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Everything posted by TheASTRO

  1. Holy, I am so stupid even in this simple part of code. Sorry again. So I`ve typed this: Minecraft mc = Minecraft.getMinecraft(); What I have to do next?
  2. How can I make that instance? I surfed the internet, but I found nothing. If you can-please, help with this :3
  3. Does forge allow to get latest visited server? Or actual server list? Or maybe somehow decrypt servers.dat?
  4. Hello. I`ve encountered a problem. I need to get servers name from a client. How can I do that?
  5. You mean this will work? File file1 = new File(Minecraft.getMinecraft().mcDataDir, "crash-reports");
  6. Generally I am trying to read crash-reports folder content.
  7. No, I need to get crash-reports folder within my mod. So it will work with Java`s "File".
  8. Hello. What is the best way of getting crash-reports folder? I looked into forge source and found something called mcDir in CoreMod class. But I can`t really get into how to do that..
  9. I looked into crash report method. There is nothing about graphics card. It ends with memory info and Java version. That's all..
  10. I mean how can I get GPU info from my mod? Maybe somehow with lwjgl library or something like that?
  11. The question is the same, as a title: how can I get GPU info?
  12. Hello. So here is my build.gradle: (I need to add json-simple library to final jar. Staff told me about Shadow Plugin. I searched your forum also. When I compile the mod, it exports standart jar without json-simple. Whats wrong? )
  13. If you will have some time, will you post an example of code to build jar with libraries? Course I can`t really understand how to do that. Its just a wish and hope
  14. Thanks for the reply, but isn`t there a way to put json-simple library exactly into final mod jar?
  15. I wanna include external jar library (json-simple.jar) to my mod. But as I know, it wont be compiled with the actual mod. How can I add it to the mod, so it will be available?
  16. Hi! I have a question. When minecraft crashes, all the mods are disabling? Or my mod can still work for some time? Or maybe there is some kind of Crash Handler?
  17. Well, I`ve just compiled mod and placed it in mods folder. It worked. So why doesn`t it work without compiling?
  18. Cloned git from GitHub to my "forgemods" folder. Executed 2 commands: gradlew setupDecompWorkspace and gradlew eclipse. Then switched workspace to "forgemods" folder and then imported its content. Configured Run Client and Run Server and started the game. Forge doesn`t see this mod.
  19. Hello. After I`ve imported a mod source from github to my workspace, I discovered, that minecraft does not see this mod. Only its 3 default mods. What may course this problem?
  20. By the way: I`ve just tested it on 1.8 and have same problem. What may course it?
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