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Everything posted by funsize888

  1. TileEntityChest chest = (TileEntityChest) world.getTileEntity(new BlockPos(i + 6, j + 11, k + 6)); chest.setLootTable(new ResourceLocation("nm:loot/loot_chest"), new Random().nextLong()); Hello, I have made a custom structure and have been trying to add loot tables to the chests inside my structure. I have this code. The resource path is correct I have checked that many times. The only error I get is: Couldn't find resource table nm:loot/loot_chest when I open the chest. I don't know why this is happening because the path is assets.nm.loot and in that package I have loot_chest.json with the loot table in it. Any help is appreciated, Thanks!
  2. OK I figured it out, Thank you so much. Do you know a way to check if there is air below do not spawn because they are spawning in the air and in the ground and I need them to spawn on top of the ground
  3. OK last question sorry for bothering you so much I'm a noob at generation. how would I go about doing the random check, thanks
  4. Ok I got it to spawn but it spawns EVERYWHERE filling my world lol kind of funny, do you know why this is?
  5. Thank you so much for your help. Would I register the world generator in my common or client proxy?
  6. As for the IBlockState in the structure class I dont know where to go/what to do. In my generate class I now have this: @Override public void generate(Random random, int chunkX, int chunkZ, World world, IChunkGenerator chunkGenerator, IChunkProvider chunkProvider) { switch (world.provider.getDimension()) { case -1: generateNether(world, random, chunkX * 16, chunkZ * 16); case 0: generateSurface(world, random, chunkX * 16, chunkZ * 16); case 1: generateEnd(world, random, chunkX * 16, chunkZ * 16); } } private void generateNether(World world, Random random, int x, int z) { } private void generateSurface(World world, Random random, int x, int z) { int posX = x + random.nextInt(16); int posY = 50 + random.nextInt(35); int posZ = z + random.nextInt(16); new Castle().generate(world, random, new BlockPos(posX, posY, posZ)); } private void generateEnd(World world, Random random, int x, int z) { } }
  7. Ok I changed it up quite a bit. Here is the structure code: public class Castle extends WorldGenerator { public boolean generate(World world, Random rand, BlockPos pos) { world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 0, pos.getY() + 0, pos.getZ() + 0),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 0, pos.getY() + 0, pos.getZ() + 1),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 0, pos.getY() + 0, pos.getZ() + 2),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 0, pos.getY() + 0, pos.getZ() + 3),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 0, pos.getY() + 0, pos.getZ() + 4),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 0, pos.getY() + 0, pos.getZ() + 5),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 0, pos.getY() + 0, pos.getZ() + 6),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 0, pos.getY() + 0, pos.getZ() + 7),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 0, pos.getY() + 0, pos.getZ() + 8),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 0, pos.getY() + 0, pos.getZ() + 9),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 0, pos.getY() + 0, pos.getZ() + 11), (IBlockState)Blocks.TALLGRASS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockTallGrass.TYPE, BlockTallGrass.EnumType.GRASS)); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 0, pos.getY() + 0, pos.getZ() + 12), (IBlockState)Blocks.TALLGRASS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockTallGrass.TYPE, BlockTallGrass.EnumType.GRASS)); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 0, pos.getY() + 0, pos.getZ() + 13), (IBlockState)Blocks.TALLGRASS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockTallGrass.TYPE, BlockTallGrass.EnumType.GRASS)); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 0, pos.getY() + 0, pos.getZ() + 14), (IBlockState)Blocks.TALLGRASS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockTallGrass.TYPE, BlockTallGrass.EnumType.GRASS)); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 0, pos.getY() + 1, pos.getZ() + 0),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 0, pos.getY() + 1, pos.getZ() + 1),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 0, pos.getY() + 1, pos.getZ() + 2),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 0, pos.getY() + 1, pos.getZ() + 3),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 0, pos.getY() + 1, pos.getZ() + 4),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 0, pos.getY() + 1, pos.getZ() + 5),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 0, pos.getY() + 1, pos.getZ() + 6),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 0, pos.getY() + 1, pos.getZ() + 7),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 0, pos.getY() + 1, pos.getZ() + 8),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 0, pos.getY() + 1, pos.getZ() + 9),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 0, pos.getY() + 2, pos.getZ() + 0),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 0, pos.getY() + 2, pos.getZ() + 1),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 0, pos.getY() + 2, pos.getZ() + 2),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 0, pos.getY() + 2, pos.getZ() + 3),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 0, pos.getY() + 2, pos.getZ() + 4),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 0, pos.getY() + 2, pos.getZ() + 5),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 0, pos.getY() + 2, pos.getZ() + 6),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 0, pos.getY() + 2, pos.getZ() + 7),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 0, pos.getY() + 2, pos.getZ() + 8),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 0, pos.getY() + 2, pos.getZ() + 9),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 0, pos.getY() + 3, pos.getZ() + 0),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 0, pos.getY() + 3, pos.getZ() + 1),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 0, pos.getY() + 3, pos.getZ() + 2),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 0, pos.getY() + 3, pos.getZ() + 3),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 0, pos.getY() + 3, pos.getZ() + 4),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 0, pos.getY() + 3, pos.getZ() + 5),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 0, pos.getY() + 3, pos.getZ() + 6),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 0, pos.getY() + 3, pos.getZ() + 7),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 0, pos.getY() + 3, pos.getZ() + 8),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 0, pos.getY() + 3, pos.getZ() + 9),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 0, pos.getY() + 4, pos.getZ() + 0),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 0, pos.getY() + 4, pos.getZ() + 1),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 0, pos.getY() + 4, pos.getZ() + 2),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 0, pos.getY() + 4, pos.getZ() + 3),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 0, pos.getY() + 4, pos.getZ() + 4),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 0, pos.getY() + 4, pos.getZ() + 5),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 0, pos.getY() + 4, pos.getZ() + 6),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 0, pos.getY() + 4, pos.getZ() + 7),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 0, pos.getY() + 4, pos.getZ() + 8),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 0, pos.getY() + 4, pos.getZ() + 9),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 0, pos.getY() + 5, pos.getZ() + 0),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 0, pos.getY() + 5, pos.getZ() + 1),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 0, pos.getY() + 5, pos.getZ() + 2),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 0, pos.getY() + 5, pos.getZ() + 3),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 0, pos.getY() + 5, pos.getZ() + 4),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 0, pos.getY() + 5, pos.getZ() + 5),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 0, pos.getY() + 5, pos.getZ() + 6),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 0, pos.getY() + 5, pos.getZ() + 7),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 0, pos.getY() + 5, pos.getZ() + 8),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 0, pos.getY() + 5, pos.getZ() + 9),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 0, pos.getY() + 6, pos.getZ() + 7),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 0, pos.getY() + 6, pos.getZ() + 8),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 0, pos.getY() + 10, pos.getZ() + 6),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 0, pos.getY() + 10, pos.getZ() + 7),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 0, pos.getY() + 10, pos.getZ() + 8),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 0, pos.getY() + 10, pos.getZ() + 9),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 0, pos.getY() + 11, pos.getZ() + 6),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 0, pos.getY() + 11, pos.getZ() + 9),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 1, pos.getY() + 0, pos.getZ() + 0),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 1, pos.getY() + 0, pos.getZ() + 1),(IBlockState) Blocks.CHEST); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 1, pos.getY() + 0, pos.getZ() + 9),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); // world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 1, pos.getY() + 0, pos.getZ() + 11), (IBlockState)Blocks.TALLGRASS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockTallGrass.TYPE, BlockTallGrass.EnumType.GRASS)); //world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 1, pos.getY() + 0, pos.getZ() + 13), (IBlockState)Blocks.TALLGRASS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockTallGrass.TYPE, BlockTallGrass.EnumType.GRASS)); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 1, pos.getY() + 1, pos.getZ() + 0),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 1, pos.getY() + 1, pos.getZ() + 9),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 1, pos.getY() + 2, pos.getZ() + 0),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 1, pos.getY() + 2, pos.getZ() + 9),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 1, pos.getY() + 3, pos.getZ() + 0),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 1, pos.getY() + 3, pos.getZ() + 9),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 1, pos.getY() + 4, pos.getZ() + 0),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 1, pos.getY() + 4, pos.getZ() + 9),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 1, pos.getY() + 5, pos.getZ() + 0),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 1, pos.getY() + 5, pos.getZ() + 9),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 1, pos.getY() + 6, pos.getZ() + 1),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 1, pos.getY() + 6, pos.getZ() + 