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Everything posted by Is.M.L

  1. I wanted to make a little cosmetic mod that makes the player sit on the ground while interacting with certain machines from other mods. I feel like the real problem will be to make the player sit facing the machine. Is it even possible?
  2. I want to write my own backup mod to my own server. Because the host has a terrible FTP server, downloading a zip file and uploading the world folder back is not an option for me. My idea of my own backup system would be to save the world seed, and to save the state of each player periodically, and ignore the chunks. Then I could explicitly add a chunk to the backup system and have it saved too. How can I implement that: How can I access a list of all players and save them? how can I later load what I saved? How can I access the data about one particular chunk and reload it if needed? Does this data contain all entities and tile entities in the chunk (EntityItem, EntityLiving and TileEntity)? Can I write the saved data to a live chunk?
  3. Man! I'm lost in all this github and gradle and all that stuff... Thank you!
  4. I'm trying to learn by studying other mods (I chose Botania as an example). In it's source, imports the Buildcraft's API (there's no BC for 1.10.2). Botania doesn't have Buildcraft's API in its repository. I'm guessing it does some gradle magic to make the imports work. Since I'm not a gradle mage myself, I put Buildcraft's API in my file system so it will show in my project, but it's an outdated version of it (because there isn't one for 1.10.2). I've been correcting a lot of easy stuff in the API's source code, but I don't know how to correct this one. I have this line: StatCollector.translateToLocal(getTag()); But it seems there's no StatCollectorclass; not in the package in the import statement (net.minecraft.util.StatCollector) and not anywhere else (eclipse has no suggestions). How do I fix that line to make it work for 1.10.2?
  5. Yeah that was a mistake I realize now. My reasoning was like "what mod is the most popular?" and this is why I decided on AE2. Do you have a suggestion of a better mod to start?
  6. I'm looking at Applied Energistics code (should have picked a different mod, in hindsight) and they import packages they don't have in their code, like this class does: https://github.com/AppliedEnergistics/Applied-Energistics-2/blob/rv4-1.10/src/main/java/appeng/integration/modules/ic2/IC2Module.java they don't have a package named ic2, how can they be importing ic2.api.recipe.RecipeInputItemStack? Several other classes have similar errors in my eclipse. It should be known that all I did was to copy-paste the java files in the zip I downloaded from the repository into their right locations in my src folder.
  7. The thing is, the demand for 1.7.10 and 1.10.2 exists and it's strong. A huge amount of modded Minecraft player base know their mods because of some Feed The Beast modpack. I want to develop mods that get along well with the famous versions of the famous mods that feature in those insanely popular modpack. And my reason is even more direct: I'll be developing for a server running a custom modpack based upon a FTB mobpack. It's said to hear support for those versions will be dropped. EDIT: By the way, thank you @lehjr ! found the branches thing and got the code for the release I was looking for,
  8. I would like to study mod development for 1.10.2, but I can't find older versions of mods. It may be just a issue of me not knowing how to use github...
  9. This looks extremely promising! The latest build is failing at the moment, so I'll give it a couple days before installing, but this might be perfect. People from Forge should take a look at this, and maybe create one of those scripts, like .\gradlew vs, if this really is as good as it looks!
  10. I don't know how to make it work. I would need hard directions on what is needed to make this work. I like Eclipse. Well, I don't hate it. But seeing there are 2 main alternatives, one being Eclipse, the other being IntelliJ, I thought a third wouldn't hurt.
  11. I know Visual Studio doesn't offer Java support natively, but some people wrote what seem to be good extensions (like this: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SamHarwell.JavaLanguageSupport ). Given that the extension can launch a debugger, maybe it would be configurable to launch a Minecraft client, like Eclipse does. Has anyone already done this? Is it possible at all? In the end, everything could be done via shell commands, and, theoretically, all the building and launching part are easy: just tell VS which command with which parameters it needs to feed the shell to queue the task (like building using this and that lib, and launching the test client). In my ignorance, I may be oversimplifying the problem.
  12. And the require-after, and after attributes too?
  13. Thank you very much! An exemplar reply. Just one doubt: Is the format of this dependencies field in mcmod.info the same as it is in the @Mod annotation? (i.e. either required-after:[modid] or after:[modid])
  14. I'm trying to make a mod to better integrate a few features from other mods. I don't want to make it "kind of right" and later find out it doesn't work properly, so I'm asking this topic so someone can answer with a complete description of what needs to be done to achieve this. Do I need to download the mods' deobfuscated jars to compile? Where do I put them? What do I need to change in the @Modannotation? What do I need to change in the mcmod.info file? What do I need to change in the build.gradle file? What's are the differences between a mod that requires another mod to be installed or just adds extra features if said other mod is installed? How do I detect if another mod is running in my code? Is there anything else I need to know? This is what my mod currently looks like: https://github.com/FourWingedKid/stoneyintegration
  15. Yes, I do. I know how to implement an interface, that's not my point. I know how to implement Map<K, V> properly, but I also could implement it wrong. The interface doesn't care, as long as the methods are implemented and return the expected value type (or even if they thrown an exception every time, that's still considered an implementation of the interface); there is no enforcing contract on what the method should actually do. I was asking how to implement IClientCommand properly. Thanks for the help, nonetheless. I gave up on this particular project, as I took a break from gaming shortly after asking this, only now I'm returning.
  16. I'm not an admin, and no, no bukkit. The server is forge modded. I just create these commands to enhance my own gameplay, and if they work, my friends' gameplay. I just want to know the correct way to implement and handle IClientCommand
  17. I know I'm being lazy by asking this, and that I could "try and error" the whole thing, but since I don't have access to a PC right now, sorry for the question, but how do I implement IClientCommand properly? Could you give me an example where the /nether command translates to a /warp nether command? (client gets /nether, handles it and issues a true command /warp nether instead)
  18. I want to add a few client side commands to the client side mod I'm doing, and I wanted to know how to do it. Just to contextualize, I need a command /rain [on|false] that will set a feature to automatically send /weather off command whenever it rains (if the player sets /rain off) or do nothing (if the player sets /rain on). The other commands will work as aliases to long commands (for exemple /nether will warp you to the nether by issuing /warp nether, /bed will teleport you to your bed by issuing /home bed, etc). In short, all I need is a way to handle commands on client side, consuming them and never issuing them to the server.
  19. Works perfectly thank you very much
  20. I want my mod to type /feed automatically once hunger reaches a certain point. It's meant for a multiplayer server, so it must be client side. I don't suppose the client gets any events I can handle. What is the best way of implementing this feature?
  21. Microsoft definitely sped up Minecraft development. Will the Forge devs ever team up with Mojang now to make stuff like moddable Realms?
  22. I ask here because it's the only place I know where people who really know about this stuff gather. You are right, though. I shouldn't do it. You never know, I could break a mod that uses ASM to change bytecode in the classes I need to change. As unlikely as this is with the edits I made, it is a possibility, depending on the way the mode does its bytecode manipulation. Then again, said mod would have to be itself very badly written.
  23. Thank you. Unfortunately, Forge is not even an option. I want to add functionality to my client directly. And there would be no incompatibilities, because I only add, don't change or remove anything.
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