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Everything posted by ChampionAsh5357

  1. If you only want this logic on the player, override Item#inventoryTick on your item, check if on server via Level#isClientSide, then check if the stack is in the mainhand offhand through the Entity, then apply the effect via Entity#addEffect (you'll probably need to check if the entity is an instance of the player). If you want the logic to be applied on all entities, then listen to the LivingTickEvent, check the mainhand and offhand, then apply the effect. You can use Player#turtleHelmetTick as an example for checking the hand and applying the effect.
  2. It appears that your IDE or the jvm itself does not have the ability to access files on your computer. You can probably search on the internet how to fix that.
  3. Technically since it's a different generator, it should handle the random slightly differently such that the results are not exactly the same as the overworld. You could always try to verify it though.
  4. Again, use RenderHandEvent and check if you are rendering the offhand. Cancel the event if the hand has your item in the mainhand and no item in the current hand. Then, render the offhand. You are given the variables necessary to properly render it since you are currently neglecting two values. You could if you wanted, makes no difference as long as the logic is correct.
  5. There's no such thing as -0. The corners of each block represent the BlockPos. The center of the block is offset by 0.5.
  6. I would look at ItemInHandRenderer to see how the hand is rendered and essentially copy the logic in RenderHandEvent, check for offhand rendering when mainhand has your item, and render the left hand. Pretty much need to copy #renderPlayerArm.
  7. Following a tutorial is not the same as learning a language, but your choice. Regardless, I gave the answer above, use a capability on the level and create a timer method to handle the destroying. If you are using a block entity to destroy the block, then use that instead of a capability on the level. There are docs, wikis, and tutorials on capabilities if you are unsure of their system.
  8. Could you provide the entire debug.log in a gist or pastebin? The error itself is not descriptive enough to find where the issue originates from.
  9. Please provide the logs in a gist or pastebin; we cannot trust the authenticity of links we do not know.
  10. Swapping the items in the hand also plays an animation, so it's probably that. Why not just leave the rendering alone and let it play it's animation? Also, why not just play the animation only when using the item.
  11. What are you attempting to do with this? What guide are you trying to use for this?
  12. Extend the class that you want and override getDefaultAttributeModifiers with your attribute modifiers to apply. You can see how to apply an attribute through the ArmorItem's constructor and its implementation.
  13. Probably just a bug on effortless building's side when on a server; you might want to report it to them.
  14. You need to add more memory to your game. You can search how to do this on the internet.
  15. The version you are using is no longer supported on this forum. Please update to a modern version of Minecraft to receive support. Currently supported versions are 1.19.3 (Latest), 1.19.2, and 1.18.2 (LTS).
  16. Whoops, my bad. For some reason I didn't see the message. Looking at the new one, it seems to be an issue with flywheel and your graphics driver. You can either try removing flywheel and any dependents (e.g., create) or you can try using a different version of your graphics driver (maybe a downgrade, though I'm not too familiar with AMD).
  17. The version you are using is no longer supported on this forum. Please update to a modern version of Minecraft to receive support. Currently supported versions are 1.19.3 (Latest), 1.19.2, and 1.18.2 (LTS).
  18. Remove OptiFine; it is currently not compatible with 1.19.3 Forge.
  19. This would be something you can search on the internet by specifying your operating system and asking where is the .minecraft folder located.
  20. Remove OptiFine; it currently does not support Forge 1.19.3.
  21. An animation is playing when you swing the item on attack or use. It's going back to where it was originally rendered.
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