2),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 1, pos.getY() + 6, pos.getZ() + 3),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 1, pos.getY() + 6, pos.getZ() + 4),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 1, pos.getY() + 6, pos.getZ() + 5),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 1, pos.getY() + 6, pos.getZ() + 6),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 1, pos.getY() + 6, pos.getZ() + 7),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 1, pos.getY() + 6, pos.getZ() + 8),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 1, pos.getY() + 6, pos.getZ() + 9),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 1, pos.getY() + 7, pos.getZ() + 7),(IBlockState) Blocks.COBBLESTONE); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 1, pos.getY() + 7, pos.getZ() + 8),(IBlockState) Blocks.COBBLESTONE); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 1, pos.getY() + 8, pos.getZ() + 7),(IBlockState) Blocks.COBBLESTONE); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 1, pos.getY() + 8, pos.getZ() + 8),(IBlockState) Blocks.COBBLESTONE); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 1, pos.getY() + 9, pos.getZ() + 7),(IBlockState) Blocks.COBBLESTONE); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 1, pos.getY() + 9, pos.getZ() + 8),(IBlockState) Blocks.COBBLESTONE); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 1, pos.getY() + 10, pos.getZ() + 6),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 1, pos.getY() + 10, pos.getZ() + 7),(IBlockState) Blocks.NETHERRACK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 1, pos.getY() + 10, pos.getZ() + 8),(IBlockState) Blocks.NETHERRACK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 1, pos.getY() + 10, pos.getZ() + 9),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 1, pos.getY() + 11, pos.getZ() + 7),(IBlockState) Blocks.FIRE); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 1, pos.getY() + 11, pos.getZ() + 8),(IBlockState) Blocks.FIRE); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 2, pos.getY() + 0, pos.getZ() + 0),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 2, pos.getY() + 0, pos.getZ() + 9),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); //this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 0, k + 15), (IBlockState)Blocks.TALLGRASS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockTallGrass.TYPE, BlockTallGrass.EnumType.GRASS)); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 2, pos.getY() + 1, pos.getZ() + 0),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 2, pos.getY() + 1, pos.getZ() + 9),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 2, pos.getY() + 2, pos.getZ() + 0),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 2, pos.getY() + 2, pos.getZ() + 9),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 2, pos.getY() + 3, pos.getZ() + 0),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 2, pos.getY() + 3, pos.getZ() + 9),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 2, pos.getY() + 4, pos.getZ() + 0),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 2, pos.getY() + 4, pos.getZ() + 9),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 2, pos.getY() + 5, pos.getZ() + 0),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 2, pos.getY() + 5, pos.getZ() + 9),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 2, pos.getY() + 6, pos.getZ() + 1),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 2, pos.getY() + 6, pos.getZ() + 2),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 2, pos.getY() + 6, pos.getZ() + 3),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 2, pos.getY() + 6, pos.getZ() + 4),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 2, pos.getY() + 6, pos.getZ() + 5),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 2, pos.getY() + 6, pos.getZ() + 6),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 2, pos.getY() + 6, pos.getZ() + 7),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 2, pos.getY() + 6, pos.getZ() + 8),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 2, pos.getY() + 6, pos.getZ() + 9),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 2, pos.getY() + 7, pos.getZ() + 7),(IBlockState) Blocks.COBBLESTONE); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 2, pos.getY() + 7, pos.getZ() + 8),(IBlockState) Blocks.COBBLESTONE); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 2, pos.getY() + 8, pos.getZ() + 7),(IBlockState) Blocks.COBBLESTONE); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 2, pos.getY() + 8, pos.getZ() + 8),(IBlockState) Blocks.COBBLESTONE); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 2, pos.getY() + 9, pos.getZ() + 7),(IBlockState) Blocks.COBBLESTONE); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 2, pos.getY() + 9, pos.getZ() + 8),(IBlockState) Blocks.COBBLESTONE); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 2, pos.getY() + 10, pos.getZ() + 6),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 2, pos.getY() + 10, pos.getZ() + 7),(IBlockState) Blocks.NETHERRACK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 2, pos.getY() + 10, pos.getZ() + 8),(IBlockState) Blocks.NETHERRACK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 2, pos.getY() + 10, pos.getZ() + 9),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 2, pos.getY() + 11, pos.getZ() + 7),(IBlockState) Blocks.FIRE); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 2, pos.getY() + 11, pos.getZ() + 8),(IBlockState) Blocks.FIRE); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 3, pos.getY() + 0, pos.getZ() + 0),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 3, pos.getY() + 0, pos.getZ() + 10), (IBlockState)Blocks.PLANKS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockPlanks.VARIANT, BlockPlanks.EnumType.OAK)); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 3, pos.getY() + 0, pos.getZ() + 11), (IBlockState)Blocks.PLANKS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockPlanks.VARIANT, BlockPlanks.EnumType.OAK)); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 3, pos.getY() + 0, pos.getZ() + 12), (IBlockState)Blocks.PLANKS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockPlanks.VARIANT, BlockPlanks.EnumType.OAK)); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 3, pos.getY() + 0, pos.getZ() + 13), (IBlockState)Blocks.PLANKS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockPlanks.VARIANT, BlockPlanks.EnumType.OAK)); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 3, pos.getY() + 0, pos.getZ() + 14), (IBlockState)Blocks.PLANKS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockPlanks.VARIANT, BlockPlanks.EnumType.OAK)); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 3, pos.getY() + 0, pos.getZ() + 15), (IBlockState)Blocks.PLANKS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockPlanks.VARIANT, BlockPlanks.EnumType.OAK)); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 3, pos.getY() + 1, pos.getZ() + 0),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 3, pos.getY() + 1, pos.getZ() + 15),(IBlockState) Blocks.OAK_FENCE); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 3, pos.getY() + 2, pos.getZ() + 0),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 3, pos.getY() + 2, pos.getZ() + 13),(IBlockState) Blocks.OAK_FENCE); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 3, pos.getY() + 2, pos.getZ() + 14),(IBlockState) Blocks.OAK_FENCE); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 3, pos.getY() + 2, pos.getZ() + 15),(IBlockState) Blocks.OAK_FENCE); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 3, pos.getY() + 3, pos.getZ() + 0),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 3, pos.getY() + 3, pos.getZ() + 11),(IBlockState) Blocks.OAK_FENCE); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 3, pos.getY() + 3, pos.getZ() + 12),(IBlockState) Blocks.OAK_FENCE); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 3, pos.getY() + 3, pos.getZ() + 13),(IBlockState) Blocks.OAK_FENCE); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 3, pos.getY() + 4, pos.getZ() + 0),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 3, pos.getY() + 4, pos.getZ() + 10),(IBlockState) Blocks.OAK_FENCE); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 3, pos.getY() + 4, pos.getZ() + 11),(IBlockState) Blocks.OAK_FENCE); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 3, pos.getY() + 5, pos.getZ() + 0),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 3, pos.getY() + 5, pos.getZ() + 9),(IBlockState) Blocks.OAK_FENCE); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 3, pos.getY() + 5, pos.getZ() + 10),(IBlockState) Blocks.OAK_FENCE); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 3, pos.getY() + 6, pos.getZ() + 1),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 3, pos.getY() + 6, pos.getZ() + 2),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 3, pos.getY() + 6, pos.getZ() + 3),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 3, pos.getY() + 6, pos.getZ() + 4),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 3, pos.getY() + 6, pos.getZ() + 5),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 3, pos.getY() + 6, pos.getZ() + 6),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 3, pos.getY() + 6, pos.getZ() + 7),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 3, pos.getY() + 6, pos.getZ() + 8),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 3, pos.getY() + 10, pos.getZ() + 6),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 3, pos.getY() + 10, pos.getZ() + 7),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 3, pos.getY() + 10, pos.getZ() + 8),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 3, pos.getY() + 10, pos.getZ() + 9),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 3, pos.getY() + 11, pos.getZ() + 6),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 3, pos.getY() + 11, pos.getZ() + 9),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 4, pos.getY() + 0, pos.getZ() + 0),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 4, pos.getY() + 0, pos.getZ() + 10), (IBlockState)Blocks.PLANKS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockPlanks.VARIANT, BlockPlanks.EnumType.OAK)); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 4, pos.getY() + 0, pos.getZ() + 11), (IBlockState)Blocks.PLANKS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockPlanks.VARIANT, BlockPlanks.EnumType.OAK)); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 4, pos.getY() + 0, pos.getZ() + 12), (IBlockState)Blocks.PLANKS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockPlanks.VARIANT, BlockPlanks.EnumType.OAK)); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 4, pos.getY() + 0, pos.getZ() + 13), (IBlockState)Blocks.PLANKS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockPlanks.VARIANT, BlockPlanks.EnumType.OAK)); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 4, pos.getY() + 1, pos.getZ() + 0),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 4, pos.getY() + 2, pos.getZ() + 0),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 4, pos.getY() + 3, pos.getZ() + 0),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 