity. This is just standard debug practice and worth learning, especially since tracing the execution of the vanilla code teaches a LOT about how Minecraft is architected. But you can also use the debugger in your IDE and set breakpoints.
Also, there is a built-in profiler that times some sections in the vanilla code which can help tell you if things are taking longer than expected.
So again sorry I sounded rude, but intended to be more like a sports coach yelling at you to push harder to get to next level. You can do it! I promise if you do the above suggestions you'll feel significant advancement in your programming prowess.