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Everything posted by Chazwarp923

  1. I'm trying to test against tinker's construct in my dev environment by putting it in the run/mods folder but when i load up it crashes on some asm code. Mezz said that i should be able to just drop obfuscated mods in and that would deobfuscate them at runtime. Mantle alone loads up just fine, am i missing something or are access transformers just not supported with this system yet? Crash Log: http://pastebin.com/p8d0qLzn Forge: 2026 Mantle: 0.10.3 TCon: 2.3.3a
  2. It's not necessarily a forge issue, i don't know off hand how many mods are in that pack, but id venture to guess 50-100+ and around that point 4gb of overall system memory just really doesn't cut it. More mods inherently means more RAM usage, if you want better performance try disabling some mods that you don't use. And if you can't do that, unless you have a 32bit computer, just upgrade your ram and add another 4 gigs.
  3. [20:00:47] [main/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [optifine.OptiFineClassTransformer:dbg:179]: OptiFine URL: file:/C:/Users/Owner/AppData/Roaming/.minecraft/mods/OptiFine_1.8.9_HD_U_G9%20(1).jar clearly says right there that you're using a 1.8.9 version of optifine on MC1.10.2
  4. Go into your run configurations and change the main class to "GradleStart" instead of "cpw.fml.blablabla"
  5. Because they're 'unnamed', which implies that we shouldn't use them. I try to stick to functions that have been renamed into something resembling what they do. In some cases that's not possible, of course, like func_110143_aJ(), which should be getEntityHealth(). Thats retarded you do know that ALL 'renamed' stuff is done by crowdsourcing from modders right? It has NOTHING to do with if you should use it or not -.- EVERYTHING will be 'unnamed' for 1.6 as the shit is new, nobody has gone in and named them yet. How about, we take a look what we have... /** * When this method is called, your block should register all the icons it needs with the given IconRegister. This * is the only chance you get to register icons. */ public void registerIcons(IconRegister par1IconRegister) { this.blockIcon = par1IconRegister.registerIcon(this.func_111023_E()); } Pretty standard it tries to register a icon that is named the return value of fun_111023_E.. I wonder what that function could be.... protected String func_111023_E() { return this.field_111026_f == null ? "MISSING_ICON_TILE_" + this.blockID + "_" + this.unlocalizedName : this.field_111026_f; } Oh that's straight forward, if a field is null it returns a "MISSING_ICON_TILE" with the block id and unlocalized name... But if it's set it just returns that field... I wonder if there is a place where we can SET that field... public Block func_111022_d(String par1Str) { this.field_111026_f = par1Str; return this; } OMFG there is. Lets try calling that function with what I want to name my icon and HOLY SHIT BALLS OF THE COW GOD MOOSUS IT WORKS! That boys and girls is called troubleshooting/research/LEARNING. And ALL modders should know how to, and feel comfortable doing it. See now i tried this but i need the game to point to my resource folder and then to my icons, how might one go about doing that?
  6. Thanks! That ought to help me narrow it down then
  7. I can only seem to reproduce this on a server cause i tried it client side and it worked perfectly fine, everything was exactly the same. Crash Report: http://gw.minecraftforge.net/0tN7 Forge Mod Loader Server Log: http://gw.minecraftforge.net/4TIP
  8. I see what you mean with the comic but ya know someone's gotta try
  9. If I were to make a mod to unify the electricity systems of most major forge mods who here would use it?
  10. See I thought that too but then everyone has to install the mod rather than just have it all done and ready to go, I'm just saying if the ores were built into forge it'd be a whole lot easier, for everyone.
  11. See that's kind what I was thinking
  12. What could a mod do? It's not like a mod can remove or disable another mods ores and items? Or can they I'm not really sure I'm sorta a noob when it comes to this stuff
  13. Ok so as a user of all the big tech mods (ex. Redpower,ic,bc etc.) having the ore dictionary is great as far as being able to use all my coppers and tins and things added by different mods is great, but wouldn't it just be easier to just have one of each? Like have a copper,tin etc. just added by forge itself, it'd save item Ids which is always good and would simplify things for the user (ex. Not having 3 different copper ores in your sorting machine) anyways I'm open to feedback on the idea so comments plz
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