4, pos.getY() + 4, pos.getZ() + 0),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 4, pos.getY() + 5, pos.getZ() + 0),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 4, pos.getY() + 6, pos.getZ() + 1),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 4, pos.getY() + 6, pos.getZ() + 2),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 4, pos.getY() + 6, pos.getZ() + 3),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 4, pos.getY() + 6, pos.getZ() + 4),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 4, pos.getY() + 6, pos.getZ() + 5),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 4, pos.getY() + 6, pos.getZ() + 6),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 4, pos.getY() + 6, pos.getZ() + 7),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 4, pos.getY() + 6, pos.getZ() + 8),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 5, pos.getY() + 0, pos.getZ() + 0),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 5, pos.getY() + 0, pos.getZ() + 10), (IBlockState)Blocks.PLANKS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockPlanks.VARIANT, BlockPlanks.EnumType.OAK)); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 5, pos.getY() + 0, pos.getZ() + 11), (IBlockState)Blocks.PLANKS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockPlanks.VARIANT, BlockPlanks.EnumType.OAK)); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 5, pos.getY() + 0, pos.getZ() + 12), (IBlockState)Blocks.PLANKS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockPlanks.VARIANT, BlockPlanks.EnumType.OAK)); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 5, pos.getY() + 0, pos.getZ() + 13), (IBlockState)Blocks.PLANKS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockPlanks.VARIANT, BlockPlanks.EnumType.OAK)); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 5, pos.getY() + 0, pos.getZ() + 14), (IBlockState)Blocks.PLANKS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockPlanks.VARIANT, BlockPlanks.EnumType.OAK)); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 5, pos.getY() + 1, pos.getZ() + 0),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 5, pos.getY() + 2, pos.getZ() + 0),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 5, pos.getY() + 3, pos.getZ() + 0),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 5, pos.getY() + 4, pos.getZ() + 0),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 5, pos.getY() + 5, pos.getZ() + 0),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 5, pos.getY() + 6, pos.getZ() + 1),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 5, pos.getY() + 6, pos.getZ() + 2),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 5, pos.getY() + 6, pos.getZ() + 3),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 5, pos.getY() + 6, pos.getZ() + 4),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 5, pos.getY() + 6, pos.getZ() + 5),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 5, pos.getY() + 6, pos.getZ() + 6),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 5, pos.getY() + 6, pos.getZ() + 7),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 5, pos.getY() + 6, pos.getZ() + 8),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 6, pos.getY() + 0, pos.getZ() + 0),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 6, pos.getY() + 0, pos.getZ() + 10), (IBlockState)Blocks.PLANKS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockPlanks.VARIANT, BlockPlanks.EnumType.OAK)); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 6, pos.getY() + 0, pos.getZ() + 12), (IBlockState)Blocks.PLANKS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockPlanks.VARIANT, BlockPlanks.EnumType.OAK)); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 6, pos.getY() + 0, pos.getZ() + 13),(IBlockState)Blocks.PLANKS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockPlanks.VARIANT, BlockPlanks.EnumType.OAK)); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 6, pos.getY() + 0, pos.getZ() + 14),(IBlockState)Blocks.PLANKS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockPlanks.VARIANT, BlockPlanks.EnumType.OAK)); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 6, pos.getY() + 0, pos.getZ() + 15), (IBlockState)Blocks.PLANKS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockPlanks.VARIANT, BlockPlanks.EnumType.OAK)); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 6, pos.getY() + 1, pos.getZ() + 0),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 6, pos.getY() + 1, pos.getZ() + 15),(IBlockState) Blocks.OAK_FENCE); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 6, pos.getY() + 2, pos.getZ() + 0),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 6, pos.getY() + 2, pos.getZ() + 13),(IBlockState) Blocks.OAK_FENCE); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 6, pos.getY() + 2, pos.getZ() + 14),(IBlockState) Blocks.OAK_FENCE); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 6, pos.getY() + 2, pos.getZ() + 15),(IBlockState) Blocks.OAK_FENCE); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 6, pos.getY() + 3, pos.getZ() + 0),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 6, pos.getY() + 3, pos.getZ() + 11),(IBlockState) Blocks.OAK_FENCE); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 6, pos.getY() + 3, pos.getZ() + 12),(IBlockState) Blocks.OAK_FENCE); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 6, pos.getY() + 3, pos.getZ() + 13),(IBlockState) Blocks.OAK_FENCE); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 6, pos.getY() + 4, pos.getZ() + 0),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 6, pos.getY() + 4, pos.getZ() + 10),(IBlockState) Blocks.OAK_FENCE); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 6, pos.getY() + 4, pos.getZ() + 11),(IBlockState) Blocks.OAK_FENCE); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 6, pos.getY() + 5, pos.getZ() + 0),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 6, pos.getY() + 5, pos.getZ() + 9),(IBlockState) Blocks.OAK_FENCE); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 6, pos.getY() + 5, pos.getZ() + 10),(IBlockState) Blocks.OAK_FENCE); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 6, pos.getY() + 6, pos.getZ() + 1),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 6, pos.getY() + 6, pos.getZ() + 2),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 6, pos.getY() + 6, pos.getZ() + 3),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 6, pos.getY() + 6, pos.getZ() + 4),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 6, pos.getY() + 6, pos.getZ() + 5),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 6, pos.getY() + 6, pos.getZ() + 6),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 6, pos.getY() + 6, pos.getZ() + 7),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 6, pos.getY() + 6, pos.getZ() + 8),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 6, pos.getY() + 10, pos.getZ() + 6),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 6, pos.getY() + 10, pos.getZ() + 7),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 6, pos.getY() + 10, pos.getZ() + 8),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 6, pos.getY() + 10, pos.getZ() + 9),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 6, pos.getY() + 11, pos.getZ() + 6),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 6, pos.getY() + 11, pos.getZ() + 9),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 7, pos.getY() + 0, pos.getZ() + 0),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 7, pos.getY() + 0, pos.getZ() + 9),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); //this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 0, k + 12), (IBlockState)Blocks.TALLGRASS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockTallGrass.TYPE, BlockTallGrass.EnumType.GRASS)); //this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 0, k + 13), (IBlockState)Blocks.TALLGRASS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockTallGrass.TYPE, BlockTallGrass.EnumType.GRASS)); //this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 0, k + 15), (IBlockState)Blocks.TALLGRASS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockTallGrass.TYPE, BlockTallGrass.EnumType.GRASS)); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 7, pos.getY() + 1, pos.getZ() + 0),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 7, pos.getY() + 1, pos.getZ() + 9),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 7, pos.getY() + 2, pos.getZ() + 0),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 7, pos.getY() + 2, pos.getZ() + 9),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 7, pos.getY() + 3, pos.getZ() + 0),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 7, pos.getY() + 3, pos.getZ() + 9),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 7, pos.getY() + 4, pos.getZ() + 0),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 7, pos.getY() + 4, pos.getZ() + 9),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 7, pos.getY() + 5, pos.getZ() + 0),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 7, pos.getY() + 5, pos.getZ() + 9),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 7, pos.getY() + 6, pos.getZ() + 1),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 7, pos.getY() + 6, pos.getZ() + 2),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 7, pos.getY() + 6, pos.getZ() + 3),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 7, pos.getY() + 6, pos.getZ() + 4),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 7, pos.getY() + 6, pos.getZ() + 5),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 7, pos.getY() + 6, pos.getZ() + 6),(IBlockState)Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 7, pos.getY() + 6, pos.getZ() + 7),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 7, pos.getY() + 6, pos.getZ() + 8),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 7, pos.getY() + 6, pos.getZ() + 9),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 7, pos.getY() + 7, pos.getZ() + 7),(IBlockState) Blocks.COBBLESTONE); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 7, pos.getY() + 7, pos.getZ() + 8),(IBlockState) Blocks.COBBLESTONE); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 7, pos.getY() + 8, pos.getZ() + 7),(IBlockState) Blocks.COBBLESTONE); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 7, pos.getY() + 8, pos.getZ() + 8),(IBlockState) Blocks.COBBLESTONE); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 7, pos.getY() + 9, pos.getZ() + 7),(IBlockState) Blocks.COBBLESTONE); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 7, pos.getY() + 9, pos.getZ() + 8),(IBlockState) Blocks.COBBLESTONE); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 7, pos.getY() + 10, pos.getZ() + 6),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 7, pos.getY() + 10, pos.getZ() + 7),(IBlockState) Blocks.NETHERRACK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 7, pos.getY() + 10, pos.getZ() + 8),(IBlockState) Blocks.NETHERRACK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 7, pos.getY() + 10, pos.getZ() + 9),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 7, pos.getY() + 11, pos.getZ() + 7),(IBlockState) Blocks.FIRE); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 