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Everything posted by DaemonUmbra

  1. https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MCL-12570
  2. Try deleting C:\Users\Analise Howett\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\launcher_skins.json
  3. Your server took more than a minute for a single tick so it killed itself
  4. Please provide launcher_log.txt from your .minecraft folder
  5. I believe this is a vanilla bug caused by excessive entities of some type
  6. Did you follow every step of the tutorial? Did you restart your IDE/CMD after the setup steps?
  7. Please keep this forum in English. | LE | pentaintegration | 1.0 | pentadiscord_hard_abi.jar | None | This mod has a bug that prevents it from running on servers
  8. I think I've heard this mentioned a few times that for some reason when intellij attaches a new source for Forge it doesn't detach the old one, try doing this manually and refreshing the project.
  9. No I wanted a screenshot of your actual launcher. You do know the launcher isn't portable right? You can't just stick it on a flash drive and expect it to work.
  10. Please read the Logs section of my signature below and provide the appropriate log in the appropriate manner.
  11. https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MCL-12570
  12. What launcher are you using? Please provide a screenshot.
  13. Evidently the generatorSettings field in your server.properties is invalid
  14. This is not how mods work, if the mod only half downloaded it wouldn't work at all. This sounds like some things are disabled via config.
  15. Please provide screenshots of where it says that as well as the file in file explorer
  16. The filenames of one or more of your mods suggests you got them from a repost site. Please read up on the StopModReposts project (link in my signature) for info on why this is a bad thing.
  17. I mean instead of using "java" use "C:\Program Files\Java\bin\java.exe" or wherever the Java 8 java.exe is on your computer
  18. 1.7.10 is no longer supported on this forum due to its age. Please update to a modern version of Minecraft to receive support.
  19. Yeah your computer isn't using Java 8 to run Forge, you have three choices: You can uninstall all other versions of Java except for 8 (judging from what you said about needing Java for a class I don't think you'll be doing this) You can add the bin folder of the Java 8 installation to your PATH (Could work but if your class expects you to run Java utilities from the newer JDK this could pose an issue) You can specify the full path to the Java 8 java.exe instead of just invoking "java" and relying on your PATH
  20. Evidently you have an invalidly sized font or something, try removing faithful
  21. No, just run the installer
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