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Everything posted by ChampionAsh5357

  1. Did you check the debug.log in the logs folder?
  2. I would split the mods into two piles and test them individually to see if they work. If a pile errors, keep splitting it until you find the erroring mod. It seems that one of the mods is making it impossible for the classloader to find the AttachCapabilitiesEvent or is throwing a weird error.
  3. We generally do not support older versions; however, since yours seems to be an issue with java version, I will make an exception. 1.12.2 requires Java 8 to run. It seems like you are running with a later version of java.
  4. Try invalidating your caches by going to File -> Invalidate Caches... -> Invalidate and Restart. That is the most common solution to this type of error.
  5. We are not CurseForge, that is a different organization. Additionally, if people are having these issues in vanilla, this would be a vanilla bug and not a mod loader one.
  6. Please provide the entire debug.log from your logs folder.
  7. The version you are using is no longer supported on this forum. Please update to a modern version of Minecraft to receive support. Currently supported versions are 1.19.2 (Latest) and 1.18.2 (LTS).
  8. We are not Fabric, ask their support line.
  9. The version you are using is no longer supported on this forum. Please update to a modern version of Minecraft to receive support. Currently supported versions are 1.19.2 (Latest) and 1.18.2 (LTS).
  10. The version you are using is no longer supported on this forum. Please update to a modern version of Minecraft to receive support. Currently supported versions are 1.19.2 (Latest) and 1.18.2 (LTS).
  11. The version you are using is no longer supported on this forum. Please update to a modern version of Minecraft to receive support. Currently supported versions are 1.19.2 (Latest) and 1.18.2 (LTS).
  12. In order to root out one of the more common issues, we'll need to see your hosts file. Here's the steps to getting this file. 1) Press the Win + R key on your keyboard. 2) Paste the following into the prompt that opens: 'notepad %windir%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts' 3) Use Ctrl+A to select everything in the file, then Ctrl+C into the textbox to post to this thread.
  13. The version you are using is no longer supported on this forum. Please update to a modern version of Minecraft to receive support. Currently supported versions are 1.19.2 (Latest) and 1.18.2 (LTS).
  14. Provide the models and folder locations corresponding to the door in addition to its registry name.
  15. Either create a layer that goes above the player skin or cancel RenderPlayerEvent$Pre and render the model yourself, though the latter is more incompatible. If this is your introduction into modding however, I would go for something simpler.
  16. Basically, add '-Dforge.logging.console.level=debug -Dforge.logging.markers=REGISTRIES' to your JVM arguments in your game profile.
  17. A number of things could make your mod incompatible, but at that point it's just paranoia. Events are used to mitigate incompatibilities, but you usually don't have to use them unless you're doing something complex or are modifying vanilla in some fashion for a use case in your mod. As for chance, who knows? It's not a quantifiable thing if we have no idea what you're doing.
  18. Hmm, it may be better to add in the mods then one by one from the base Forge state (dependencies can be bundled). You should save performance enhancing mods for last as they tend to be incompatible with a number of mods.
  19. Technically, you would only need two classes for this since an interface is not required, but recommended: one for the cap data and one for the provider itself. If you don't want to use the system, you can just try to add persistent data (via #getPersistentData) to the entity nbt directly since the data is relatively small. However, unless you want to build the boilerplate, there is no simple way for adding capabilities with small amounts of data. As for what the wiki page is calling optional, I believe it's referring to the fact that you technically only need the interface to register a capability. The implementation and provider is only used to actually store the data and is not relevant to the minimum needed to create a capability. In general, you'll almost never see a capability without its implementation and provider.
  20. The recommended method to do this now is through the JarInJar system. There are docs for it, but I recommend using the mdk as an example to add them.
  21. The version you are using is no longer supported on this forum. Please update to a modern version of Minecraft to receive support. Currently supported versions are 1.19.2 (Latest) and 1.18.2 (LTS).
  22. Show the entire debug.log from the logs folder. Additionally, an easier way to find the erroring mod is to split the mods into two piles, check each pile to see if it works, keep splitting and testing the erroring pile until your left with the erroring mods.
  23. Basically, go to your Installations, click the triple dots next to your profile and select Edit, click More Options, and then add the argument with a space in the JVM Arguments section.
  24. The version you are using is no longer supported on this forum. Please update to a modern version of Minecraft to receive support. Currently supported versions are 1.19.2 (Latest) and 1.18.2 (LTS).
  25. The version you are using is no longer supported on this forum. Please update to a modern version of Minecraft to receive support. Currently supported versions are 1.19.2 (Latest) and 1.18.2 (LTS).
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