7, pos.getY() + 11, pos.getZ() + 8),(IBlockState) Blocks.FIRE); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 8, pos.getY() + 0, pos.getZ() + 0),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 8, pos.getY() + 0, pos.getZ() + 8),(IBlockState) Blocks.CHEST); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 8, pos.getY() + 0, pos.getZ() + 9),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); //this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 0, k + 11), (IBlockState)Blocks.TALLGRASS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockTallGrass.TYPE, BlockTallGrass.EnumType.GRASS)); //this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 0, k + 12), (IBlockState)Blocks.TALLGRASS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockTallGrass.TYPE, BlockTallGrass.EnumType.GRASS)); //this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 0, k + 13), (IBlockState)Blocks.TALLGRASS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockTallGrass.TYPE, BlockTallGrass.EnumType.GRASS)); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 8, pos.getY() + 1, pos.getZ() + 0),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 8, pos.getY() + 1, pos.getZ() + 9),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 8, pos.getY() + 2, pos.getZ() + 0),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 8, pos.getY() + 2, pos.getZ() + 9),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 8, pos.getY() + 3, pos.getZ() + 0),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 8, pos.getY() + 3, pos.getZ() + 9),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 8, pos.getY() + 4, pos.getZ() + 0),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 8, pos.getY() + 4, pos.getZ() + 9),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 8, pos.getY() + 5, pos.getZ() + 0),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 8, pos.getY() + 5, pos.getZ() + 9),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 8, pos.getY() + 6, pos.getZ() + 1),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 8, pos.getY() + 6, pos.getZ() + 2),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 8, pos.getY() + 6, pos.getZ() + 3),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 8, pos.getY() + 6, pos.getZ() + 4),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 8, pos.getY() + 6, pos.getZ() + 5),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 8, pos.getY() + 6, pos.getZ() + 6),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 8, pos.getY() + 6, pos.getZ() + 7),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 8, pos.getY() + 6, pos.getZ() + 8),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 8, pos.getY() + 6, pos.getZ() + 9),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 8, pos.getY() + 7, pos.getZ() + 7),(IBlockState) Blocks.COBBLESTONE); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 8, pos.getY() + 7, pos.getZ() + 8),(IBlockState) Blocks.COBBLESTONE); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 8, pos.getY() + 8, pos.getZ() + 7),(IBlockState) Blocks.COBBLESTONE); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 8, pos.getY() + 8, pos.getZ() + 8),(IBlockState) Blocks.COBBLESTONE); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 8, pos.getY() + 9, pos.getZ() + 7),(IBlockState) Blocks.COBBLESTONE); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 8, pos.getY() + 9, pos.getZ() + 8),(IBlockState) Blocks.COBBLESTONE); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 8, pos.getY() + 10, pos.getZ() + 6),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 8, pos.getY() + 10, pos.getZ() + 7),(IBlockState) Blocks.NETHERRACK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 8, pos.getY() + 10, pos.getZ() + 8),(IBlockState) Blocks.NETHERRACK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 8, pos.getY() + 10, pos.getZ() + 9),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 9, pos.getY() + 0, pos.getZ() + 0),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 9, pos.getY() + 0, pos.getZ() + 1),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 9, pos.getY() + 0, pos.getZ() + 2),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 9, pos.getY() + 0, pos.getZ() + 3),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 9, pos.getY() + 0, pos.getZ() + 4),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 9, pos.getY() + 0, pos.getZ() + 5),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 9, pos.getY() + 0, pos.getZ() + 6),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 9, pos.getY() + 0, pos.getZ() + 7),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 9, pos.getY() + 0, pos.getZ() + 8),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 9, pos.getY() + 0, pos.getZ() + 9),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); //this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 0, k + 12), (IBlockState)Blocks.TALLGRASS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockTallGrass.TYPE, BlockTallGrass.EnumType.GRASS)); //this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 0, k + 14), (IBlockState)Blocks.TALLGRASS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockTallGrass.TYPE, BlockTallGrass.EnumType.GRASS)); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 9, pos.getY() + 1, pos.getZ() + 0),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 9, pos.getY() + 1, pos.getZ() + 1),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 9, pos.getY() + 1, pos.getZ() + 2),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 9, pos.getY() + 1, pos.getZ() + 3),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 9, pos.getY() + 1, pos.getZ() + 4),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 9, pos.getY() + 1, pos.getZ() + 5),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 9, pos.getY() + 1, pos.getZ() + 6),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 9, pos.getY() + 1, pos.getZ() + 7),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 9, pos.getY() + 1, pos.getZ() + 8),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 9, pos.getY() + 1, pos.getZ() + 9),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 9, pos.getY() + 2, pos.getZ() + 0),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 9, pos.getY() + 2, pos.getZ() + 1),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 9, pos.getY() + 2, pos.getZ() + 2),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 9, pos.getY() + 2, pos.getZ() + 3),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 9, pos.getY() + 2, pos.getZ() + 4),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 9, pos.getY() + 2, pos.getZ() + 5),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 9, pos.getY() + 2, pos.getZ() + 6),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 9, pos.getY() + 2, pos.getZ() + 7),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 9, pos.getY() + 2, pos.getZ() + 8),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 9, pos.getY() + 2, pos.getZ() + 9),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 9, pos.getY() + 3, pos.getZ() + 0),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 9, pos.getY() + 3, pos.getZ() + 1),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 9, pos.getY() + 3, pos.getZ() + 2),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 9, pos.getY() + 3, pos.getZ() + 3),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 9, pos.getY() + 3, pos.getZ() + 4),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 9, pos.getY() + 3, pos.getZ() + 5),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 9, pos.getY() + 3, pos.getZ() + 6),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 9, pos.getY() + 3, pos.getZ() + 7),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 9, pos.getY() + 3, pos.getZ() + 8),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 9, pos.getY() + 3, pos.getZ() + 9),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 9, pos.getY() + 4, pos.getZ() + 0),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 9, pos.getY() + 4, pos.getZ() + 1),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 9, pos.getY() + 4, pos.getZ() + 2),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 9, pos.getY() + 4, pos.getZ() + 3),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 9, pos.getY() + 4, pos.getZ() + 4),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 9, pos.getY() + 4, pos.getZ() + 5),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 9, pos.getY() + 4, pos.getZ() + 6),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 9, pos.getY() + 4, pos.getZ() + 7),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 9, pos.getY() + 4, pos.getZ() + 8),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 9, pos.getY() + 4, pos.getZ() + 9),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 9, pos.getY() + 5, pos.getZ() + 0),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 9, pos.getY() + 5, pos.getZ() + 1),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 9, pos.getY() + 5, pos.getZ() + 2),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 9, pos.getY() + 5, pos.getZ() + 3),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 9, pos.getY() + 5, pos.getZ() + 4),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 9, pos.getY() + 5, pos.getZ() + 5),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 9, pos.getY() + 5, pos.getZ() + 6),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 9, pos.getY() + 5, pos.getZ() + 7),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 9, pos.getY() + 5, pos.getZ() + 8),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 9, pos.getY() + 5, pos.getZ() + 9),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 9, pos.getY() + 6, pos.getZ() + 7),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 9, pos.getY() + 6, pos.getZ() + 8),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 9, pos.getY() + 10, pos.getZ() + 6),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 9, pos.getY() + 10, pos.getZ() + 7),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 9, pos.getY() + 10, pos.getZ() + 8),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 9, pos.getY() + 10, pos.getZ() + 9),(IBlockState)Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 9, pos.getY() + 11, pos.getZ() + 6),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX() + 9, pos.getY() + 11, pos.getZ() + 9),(IBlockState) Blocks.STONEBRICK); return true; } } And here is the code I'm using to generate it: public class WorldGen implements IWorldGenerator { //public static List<Biome> SPAWN_BIOMES = Arrays.<Biome>asList(new Biome[] {Biomes.PLAINS, Biomes.DESERT, Biomes.SAVANNA, Biomes.TAIGA}); @Override public void generate(Random random, int chunkX, int chunkZ, World world, IChunkGenerator chunkGenerator, IChunkProvider chunkProvider) { } private void generateSurface(World world, Random random, int x, int z){ int posX = x + random.nextInt(16); int posY = 50 + random.nextInt(35); int posZ = z + random.nextInt(16); new Castle().generate(world, random, new BlockPos(posX,posY,posZ)); } } Its still not generating and I'm sure I did something wrong but I don't know what. Thanks!
  8. Hello! I have been making a minecraft mod and I got stuck when trying to figure out how to spawn structures. I think I have the code for the structure right but I cant figure out how to get it to spawn. Here is the code for my structure: package structure.gen; import java.util.Random; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.block.BlockPlanks; import net.minecraft.block.BlockTallGrass; import net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState; import net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing; import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos; import net.minecraft.init.Blocks; import net.minecraft.world.World; import net.minecraft.world.chunk.IChunkGenerator; import net.minecraft.world.chunk.IChunkProvider; import net.minecraft.world.gen.feature.WorldGenerator; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.IWorldGenerator; public class Castle extends WorldGenerator implements IWorldGenerator{ public Castle() { } public Castle(boolean b, int u, int i, int a, Boolean f){ super(b); } private void generate(World worldIn, BlockPos add, IBlockState withProperty) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public boolean generate(World worldIn, BlockPos bp, Block block) { //Change k, i, or j to offset the structure int k = 0; int i = 0; int j = 0; this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 0, k + 0), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 0, k + 1), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 0, k + 2), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 0, k + 3), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 0, k + 4), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 0, k + 5), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 0, k + 6), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 0, k + 7), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 0, k + 8), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 0, k + 9), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 0, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 0, k + 11), (IBlockState)Blocks.TALLGRASS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockTallGrass.TYPE, BlockTallGrass.EnumType.GRASS)); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 0, k + 12), (IBlockState)Blocks.TALLGRASS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockTallGrass.TYPE, BlockTallGrass.EnumType.GRASS)); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 0, k + 13), (IBlockState)Blocks.TALLGRASS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockTallGrass.TYPE, BlockTallGrass.EnumType.GRASS)); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 0, k + 14), (IBlockState)Blocks.TALLGRASS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockTallGrass.TYPE, BlockTallGrass.EnumType.GRASS)); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 0, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 1, k + 0), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 1, k + 1), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 1, k + 2), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 1, k + 3), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 1, k + 4), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 1, k + 5), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 1, k + 6), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 1, k + 7), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 1, k + 8), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 1, k + 9), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 1, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 1, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 1, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 1, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 1, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 1, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 2, k + 0), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 2, k + 1), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 2, k + 2), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 2, k + 3), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 2, k + 4), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 2, k + 5), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 2, k + 6), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 2, k + 7), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 2, k + 8), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 2, k + 9), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 2, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 2, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 2, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 2, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 2, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 2, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 3, k + 0), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 3, k + 1), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 3, k + 2), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 3, k + 3), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 3, k + 4), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 3, k + 5), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 3, k + 6), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 3, k + 7), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 3, k + 8), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 3, k + 9), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 3, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 3, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 3, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 3, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 3, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 3, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 4, k + 0), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 4, k + 1), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 4, k + 2), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 4, k + 3), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 4, k + 4), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 4, k + 5), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 4, k + 6), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 4, k + 7), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 4, k + 8), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 4, k + 9), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 4, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 4, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 4, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 4, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 4, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 4, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 5, k + 0), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 5, k + 1), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 5, k + 2), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 5, k + 3), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 5, k + 4), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 5, k + 5), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 5, k + 6), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 5, k + 7), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 5, k + 8), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 5, k + 9), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 5, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 5, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 5, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 5, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 5, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 5, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 6, k + 0), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 6, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 6, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 6, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 6, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 6, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 6, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 6, k + 7), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 6, k + 8), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 6, k + 9), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 6, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 6, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 6, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 6, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 6, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 6, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 7, k + 0), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 7, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 7, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 7, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 7, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 7, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 7, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 7, k + 7), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 7, k + 8), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 7, k + 9), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 7, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 7, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 7, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 7, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 7, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 7, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 8, k + 0), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 8, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 8, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 8, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 8, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 8, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 8, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 8, k + 7), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 8, k + 8), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 8, k + 9), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 8, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 8, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 8, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 8, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 8, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 8, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 9, k + 0), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 9, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 9, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 9, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 9, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 9, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 9, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 9, k + 7), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 9, k + 8), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 9, k + 9), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 9, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 9, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 9, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 9, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 9, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 9, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 10, k + 0), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 10, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 10, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 10, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 10, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 10, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 10, k + 6), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 10, k + 7), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 10, k + 8), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 10, k + 9), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 10, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 10, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 10, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 10, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 10, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 10, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 11, k + 0), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 11, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 11, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 11, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 11, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 11, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 11, k + 6), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 11, k + 7), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 11, k + 8), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 11, k + 9), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 11, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 11, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 11, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 11, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 11, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 0, j + 11, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 0, k + 0), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 0, k + 1), Blocks.CHEST); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 0, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 0, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 0, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 0, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 0, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 0, k + 7), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 0, k + 8), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 0, k + 9), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 0, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 0, k + 11), (IBlockState)Blocks.TALLGRASS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockTallGrass.TYPE, BlockTallGrass.EnumType.GRASS)); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 0, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 0, k + 13), (IBlockState)Blocks.TALLGRASS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockTallGrass.TYPE, BlockTallGrass.EnumType.GRASS)); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 0, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 0, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 1, k + 0), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 1, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 1, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 1, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 1, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 1, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 1, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 1, k + 7), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 1, k + 8), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 1, k + 9), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 1, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 1, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 1, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 1, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 1, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 1, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 2, k + 0), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 2, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 2, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 2, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 2, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 2, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 2, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 2, k + 7), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 2, k + 8), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 2, k + 9), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 2, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 2, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 2, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 2, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 2, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 2, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 3, k + 0), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 3, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 3, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 3, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 3, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 3, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 3, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 3, k + 7), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 3, k + 8), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 3, k + 9), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 3, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 3, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 3, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 3, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 3, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 3, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 4, k + 0), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 4, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 4, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 4, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 4, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 4, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 4, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 4, k + 7), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 4, k + 8), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 4, k + 9), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 4, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 4, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 4, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 4, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 4, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 4, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 5, k + 0), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 5, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 5, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 5, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 5, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 5, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 5, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 5, k + 7), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 5, k + 8), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 5, k + 9), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 5, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 5, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 5, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 5, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 5, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 5, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 6, k + 0), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 6, k + 1), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 6, k + 2), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 6, k + 3), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 6, k + 4), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 6, k + 5), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 6, k + 6), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 6, k + 7), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 6, k + 8), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 6, k + 9), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 6, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 6, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 6, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 6, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 6, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 6, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 7, k + 0), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 7, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 7, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 7, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 7, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 7, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 7, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 7, k + 7), Blocks.COBBLESTONE); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 7, k + 8), Blocks.COBBLESTONE); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 7, k + 9), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 7, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 7, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 7, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 7, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 7, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 7, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 8, k + 0), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 8, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 8, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 8, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 8, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 8, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 8, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 8, k + 7), Blocks.COBBLESTONE); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 8, k + 8), Blocks.COBBLESTONE); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 8, k + 9), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 8, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 8, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 8, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 8, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 8, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 8, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 9, k + 0), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 9, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 9, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 9, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 9, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 9, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 9, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 9, k + 7), Blocks.COBBLESTONE); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 9, k + 8), Blocks.COBBLESTONE); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 9, k + 9), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 9, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 9, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 9, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 9, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 9, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 9, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 10, k + 0), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 10, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 10, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 10, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 10, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 10, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 10, k + 6), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 10, k + 7), Blocks.NETHERRACK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 10, k + 8), Blocks.NETHERRACK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 10, k + 9), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 10, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 10, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 10, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 10, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 10, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 10, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 11, k + 0), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 11, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 11, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 11, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 11, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 11, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 11, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 11, k + 7), Blocks.FIRE); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 11, k + 8), Blocks.FIRE); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 11, k + 9), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 11, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 11, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 11, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 11, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 11, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 1, j + 11, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 0, k + 0), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 0, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 0, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 0, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 0, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 0, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 0, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 0, k + 7), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 0, k + 8), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 0, k + 9), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 0, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 0, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 0, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 0, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 0, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 0, k + 15), (IBlockState)Blocks.TALLGRASS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockTallGrass.TYPE, BlockTallGrass.EnumType.GRASS)); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 1, k + 0), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 1, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 1, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 1, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 1, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 1, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 1, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 1, k + 7), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 1, k + 8), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 1, k + 9), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 1, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 1, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 1, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 1, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 1, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 1, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 2, k + 0), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 2, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 2, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 2, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 2, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 2, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 2, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 2, k + 7), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 2, k + 8), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 2, k + 9), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 2, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 2, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 2, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 2, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 2, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 2, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 3, k + 0), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 3, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 3, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 3, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 3, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 3, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 3, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 3, k + 7), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 3, k + 8), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 3, k + 9), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 3, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 3, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 3, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 3, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 3, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 3, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 4, k + 0), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 4, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 4, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 4, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 4, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 4, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 4, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 4, k + 7), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 4, k + 8), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 4, k + 9), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 4, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 4, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 4, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 4, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 4, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 4, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 5, k + 0), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 5, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 5, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 5, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 5, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 5, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 5, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 5, k + 7), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 5, k + 8), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 5, k + 9), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 5, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 5, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 5, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 5, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 5, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 5, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 6, k + 0), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 6, k + 1), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 6, k + 2), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 6, k + 3), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 6, k + 4), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 6, k + 5), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 6, k + 6), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 6, k + 7), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 6, k + 8), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 6, k + 9), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 6, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 6, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 6, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 6, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 6, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 6, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 7, k + 0), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 7, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 7, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 7, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 7, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 7, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 7, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 7, k + 7), Blocks.COBBLESTONE); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 7, k + 8), Blocks.COBBLESTONE); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 7, k + 9), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 7, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 7, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 7, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 7, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 7, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 7, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 8, k + 0), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 8, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 8, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 8, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 8, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 8, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 8, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 8, k + 7), Blocks.COBBLESTONE); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 8, k + 8), Blocks.COBBLESTONE); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 8, k + 9), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 8, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 8, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 8, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 8, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 8, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 8, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 9, k + 0), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 9, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 9, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 9, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 9, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 9, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 9, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 9, k + 7), Blocks.COBBLESTONE); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 9, k + 8), Blocks.COBBLESTONE); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 9, k + 9), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 9, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 9, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 9, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 9, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 9, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 9, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 10, k + 0), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 10, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 10, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 10, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 10, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 10, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 10, k + 6), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 10, k + 7), Blocks.NETHERRACK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 10, k + 8), Blocks.NETHERRACK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 10, k + 9), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 10, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 10, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 10, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 10, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 10, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 10, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 11, k + 0), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 11, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 11, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 11, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 11, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 11, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 11, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 11, k + 7), Blocks.FIRE); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 11, k + 8), Blocks.FIRE); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 11, k + 9), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 11, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 11, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 11, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 11, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 11, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 2, j + 11, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 0, k + 0), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 0, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 0, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 0, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 0, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 0, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 0, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 0, k + 7), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 0, k + 8), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 0, k + 9), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 0, k + 10), (IBlockState)Blocks.PLANKS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockPlanks.VARIANT, BlockPlanks.EnumType.OAK)); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 0, k + 11), (IBlockState)Blocks.PLANKS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockPlanks.VARIANT, BlockPlanks.EnumType.OAK)); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 0, k + 12), (IBlockState)Blocks.PLANKS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockPlanks.VARIANT, BlockPlanks.EnumType.OAK)); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 0, k + 13), (IBlockState)Blocks.PLANKS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockPlanks.VARIANT, BlockPlanks.EnumType.OAK)); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 0, k + 14), (IBlockState)Blocks.PLANKS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockPlanks.VARIANT, BlockPlanks.EnumType.OAK)); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 0, k + 15), (IBlockState)Blocks.PLANKS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockPlanks.VARIANT, BlockPlanks.EnumType.OAK)); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 1, k + 0), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 1, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 1, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 1, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 1, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 1, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 1, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 1, k + 7), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 1, k + 8), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 1, k + 9), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 1, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 1, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 1, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 1, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 1, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 1, k + 15), Blocks.OAK_FENCE); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 2, k + 0), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 2, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 2, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 2, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 2, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 2, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 2, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 2, k + 7), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 2, k + 8), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 2, k + 9), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 2, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 2, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 2, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 2, k + 13), Blocks.OAK_FENCE); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 2, k + 14), Blocks.OAK_FENCE); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 2, k + 15), Blocks.OAK_FENCE); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 3, k + 0), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 3, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 3, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 3, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 3, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 3, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 3, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 3, k + 7), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 3, k + 8), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 3, k + 9), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 3, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 3, k + 11), Blocks.OAK_FENCE); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 3, k + 12), Blocks.OAK_FENCE); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 3, k + 13), Blocks.OAK_FENCE); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 3, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 3, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 4, k + 0), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 4, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 4, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 4, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 4, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 4, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 4, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 4, k + 7), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 4, k + 8), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 4, k + 9), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 4, k + 10), Blocks.OAK_FENCE); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 4, k + 11), Blocks.OAK_FENCE); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 4, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 4, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 4, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 4, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 5, k + 0), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 5, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 5, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 5, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 5, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 5, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 5, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 5, k + 7), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 5, k + 8), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 5, k + 9), Blocks.OAK_FENCE); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 5, k + 10), Blocks.OAK_FENCE); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 5, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 5, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 5, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 5, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 5, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 6, k + 0), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 6, k + 1), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 6, k + 2), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 6, k + 3), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 6, k + 4), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 6, k + 5), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 6, k + 6), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 6, k + 7), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 6, k + 8), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 6, k + 9), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 6, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 6, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 6, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 6, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 6, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 6, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 7, k + 0), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 7, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 7, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 7, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 7, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 7, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 7, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 7, k + 7), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 7, k + 8), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 7, k + 9), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 7, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 7, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 7, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 7, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 7, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 7, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 8, k + 0), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 8, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 8, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 8, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 8, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 8, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 8, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 8, k + 7), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 8, k + 8), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 8, k + 9), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 8, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 8, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 8, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 8, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 8, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 8, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 9, k + 0), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 9, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 9, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 9, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 9, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 9, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 9, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 9, k + 7), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 9, k + 8), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 9, k + 9), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 9, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 9, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 9, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 9, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 9, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 9, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 10, k + 0), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 10, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 10, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 10, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 10, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 10, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 10, k + 6), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 10, k + 7), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 10, k + 8), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 10, k + 9), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 10, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 10, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 10, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 10, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 10, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 10, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 11, k + 0), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 11, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 11, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 11, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 11, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 11, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 11, k + 6), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 11, k + 7), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 11, k + 8), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 11, k + 9), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 11, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 11, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 11, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 11, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 11, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 3, j + 11, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 0, k + 0), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 0, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 0, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 0, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 0, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 0, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 0, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 0, k + 7), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 0, k + 8), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 0, k + 9), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 0, k + 10), (IBlockState)Blocks.PLANKS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockPlanks.VARIANT, BlockPlanks.EnumType.OAK)); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 0, k + 11), (IBlockState)Blocks.PLANKS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockPlanks.VARIANT, BlockPlanks.EnumType.OAK)); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 0, k + 12), (IBlockState)Blocks.PLANKS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockPlanks.VARIANT, BlockPlanks.EnumType.OAK)); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 0, k + 13), (IBlockState)Blocks.PLANKS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockPlanks.VARIANT, BlockPlanks.EnumType.OAK)); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 0, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 0, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 1, k + 0), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 1, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 1, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 1, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 1, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 1, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 1, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 1, k + 7), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 1, k + 8), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 1, k + 9), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 1, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 1, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 1, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 1, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 1, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 1, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 2, k + 0), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 2, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 2, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 2, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 2, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 2, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 2, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 2, k + 7), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 2, k + 8), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 2, k + 9), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 2, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 2, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 2, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 2, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 2, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 2, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 3, k + 0), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 3, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 3, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 3, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 3, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 3, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 3, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 3, k + 7), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 3, k + 8), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 3, k + 9), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 3, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 3, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 3, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 3, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 3, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 3, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 4, k + 0), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 4, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 4, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 4, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 4, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 4, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 4, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 4, k + 7), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 4, k + 8), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 4, k + 9), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 4, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 4, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 4, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 4, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 4, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 4, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 5, k + 0), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 5, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 5, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 5, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 5, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 5, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 5, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 5, k + 7), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 5, k + 8), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 5, k + 9), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 5, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 5, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 5, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 5, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 5, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 5, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 6, k + 0), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 6, k + 1), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 6, k + 2), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 6, k + 3), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 6, k + 4), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 6, k + 5), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 6, k + 6), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 6, k + 7), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 6, k + 8), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 6, k + 9), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 6, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 6, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 6, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 6, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 6, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 6, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 7, k + 0), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 7, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 7, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 7, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 7, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 7, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 7, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 7, k + 7), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 7, k + 8), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 7, k + 9), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 7, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 7, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 7, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 7, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 7, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 7, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 8, k + 0), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 8, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 8, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 8, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 8, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 8, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 8, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 8, k + 7), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 8, k + 8), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 8, k + 9), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 8, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 8, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 8, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 8, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 8, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 8, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 9, k + 0), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 9, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 9, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 9, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 9, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 9, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 9, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 9, k + 7), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 9, k + 8), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 9, k + 9), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 9, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 9, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 9, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 9, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 9, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 9, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 10, k + 0), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 10, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 10, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 10, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 10, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 10, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 10, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 10, k + 7), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 10, k + 8), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 10, k + 9), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 10, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 10, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 10, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 10, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 10, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 10, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 11, k + 0), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 11, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 11, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 11, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 11, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 11, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 11, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 11, k + 7), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 11, k + 8), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 11, k + 9), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 11, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 11, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 11, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 11, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 11, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 4, j + 11, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 0, k + 0), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 0, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 0, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 0, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 0, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 0, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 0, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 0, k + 7), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 0, k + 8), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 0, k + 9), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 0, k + 10), (IBlockState)Blocks.PLANKS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockPlanks.VARIANT, BlockPlanks.EnumType.OAK)); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 0, k + 11), (IBlockState)Blocks.PLANKS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockPlanks.VARIANT, BlockPlanks.EnumType.OAK)); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 0, k + 12), (IBlockState)Blocks.PLANKS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockPlanks.VARIANT, BlockPlanks.EnumType.OAK)); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 0, k + 13), (IBlockState)Blocks.PLANKS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockPlanks.VARIANT, BlockPlanks.EnumType.OAK)); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 0, k + 14), (IBlockState)Blocks.PLANKS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockPlanks.VARIANT, BlockPlanks.EnumType.OAK)); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 0, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 1, k + 0), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 1, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 1, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 1, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 1, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 1, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 1, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 1, k + 7), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 1, k + 8), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 1, k + 9), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 1, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 1, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 1, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 1, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 1, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 1, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 2, k + 0), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 2, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 2, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 2, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 2, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 2, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 2, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 2, k + 7), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 2, k + 8), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 2, k + 9), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 2, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 2, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 2, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 2, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 2, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 2, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 3, k + 0), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 3, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 3, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 3, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 3, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 3, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 3, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 3, k + 7), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 3, k + 8), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 3, k + 9), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 3, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 3, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 3, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 3, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 3, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 3, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 4, k + 0), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 4, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 4, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 4, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 4, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 4, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 4, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 4, k + 7), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 4, k + 8), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 4, k + 9), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 4, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 4, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 4, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 4, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 4, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 4, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 5, k + 0), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 5, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 5, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 5, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 5, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 5, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 5, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 5, k + 7), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 5, k + 8), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 5, k + 9), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 5, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 5, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 5, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 5, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 5, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 5, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 6, k + 0), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 6, k + 1), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 6, k + 2), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 6, k + 3), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 6, k + 4), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 6, k + 5), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 6, k + 6), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 6, k + 7), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 6, k + 8), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 6, k + 9), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 6, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 6, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 6, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 6, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 6, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 6, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 7, k + 0), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 7, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 7, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 7, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 7, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 7, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 7, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 7, k + 7), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 7, k + 8), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 7, k + 9), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 7, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 7, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 7, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 7, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 7, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 7, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 8, k + 0), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 8, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 8, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 8, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 8, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 8, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 8, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 8, k + 7), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 8, k + 8), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 8, k + 9), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 8, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 8, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 8, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 8, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 8, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 8, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 9, k + 0), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 9, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 9, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 9, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 9, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 9, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 9, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 9, k + 7), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 9, k + 8), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 9, k + 9), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 9, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 9, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 9, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 9, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 9, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 9, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 10, k + 0), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 10, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 10, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 10, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 10, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 10, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 10, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 10, k + 7), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 10, k + 8), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 10, k + 9), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 10, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 10, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 10, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 10, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 10, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 10, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 11, k + 0), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 11, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 11, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 11, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 11, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 11, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 11, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 11, k + 7), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 11, k + 8), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 11, k + 9), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 11, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 11, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 11, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 11, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 11, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 5, j + 11, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 0, k + 0), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 0, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 0, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 0, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 0, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 0, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 0, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 0, k + 7), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 0, k + 8), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 0, k + 9), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 0, k + 10), (IBlockState)Blocks.PLANKS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockPlanks.VARIANT, BlockPlanks.EnumType.OAK)); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 0, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 0, k + 12), (IBlockState)Blocks.PLANKS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockPlanks.VARIANT, BlockPlanks.EnumType.OAK)); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 0, k + 13), (IBlockState)Blocks.PLANKS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockPlanks.VARIANT, BlockPlanks.EnumType.OAK)); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 0, k + 14), (IBlockState)Blocks.PLANKS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockPlanks.VARIANT, BlockPlanks.EnumType.OAK)); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 0, k + 15), (IBlockState)Blocks.PLANKS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockPlanks.VARIANT, BlockPlanks.EnumType.OAK)); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 1, k + 0), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 1, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 1, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 1, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 1, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 1, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 1, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 1, k + 7), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 1, k + 8), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 1, k + 9), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 1, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 1, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 1, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 1, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 1, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 1, k + 15), Blocks.OAK_FENCE); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 2, k + 0), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 2, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 2, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 2, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 2, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 2, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 2, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 2, k + 7), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 2, k + 8), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 2, k + 9), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 2, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 2, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 2, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 2, k + 13), Blocks.OAK_FENCE); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 2, k + 14), Blocks.OAK_FENCE); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 2, k + 15), Blocks.OAK_FENCE); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 3, k + 0), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 3, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 3, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 3, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 3, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 3, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 3, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 3, k + 7), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 3, k + 8), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 3, k + 9), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 3, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 3, k + 11), Blocks.OAK_FENCE); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 3, k + 12), Blocks.OAK_FENCE); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 3, k + 13), Blocks.OAK_FENCE); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 3, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 3, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 4, k + 0), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 4, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 4, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 4, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 4, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 4, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 4, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 4, k + 7), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 4, k + 8), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 4, k + 9), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 4, k + 10), Blocks.OAK_FENCE); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 4, k + 11), Blocks.OAK_FENCE); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 4, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 4, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 4, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 4, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 5, k + 0), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 5, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 5, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 5, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 5, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 5, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 5, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 5, k + 7), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 5, k + 8), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 5, k + 9), Blocks.OAK_FENCE); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 5, k + 10), Blocks.OAK_FENCE); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 5, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 5, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 5, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 5, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 5, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 6, k + 0), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 6, k + 1), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 6, k + 2), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 6, k + 3), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 6, k + 4), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 6, k + 5), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 6, k + 6), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 6, k + 7), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 6, k + 8), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 6, k + 9), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 6, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 6, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 6, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 6, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 6, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 6, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 7, k + 0), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 7, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 7, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 7, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 7, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 7, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 7, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 7, k + 7), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 7, k + 8), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 7, k + 9), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 7, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 7, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 7, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 7, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 7, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 7, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 8, k + 0), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 8, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 8, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 8, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 8, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 8, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 8, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 8, k + 7), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 8, k + 8), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 8, k + 9), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 8, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 8, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 8, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 8, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 8, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 8, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 9, k + 0), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 9, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 9, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 9, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 9, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 9, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 9, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 9, k + 7), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 9, k + 8), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 9, k + 9), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 9, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 9, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 9, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 9, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 9, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 9, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 10, k + 0), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 10, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 10, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 10, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 10, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 10, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 10, k + 6), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 10, k + 7), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 10, k + 8), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 10, k + 9), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 10, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 10, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 10, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 10, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 10, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 10, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 11, k + 0), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 11, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 11, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 11, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 11, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 11, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 11, k + 6), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 11, k + 7), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 11, k + 8), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 11, k + 9), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 11, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 11, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 11, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 11, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 11, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 6, j + 11, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 0, k + 0), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 0, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 0, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 0, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 0, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 0, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 0, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 0, k + 7), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 0, k + 8), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 0, k + 9), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 0, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 0, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 0, k + 12), (IBlockState)Blocks.TALLGRASS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockTallGrass.TYPE, BlockTallGrass.EnumType.GRASS)); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 0, k + 13), (IBlockState)Blocks.TALLGRASS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockTallGrass.TYPE, BlockTallGrass.EnumType.GRASS)); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 0, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 0, k + 15), (IBlockState)Blocks.TALLGRASS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockTallGrass.TYPE, BlockTallGrass.EnumType.GRASS)); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 1, k + 0), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 1, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 1, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 1, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 1, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 1, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 1, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 1, k + 7), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 1, k + 8), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 1, k + 9), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 1, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 1, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 1, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 1, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 1, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 1, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 2, k + 0), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 2, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 2, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 2, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 2, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 2, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 2, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 2, k + 7), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 2, k + 8), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 2, k + 9), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 2, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 2, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 2, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 2, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 2, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 2, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 3, k + 0), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 3, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 3, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 3, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 3, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 3, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 3, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 3, k + 7), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 3, k + 8), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 3, k + 9), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 3, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 3, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 3, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 3, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 3, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 3, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 4, k + 0), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 4, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 4, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 4, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 4, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 4, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 4, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 4, k + 7), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 4, k + 8), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 4, k + 9), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 4, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 4, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 4, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 4, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 4, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 4, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 5, k + 0), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 5, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 5, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 5, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 5, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 5, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 5, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 5, k + 7), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 5, k + 8), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 5, k + 9), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 5, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 5, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 5, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 5, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 5, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 5, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 6, k + 0), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 6, k + 1), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 6, k + 2), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 6, k + 3), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 6, k + 4), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 6, k + 5), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 6, k + 6), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 6, k + 7), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 6, k + 8), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 6, k + 9), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 6, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 6, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 6, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 6, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 6, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 6, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 7, k + 0), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 7, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 7, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 7, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 7, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 7, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 7, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 7, k + 7), Blocks.COBBLESTONE); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 7, k + 8), Blocks.COBBLESTONE); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 7, k + 9), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 7, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 7, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 7, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 7, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 7, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 7, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 8, k + 0), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 8, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 8, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 8, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 8, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 8, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 8, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 8, k + 7), Blocks.COBBLESTONE); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 8, k + 8), Blocks.COBBLESTONE); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 8, k + 9), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 8, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 8, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 8, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 8, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 8, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 8, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 9, k + 0), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 9, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 9, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 9, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 9, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 9, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 9, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 9, k + 7), Blocks.COBBLESTONE); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 9, k + 8), Blocks.COBBLESTONE); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 9, k + 9), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 9, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 9, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 9, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 9, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 9, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 9, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 10, k + 0), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 10, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 10, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 10, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 10, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 10, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 10, k + 6), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 10, k + 7), Blocks.NETHERRACK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 10, k + 8), Blocks.NETHERRACK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 10, k + 9), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 10, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 10, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 10, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 10, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 10, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 10, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 11, k + 0), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 11, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 11, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 11, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 11, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 11, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 11, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 11, k + 7), Blocks.FIRE); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 11, k + 8), Blocks.FIRE); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 11, k + 9), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 11, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 11, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 11, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 11, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 11, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 7, j + 11, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 0, k + 0), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 0, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 0, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 0, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 0, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 0, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 0, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 0, k + 7), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 0, k + 8), Blocks.CHEST); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 0, k + 9), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 0, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 0, k + 11), (IBlockState)Blocks.TALLGRASS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockTallGrass.TYPE, BlockTallGrass.EnumType.GRASS)); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 0, k + 12), (IBlockState)Blocks.TALLGRASS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockTallGrass.TYPE, BlockTallGrass.EnumType.GRASS)); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 0, k + 13), (IBlockState)Blocks.TALLGRASS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockTallGrass.TYPE, BlockTallGrass.EnumType.GRASS)); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 0, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 0, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 1, k + 0), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 1, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 1, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 1, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 1, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 1, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 1, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 1, k + 7), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 1, k + 8), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 1, k + 9), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 1, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 1, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 1, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 1, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 1, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 1, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 2, k + 0), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 2, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 2, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 2, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 2, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 2, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 2, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 2, k + 7), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 2, k + 8), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 2, k + 9), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 2, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 2, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 2, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 2, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 2, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 2, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 3, k + 0), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 3, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 3, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 3, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 3, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 3, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 3, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 3, k + 7), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 3, k + 8), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 3, k + 9), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 3, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 3, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 3, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 3, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 3, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 3, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 4, k + 0), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 4, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 4, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 4, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 4, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 4, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 4, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 4, k + 7), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 4, k + 8), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 4, k + 9), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 4, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 4, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 4, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 4, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 4, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 4, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 5, k + 0), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 5, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 5, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 5, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 5, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 5, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 5, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 5, k + 7), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 5, k + 8), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 5, k + 9), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 5, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 5, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 5, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 5, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 5, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 5, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 6, k + 0), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 6, k + 1), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 6, k + 2), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 6, k + 3), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 6, k + 4), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 6, k + 5), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 6, k + 6), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 6, k + 7), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 6, k + 8), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 6, k + 9), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 6, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 6, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 6, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 6, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 6, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 6, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 7, k + 0), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 7, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 7, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 7, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 7, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 7, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 7, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 7, k + 7), Blocks.COBBLESTONE); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 7, k + 8), Blocks.COBBLESTONE); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 7, k + 9), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 7, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 7, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 7, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 7, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 7, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 7, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 8, k + 0), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 8, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 8, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 8, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 8, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 8, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 8, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 8, k + 7), Blocks.COBBLESTONE); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 8, k + 8), Blocks.COBBLESTONE); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 8, k + 9), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 8, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 8, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 8, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 8, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 8, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 8, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 9, k + 0), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 9, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 9, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 9, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 9, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 9, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 9, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 9, k + 7), Blocks.COBBLESTONE); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 9, k + 8), Blocks.COBBLESTONE); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 9, k + 9), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 9, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 9, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 9, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 9, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 9, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 9, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 10, k + 0), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 10, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 10, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 10, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 10, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 10, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 10, k + 6), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 10, k + 7), Blocks.NETHERRACK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 10, k + 8), Blocks.NETHERRACK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 10, k + 9), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 10, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 10, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 10, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 10, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 10, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 10, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 11, k + 0), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 11, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 11, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 11, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 11, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 11, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 11, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 11, k + 7), Blocks.FIRE); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 11, k + 8), Blocks.FIRE); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 11, k + 9), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 11, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 11, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 11, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 11, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 11, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 8, j + 11, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 0, k + 0), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 0, k + 1), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 0, k + 2), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 0, k + 3), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 0, k + 4), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 0, k + 5), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 0, k + 6), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 0, k + 7), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 0, k + 8), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 0, k + 9), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 0, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 0, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 0, k + 12), (IBlockState)Blocks.TALLGRASS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockTallGrass.TYPE, BlockTallGrass.EnumType.GRASS)); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 0, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 0, k + 14), (IBlockState)Blocks.TALLGRASS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockTallGrass.TYPE, BlockTallGrass.EnumType.GRASS)); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 0, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 1, k + 0), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 1, k + 1), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 1, k + 2), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 1, k + 3), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 1, k + 4), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 1, k + 5), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 1, k + 6), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 1, k + 7), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 1, k + 8), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 1, k + 9), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 1, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 1, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 1, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 1, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 1, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 1, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 2, k + 0), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 2, k + 1), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 2, k + 2), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 2, k + 3), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 2, k + 4), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 2, k + 5), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 2, k + 6), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 2, k + 7), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 2, k + 8), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 2, k + 9), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 2, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 2, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 2, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 2, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 2, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 2, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 3, k + 0), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 3, k + 1), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 3, k + 2), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 3, k + 3), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 3, k + 4), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 3, k + 5), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 3, k + 6), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 3, k + 7), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 3, k + 8), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 3, k + 9), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 3, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 3, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 3, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 3, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 3, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 3, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 4, k + 0), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 4, k + 1), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 4, k + 2), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 4, k + 3), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 4, k + 4), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 4, k + 5), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 4, k + 6), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 4, k + 7), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 4, k + 8), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 4, k + 9), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 4, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 4, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 4, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 4, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 4, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 4, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 5, k + 0), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 5, k + 1), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 5, k + 2), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 5, k + 3), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 5, k + 4), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 5, k + 5), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 5, k + 6), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 5, k + 7), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 5, k + 8), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 5, k + 9), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 5, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 5, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 5, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 5, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 5, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 5, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 6, k + 0), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 6, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 6, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 6, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 6, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 6, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 6, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 6, k + 7), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 6, k + 8), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 6, k + 9), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 6, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 6, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 6, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 6, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 6, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 6, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 7, k + 0), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 7, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 7, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 7, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 7, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 7, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 7, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 7, k + 7), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 7, k + 8), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 7, k + 9), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 7, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 7, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 7, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 7, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 7, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 7, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 8, k + 0), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 8, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 8, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 8, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 8, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 8, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 8, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 8, k + 7), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 8, k + 8), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 8, k + 9), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 8, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 8, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 8, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 8, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 8, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 8, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 9, k + 0), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 9, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 9, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 9, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 9, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 9, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 9, k + 6), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 9, k + 7), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 9, k + 8), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 9, k + 9), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 9, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 9, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 9, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 9, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 9, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 9, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 10, k + 0), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 10, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 10, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 10, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 10, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 10, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 10, k + 6), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 10, k + 7), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 10, k + 8), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 10, k + 9), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 10, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 10, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 10, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 10, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 10, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 10, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 11, k + 0), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 11, k + 1), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 11, k + 2), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 11, k + 3), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 11, k + 4), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 11, k + 5), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 11, k + 6), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 11, k + 7), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 11, k + 8), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 11, k + 9), Blocks.STONEBRICK); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 11, k + 10), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 11, k + 11), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 11, k + 12), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 11, k + 13), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 11, k + 14), Blocks.AIR); this.generate(worldIn, bp.add(i + 9, j + 11, k + 15), Blocks.AIR); return true; } @Override public void generate(Random random, int chunkX, int chunkZ, World world, IChunkGenerator chunkGenerator,IChunkProvider chunkProvider) { } @Override public boolean generate(World worldIn, Random rand, BlockPos position) { return false; } } I don't know where to go from here. Any help is appreciated, Thanks!
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